
150: Scream

'What a… weird set of classes.'

This was Corey's thought when he heard the classes of Divine and his group members.

Although he already knew Divine's class due to Record and he also planned on checking the classes of his group members, the classes of his… new group members were… weird?

"Your classes are… surprising. Especially yours Divine, can you tell me what it does?"

Corey decided to try and get information from Divine, himself about his class since his class was the most intriguing to him.

But when he finished speaking, Divine did not answer Corey's question, but instead, he waggled his finger while clicking his tongue.

"No, no, no kid. You can't be calling me Divine anymore, it's Captain Divine or Captain now. Come on call me Captain Divine or Captain."

With a small grin on his face, he spoke and Corey's lips twitched as the urge to punch Divine's face arose in Corey's heart.