
482: What The Fuck?

The two steps that Corey took destroyed approximately thirty-five percent (35%) of the horde of wooden abominations.

The vibrations he sent out killed and destroyed ten percent (10%) of the horde, while the massive wall of Dreamfire he sent out killed and destroyed twenty-five percent (25%) of the horde of wooden abominations.

Although it seemed like killing a mere 35% was small, 35% of the horde in front of Corey were in the thousands, and it was an unbelievable feat for a Tier 2.

Not only did it show that Corey's proficiency with his skills was extremely high, it also showed just how massive Corey's energy reservoirs were for him to unleash just two skills that could kill thousands of wooden abominations that were comparable to Tier 1s, Tier 2s, Tier 3s, and even Tier 4s.

Sweat poured down Corey's forehead as he exhaled and inhaled deeply while holding his Genesis Armament.