
School Love

A guy named Fernandez was living in Sydney, Australia. He is having two good friends namely carlos and pedro. They always help him if he was in trouble. He only spoke to them. At the end of the school career they think about having a girl to love. Fernandez was not interested in love. Carlos and Pedro find a girl and they began to love her. This seems Fernandez alone.Fernandez find it difficult to go to school. Both friends are having busy with their lovers and Fernandez is not having anyone to talk. Oneday Fernandez was going to school he saw a poor boy with hunger. Fernandez give the whole money he is having and ask about her name he said chris. This has been seen by a rich girl, Jenny. She is having impressed by Fernandez humanity. After that she has been watching him(Fernandez)day by day. She finds it he is having no friends. After that she has started to talk with Fernandez but He is scared and move fast without listening to her. This has been seen by Carlos and Pedro. They both move towards Jenny and ask about it. But she refuses and move backwards. After that Carlos and Pedro are watching her (Jenny)and his desire to Fernandez. During the interval when she is watching Fernandez. Carlos and pedro standback and ask Hello, are you interested him. She smiled and move fastly from that place. This has been said to Fernandez but he is not interested in love. Next day when he was coming to school he saw that poor boy(chris) is coming to school. She move fastly and ask about everything. Chris said the girl named jenny has done all this. After this incident Fernandez is slowly looking into jenny during interval time. This has been caught by his two friends and ask about it. He said i don't know how to propose her. Will she reject me. on the next day Fernandez wrote a love letter to jenny. And ask carlos and pedro to give it to jenny.During the interval Jenny has came to see Fernandez and take him to library and ask did you love me. Fernandez scared to answer. Jenny onceagain ask did you love me. Fernandez not know what to answer. Jenny said ok bye. When Jenny is going Fernandez said I Love you. Jenny suddenly came to fernandez and ask what you say. Fernandez said I Love you. Jenny also said I Love you Too