
324: I'm Not A Fan Of Balls!

(A Few Minutes Prior)

In the heart of a desolate industrial district, where rusted factories loomed like ancient titans amidst the dimming light of dusk, a fierce battle erupted. The clang of metal against bone, the roar of flames colliding with darkness, and the hiss of a serpent's deadly dance reverberated through the abandoned streets.

The male with the power to control and summon bones, Fatty Black Bonez, stood firm, his eyes fixed on the flaming figure before him.

With a commanding gesture, he called forth an assemblage of bones, shaping them into a colossal pair of hands that seemed to materialize from the very essence of the earth itself. The bones creaked and groaned as they hovered in the air and clenched into fists, ready to pummel their fiery adversary.