
Sin Of Eternity

[mature content] His grip on her chin loosened. She felt disappointed about losing the contact. But the disappointment soon turned into surprise when he gripped the back of her neck and leaned into her, pressing his cold lips to her warm ones. Bliss. She didn't know the meaning of true bliss till she felt his icy lips caressing hers. He trapped her bottom lip between his teeth and started sucking it gently. The force of it made her already healed wound reopen and her warm blood started flowing inside his mouth once again. She could feel the metallic taste of it mixed with his sweet kiss. A low moan escaped the back of her throat as he sucked a bit harder trying to get more blood out of the wound. "Do you know the meaning of your name in our language?" he said, stopping his onslaught and starring into her eyes. "You... You mean Rachael?" she returned the look, captivated at how his blue eyes pierced through her soul, searching for the darkness within her. "Yes, Reginà Màe..." his melodious voice swept away the last bit of sorrow that lingered within her tortured heart. "It means... God's blood is the sweetest nectar." ****** To pay the price for a crime she never committed, Rachael Morrison was chained to a ship and was left for a watery grave at the gruesome hands of the sea that claimed its victims alive. However, what was meant to kill her dragged her down into its depth ... Into a new world that was far below the surface of the world she knew. She was taken.... and Dragged down towards him just like a moth to a flame... He was the blaring contradiction of Sin. A man who was chained beneath the abyssal bottom of the ocean for centuries. He was frozen for years. His stone-cold reputation has been forgotten through the ravages of time. That was not until she came stumbling into his den... And with one reckless action, she unknowingly set him free from his eternal prison... and everything was let loose... ******** Tags: #Romance, #smut, #merman, #vampire, #dark, #gothic

Celestial_prince · Fantasía
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56 Chs

The Hidden Clue

The first rays of dawn seeped through the parted curtains, casting a delicate glow on Rachael's face.

As she stirred from her deep slumber, she became aware of a dull ache pulsating through her head, throbbing with each beat of her heart. Confusion knitted her bow together as she tried to piece together the fragments of her memory from the previous night.

Beside her, standing tall and vigilant, was no other person but Malachi. His imposing figure loomed like a steadfast sentinel, offering an anchor of stability in the midst of her disorientation. Upon her wake, he leaned forward, concern etched into his furrowed brow.

"Milady, you have awakened," he said in a gentle, gravelly voice. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

Rachael winced again, her fingers pressing against her temples as if to ward off the throbbing ache. She strained her mind, desperately searching for the elusive fragments of memory that danced at the edge of her consciousness.

"I… I can't recall," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "My head hurts, and it feels like everything is slipping away."

Malachi's eyes softened, his rugged features reflecting both sympathy and determination. He took a step closer, his presence a comforting shield against her growing unease.

"Fear not, milady,' he reassured her, his voice a steady anchor in the tempest of her confusion. "I shall recount the events of last night and maybe you might remember something."

Rachael nodded, her eyes fixated on Malachi, willing herself to remember as he began to unfold the tale.

"Someone tried to harm you, but Icarus saved you. After he dealt with the merman who wanted you dead last night, he found your wounded body lying unconscious on the floor. But don't worry, Icarus took care of everything," he explained, his voice steady.

Rachael gasped in shock as memories of how she barely escaped the murderous clutches of the merman invaded her mind. If not for her will and determination to fight and stay alive, she would have been dead long before Icarus found her body.

Her train of thought was interrupted by Malachi's velvety voice. "Milady, sorry for asking this question. Will you mind telling me what you were doing around the dark hallway of the palace, despite our consistent warning about the dangers of walking carelessly alone around our world?"

Silence lingered within the atmosphere, settling on the tips of her bones for some minutes. She remembered sneaking out of the dancing floor to meet Felix privately. But along the way, an unknown merman attacked her.

"No. I can't remember," she lied. "I only went to ease myself and then I was attacked." Her face fell. Rachael was a bit disturbed about telling him about her secret meeting with Felix. He was her only chance at getting some answers to her questions. And exposing the agreement between them would only prolong her chance of getting any answers.

Malachi studied her expression for a minute, looking unconvinced by her answers. "Please don't go anywhere without my close attention. I will not want anything bad to happen to you, my lady," his voice was laced with a hint of concern.

"Rest assured, I won't. Not after the incident that happened yesterday. And also, I want to thank you for looking out for me," Rachael smiled at him.

Malachi's eyes widened in excitement, surprised at her sudden compliment. "It's my duty to protect you. There's nothing there to thank me about," he said.

Rachael hesitated for a moment before asking, " What about Felix?"

Stunned by her sudden question, Malachi walked closer to where she lay, confusion and curiosity evident in his eyes." And what about him? Anything you wish to tell me, my lady?"

Afraid of breaking out the truth to him, she carefully selected her words before voicing them out: "No. I… I was just asking because he seemed to rush out of the room after our dance."

"OH… I see. Maybe he went to attend to urgent matters, as he's always busy all the time. He barely shows up in social gatherings and I'm a bit surprised he attended this one. Although there was a time he went into three years of solitude." Malachi explained.

"Three years of solitude? I don't understand what you're trying to imply." her brow furrowed in confusion.

Malachi looked around the room as if he was checking if someone else was with them before whispering to her, "I don't know his reasons, but from the information I got, I heard something terrible happened to him. Maybe a sickness or something far greater than that. But I'm sure that a terrible fate befell him and he went into hiding for three years. Only to show up some weeks after Icarus returned from years of thinking he was lost."

Something was definitely not adding up, and they both knew it. How could he appear the moment Icarus made his existence evident right after she freed him from his captivity?

"We're already keeping a close eye on him. His appearance only means that something drew him out of his hole. I'm not sure about the exact thing, but I know it's not out of the ordinary. Just be extra careful, my lady. So many things have happened since your arrival here, and many more will happen in the future." Malachi's face stared at the window with uncertainty laced in his features.

Adjusting her position on the bed, she said, "I guess I have to tread with caution. Since my fate is already hanging on a balance."

Breaking his gaze from the window, Malachi looked back at her, his face still set in its usual neutral expression. But this time, a little more… skeptical. "You have to be careful more often, milady."

A hint of genuine concern for her well-being was hidden deep within the coldness behind his tone.

Rachael smiled reassuringly, giving him the impression she was pleased with how he cared so much about her safety, as well as the fact he worried for her so much.

"What about Icarus? Where's he?" Rachael asked him, trying to hide any sign of worry or anxiety in her voice. It has been long since she and Malachi have been discussing, yet his absence had done nothing rather than to leave an awful hollow inside her that she didn't know how to fill.

Malachi stared blankly at the painted murals on the wall. His eyes went unfocused for a few seconds before coming back into focus as if he was searching for something. "The lord has gone to find those who are behind last night's incident. He left here after treating your wounds and asked me to stand guard while he went fishing out the perpetrators."

"How will he fish them out? Does he have a clue or something about those who wanted me dead last night?" Rachael's voice shook with the effort not to show how worried she was.

Malachi flashed a wry smile at her, which only increased her unease. "Yes, milady, he does have a clue. And he's about to find out who wanted you dead."