
225: Fatty's Determination

Corey and his group members were now trapped between two massive forces of nature, each equally deadly in its own right. The tornado was a raging vortex of wind and sand with the potential to strip flesh from bone and reduce even the sturdiest of structures to rubble.

Meanwhile, the army of Hastur was a force of pure nightmares, a relentless horde of eldritch horrors that would tear them apart without a second thought.

Divine gritted his teeth, his mind racing as he weighed their options. They had to act fast, or they would be caught in the middle of two disasters.

He looked at the massive twister with a calculating glint in his eyes. The gears in his mind furiously spun as he thought of how they could survive the massive tornado.

Facing the army of Hastur the Unspeakable with their current strength was 1,000,000% out of the question for them. He would rather face an army of dragons and phoenixes than the army of Hastur the Unspeakable.