

Telangana Andrea, a badass, carefree and highly complicated kind of a person, she's a very crazy girl, and also very mysterious. Age 25, She used to be bisexual until......... Passionate Douglas , a complete example of a good girl, well trained and nurtured, well cultured and a highly dignified lady. Age 23, life was going smoothly for her until she met Telangana known as Tela, who made her question her sexuality about being straight.

Skyler101starp · LGBT+
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11 Chs


Passionate was busy pacing back and forth in the sitting room.

gosh she just can't possibly believe that she's going to apologize to that faggot.

how frustrating and annoying, left for her she wouldn't have even dreamt of it, but the girls forced her, saying something about Telangana being sensitive about her family issue.

she glanced at the wall clock, it's almost ten in the morning, Tela should be back by now.

Passion looked round to make sure that she's done with everything possible, she has even prepared food for the girl.

she got tried of standing, then she took a sit at the dinner table staring at the plates of foods.

" she better eat you " passionate said to the food.

she waited for a while before glancing at the wall clock, the time was now few minutes pass eleven.

okay something is not right.

Tela is meant to be back before now, so what's wrong.

she moved to the sitting room, picked up her phone which was on the couch and made to call Victoria when the door cracked open and Tela walked in.

Her present in tbe house made Passion to be slightly nervous, now she just doesn't know where to begin.

Tela sighted the girl staring at her, she tried to walk pass her and pretend not to see the girl.

" you're late " passionate pointed out.

" why are you late ?"

Tela stopped walking, okay something is not right, why is the girl suddenly questioning her, but what's strange enough was the fact that Tela found it right to answer her.

" I was hanging out with my friends " Tela answered.

Passion glanced at her, maybe she can change the girl, maybe the reason why she's this way is because she doesn't have anyone to train her.

" are you hungry ?"

Tela stare at her suspiciously.

" maybe.." she answered.

" I cooked for you " passion said, pointing towards the direction of the dining.

Tela stare at the food before she returned her gaze back to passion.

" and why did you cook for me ?" Tela asked, deep down Inside she was jumping in excitement, the word I cooked for you was meaning something else to her.

" if you're not eating then let me know "

" no i will eat "

both walked over to the dining table , Tela took her sit while Passion sat down opposite her.

gently Tela began to eat the food of rice and Stew with chicken drumsticks.

okay someone took her time in preparing the meal.

" it's nice"

Tela said, she took out some for passion who rejected it, but Tela has always been a girl who doesn't take no for an answer, thus passion ended up eating with her.

After eating, both cleaned the table, wash the dishes, before Tela tried going up to her room.

" why are you bisexual ?" passionate 's question made Tela to stop walking, she turned to look at her.

" what did you just say ?"

" why are you bisexual ?"

" because beautiful girls like you exist " Tela answered.

passion shook her head to in disagreement.

" is there anywhere for you not to be bisexual, maybe go to a church for some prayer by a powerful man of God then you will be free from the spirit of homosexuality "

Tela stare at the girl.

gosh what a crazy homophobic kind of a person she is.

" I believe so " Tela said and walk upstairs.

people just don't get it, she didn't just wake up one morning to be this way, this is who she is, some people normally tell her that it's just a phases which she will get over with age, but she's twenty five yet nothing has changed about her.

she's still the same.

Passion watched her go up to her room, she began to pity the girl, the devil has gotten into her, she just hope and pray for the safety of her soul.

" I pray for you " passion said before she walked away.


evening came, it was time for Tela to go out as usual, she was completely dressed and was ready to leave, she opened her door to notice passion standing right in front of her door.

" what do you want ?" Tela asked.

" you have to come back on time, I don't care if it's by one Am or two, just don't sleep outside " Passion said in an authorized tune.

Tela was stunned, when did all this start.

how can someone tell her what to do ?

she just doesn't understand it, she wanted to tell Passion that she can't but then she didn't even know how to say it.

what happened to her speech ?

gently she nod her head.

seeing that she has nod her head, Passion walked, leaving Tela to wonder what just happened.

Tala glanced at her wrist watch to notice that tbe time was eleven minutes pass eight.

okay maybe she can still come back before one in the morning.

which means no hook up for her this night.

yeah she's the type of person that sleeps around with both men and women, maybe that's why she's bisexual.

no one has ever captured her heart before, but this straight girl just did it without even trying and annoyingly, the girl is also homophobic.

yeah , what a messed up life that she has.