
534: That's Not All



As Corey's axe swung at the jagged, obsidian-like barb, an extremely loud sound resounded across the shell of the crab-like Goliathspawn.

Corey gritted his teeth as the edge of the blade of his axe made a loud screeching sound as it collided with the obsidian-like barb.


Corey groaned, and then he tried to deflect the barb to the side, however, the force was too much for him to handle and he lost his footing.


Corey cursed inwardly as he flew with his Genesis Armament in his left hand. Through the bird's eye view of his Eyes of Omniscience, he could see the jagged, obsidian barb which was attached to a tentacle approach him at a terrifying speed.

'I can't dodge it.'

Just as Corey was prepared to twist his body so as to suffer a non-lethal injury, a figure flashed in front of him, and at a speed he could barely see, the figure swung his right arm.