

Telangana Andrea, a badass, carefree and highly complicated kind of a person, she's a very crazy girl, and also very mysterious. Age 25, She used to be bisexual until......... Passionate Douglas , a complete example of a good girl, well trained and nurtured, well cultured and a highly dignified lady. Age 23, life was going smoothly for her until she met Telangana known as Tela, who made her question her sexuality about being straight.

Skyler101starp · LGBT+
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11 Chs


Tela sat down at a dark corner away from everyone as she drink her children cocktail and gaze at the strippers on the pole, her mind was heavily preoccupied by the events of today between her and Passion, strange enough, ever since she met that girl, nothing again has been making sense in her life, normally by now she should be smooching with a girl in one of the hotel rooms or possibly fucking her brains out but here she is, comfortably happy with just thinking about a complete homophobic straight girl.

what a life.

her thoughts were interrupted when one of the girls who was putting on Just a g string pant without bra walked up to her.

" hello Tela " the girl said, she made herself comfortable on Telangana's lap.

" you look lost ..... tell me... what's the matter ?" she said rubbing her naked breasts close to Tela face, excepting Tela to suck on it as usual, but Tela faced the other side, she causal slip her cocktail.

" you don't look angry, which makes me wonder why you're like this " the girl said.

Tela choose to ignore her,she then check her wrist Watch to behold twelve fifteen.

what the f ck !!

hurrying, she made the girl to get down from her lap, with one more slip of her cocktail, she ran out of the clubhouse, it wasn't easy though pushing through the fully packed clubhouse but she did it anyway.

Outside she hop unto her Black bike and rode away.

ridding through the empty city, Tela had a straight face, she has never left the club for no reason, the cold evening wind hit her really hard, it was clear that it's going to rain really soon, she just hope the rain hold on until she gets home.

she finally got to the gate of their home, she opened the gate and drove in, she enlightened from her bike after parking it in a safe place where she was sure that the rain wouldn't touch it before she walk over to the door, she pulled the door but it was locked, immediately the rain began to pour down.


Tela caused in her head, so the rain actually waited for her to get home, now who said God doesn't answer her prayers.

she knocked in the door a couple of times but no response, she took out her phone , Dial Victoria's number, the phone rang countless times but no one picked up, she even tried Cecelia but it was the same thing, she could have called Passion but then she remembered that she didn't have the girl number.

well she will get it either by crock or hook.

being left with no other option, she dial Benita's number, she picked up immediately, Tela placed the phone close to her ear.

" hello Tela ?" the female voice asked.

Tela was about to replied when the door open, she was surprised to see who it was, the phone on her ear became stiff as she stare at the beautiful creature before her.

" hello....." the voice called out to her.

" yes.." Tela mindlessly replied not taking her eyes off the girl before her.

" you called me Tela...do you need anything ?"the voice asked.

without knowing it Tela shove the phone Into her jeans pocket.

" hello... hello.... Tela? are you there?.... hello " the voice went on until it finally died down.

Tela stare at Passion from head to toe completely ignorant of the rain which was pouring merclessly behind her, this homophobic straight girl was driving her insane ever single day that passes by.

Right now she's putting on a baby pink night gown, her nipples were very pointy calling out for Tela, she was sure the girl had nothing beneath and the thought of knowing that made Tela wet.

Tela swollowed really hard.

" you came back ?" Passion asked puzzled, he never expected the girl to listen to her.

" of course I did " Tela replied, she held the hem of her jacket really tight due to the cold wind.

" come in " Passion said opening the door wide , Tela carefully walked into the house but her hand accidentally brushed against Passion's breast as she felt her soft nipple, Tela was mentally going insane, this feeling is just overwhelming.

Passion on her own gulp with just that physical contact.

" why are you still awake ?" Tela asked she wanted to know the reason why she was still awake by this time.

" I couldn't sleep, so i came down to get myself a cup of water before I had knocks on the door, I never knew it was you " Passion explained, all the while Tela never took her eyes off her.

" the weather is cold, you should get hot tea instead " Tela suggested, she took off her jacket and toss it on the couch,

" you're right " Passion nervously walked towards the kitchen, Tela didn't even know why she followed her but she did anyway.

in the kitchen Passion switch on the electric kettle after filling it with water, she turned to notice Tela resting her elbow on the kitchen counter.

" what are you doing here ?"

" keeping you company " Passion was about to protect when Tela asked her a question.

" so Passionate, what's your Surname ?"

" Lewisburg " she answered.

" what about your family, you're obviously aware that mine is dead and gone " Tela said casually.

" mine is still alive " Passion said, the electric kettle made a noise, she turned towards it and heaven her back side was a view.

" my mum is just a petty trader , while my Dad is a Local mechanic, my elder brother is also learning the work " Passion explain as she pour some hot water into two cups before she reached for the drawer up, she had to stand on her toe to get it but her hand couldn't reach it, her night gown was going up thereby exposing her fresh laps, Tela gulp before she reached and help Passion with it since she was taller.

" thank you " Passion said and began to mix the tea.

" how did you met Victoria ?" Tela asked not understanding how a low life girl could hang out with the hottest celebrities in the country.

" one day, i went to give my father and elder brother food at their work shop when i met Victoria, she actually came to fix her car alongside Benita, I met them, we talked and from that day onwards we become friends " Passion said, she blew the hot air away from her tea before taking a slip.

Telangana stare at her and smiled, the smile that didn't go unnoticed by Passion.