
Simply Red

This book is about Red. That is all you need to know.

JDS_ST · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Red at the End

This book is for the ones who read until the end.

You've made it to the end. The end of this book, story, guide, whatever you may call it. However, this is not the end of Red. Red doesn't die. On the contrary, Red lives, no, Red lives on forever. Red dances. Red laughs. Red cheers. Red joys. Red elates. Red fights. Furthermore, Red cries. Red faints. Red agonizes. Red grieves. But the beauty that is known as Red never dies.

Navigate your brain, go back to the beginning of whatever you call this. I told you that the facts will tell you useless information that you will forget in approximately 30.47 seconds. Every fact that I've told you today, you have already forgotten. However, I told you the opinions will stick in your brain. The funny part, at least for me, maybe not for you is that I told you opinions that you don't remember. So did I lie about opinions sticking in your brain? No. I told you opinions in a way that made them seem like facts. You read them, you saw them as facts, you forgot.

If you didn't forget, then I congratulate you. However, It pains me to tell you are reading the wrong book. As if you were to remember the facts, you are not an ordinary person...go to the beginning of this if you don't understand.

Before I leave you, I want to ask you a question: why do you read? My guess is to get some sort of enjoyment. Some sort of story. Perhaps some type of knowledge. I can't say, only assume. I will tell you this time it is different. You did not remember the facts. You did not learn anything. All I did was waste your time. Now that is done, go and get those minutes back. Go run. Go walk. Go eat. Go live. Lastly, remember to be aware of Red. Red is a color. Red is a feeling. Red is a sight to marvel at. Red is love. Red is passion. Red is a taste. Red is just a name.