

Telangana Andrea, a badass, carefree and highly complicated kind of a person, she's a very crazy girl, and also very mysterious. Age 25, She used to be bisexual until......... Passionate Douglas , a complete example of a good girl, well trained and nurtured, well cultured and a highly dignified lady. Age 23, life was going smoothly for her until she met Telangana known as Tela, who made her question her sexuality about being straight.

Skyler101starp · LGBT+
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11 Chs


" why are you smiling ? what did I say that's funny ?" Passion asked,

" nothing " Tela replied slipping her tea, but within her the girl was thinking about how to make Passion fall for her, there was no way she will be making all the money while her woman is suffering, maybe one day she will reward Victoria and Benita for bringing Passion into her life.

" what do you enjoy doing ?" Passion asked staring at a smiling Tela.

" smoking, drinking, clubbing, f*cking....well as long as it's something bad then I don't mind " Tela answered, Passion was frozen, what kind of a girl is this, she's way too straight forward.I

" do you go to church ?"

" once or twice in a year " Passion choked on her drink.

" what ??"

" are you alright ?" Tela asked with worry clearly written all over her, but Passion was less worried.

" that means you don't go to church at all "

Tela shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

" it's always boring going to church, they only condemn people for no just cause " Tela replied, she took another slip of her tea.

there was a thunderstorm outside which was frightening.

" that's not true " Passion protested.

Tela noticed how she was almost shaking, it was clear that she was catching cold.

" you should wear something covering " Tela suggested,

Passion nod her head knowing but before she could rise her head up Tela was already out of the kitchen, she walked to the sitting room where she picked up the jacket which she toss on the couch earlier, before walking back to the kitchen.

Passion was still glaring at the direction of the entrance when Tela came in with the jacket, she moved over to the other end of the counter where Passion was and helped her with the jacket.

" thank you " Passion said, the sweet fragrance of the jacket hit her nose, the jacket smells like Tela, a strange scent that she has come to like.

" you're mostly welcome " Tela replied, she drank the last slip of her tea and drop the cup on the counter.

" how about you ? what do you like doing ?" Tela asked.

" well I love singing, dancing and cooking, I enjoy going out with friends even though am not allowed to " Tela could make out the sadness in her tune.

" why not ?" Tela asked immediately Passion drop her empty cup in the sink, she rised hers and Telas' without realising it.

" well.....I don't have the money to spend on fun " Passion chuckled nervously.

She missed the unhappy expression Tela had on her since she was facing the other side.

" well you don't have to worry, i make sure you have lot of fun " Tela said.

another roaring of the thunderstorm which was accompanied by lightning made Tela took at her wrist Watch, it was few minutes to three in the morning, left for Tela alone she would have preferred staying up all night just talking to Passion but then she remembered that the girl need to sleep.

" you should go to bed it almost three in the morning " Tela suggested, Passion was amazed.

" really? I can't believe we talked for more than two hours ! " she exclaimed, Tela just smiled if only she knew what that talk meant to her, she won't be making a fussy about it.

" good night girl " Tela said.

" good morning Telangana " Passion said smiling, Tela returned back the smile, of course it's already morning so they should be greeting good morning.

She watched as Passion drag herself towards the sitting room where she took the stairs, not wanting to miss her much Tela followed her, when they got in front of Passion's room which was the third room, Passion tried to give Tela back her jacket.

" no keep it " Tela said rejecting the jacket.

" are you sure ?"

" very sure " Tela smiled at her, she Watched as Passion opened her door and walk in.

shoving her hands into her pocket, she inhaled deeply and with a smiley face began to walk towards her room which was the last room, she entered the room.

Immediately someone came out from her room, she stood close to her door, with anger written all over her, she looked from the direction of Passion's room to that of Tela, before hissing in anger.

After staring, she walked into her room slamming the door behind her.

it was obvious that Passion's presence in the house made everyone to change their room, thus Benita's room was in between Passion and Tela's room.


Inside her room, Passion fell on the bed, she hugged the jacket really tight as she sniffed it, inhaling the sweet fragrance, a smile appeared on her face.

hell, why is she smiling?

what happened to stay away from Tela?

what happened to her homophobic nature ?

she tossed on the bed, feeling weird about herself.

gosh what is wrong with her tonight, not that Tela was flirting with her, they just talked then why this crazy feeling.

The thunderstorm outside made her curl herself up with the jacket.


facing the ceiling while lying on the bed, Tela bit down on her lower lip, a smile found it way to her lips, it was a shy smile, she tossed on n the bed feeling cold and a weird sensation round her body, she reached for her waistline, pulled her jeans out slowly, it was fascinating as she did so, the cold weather was doing unnecessary things to her coupled with the fact that all day the only thing on her mind was the thought of getting it down with Passion.

she inhaled deeply, as she felt her vagina, she was definitely not going to give up on Passion no Matter what.





