

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantasía
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30 Chs


Hunter gave him a handful of his hunter arrows, "The heads are bigger so the range is shorter as the crossed blades of the arrowhead cause more damage."

Eldar nodded and watched how he tied off the deer. Then Eldar grabbed the head and helped to guide it out. Once on the road, they went over what the cook wanted to keep and what he wanted us to get rid of, and what Hunter wanted to keep for other reasons.

They field-dressed the deer and worked the same process. Hunting did not go as well for the rest of the day. Hunter and Eldar were out gathering firewood together when they spotted a big buck with a doe. Hunter signals Eldar to aim at the doe which was slightly in front of the buck.

While Hunter went for the kill on the buck. Hunter releases about a second before Eldar did and that arrow caused the doe to turn in toward Eldar's shot. Eldar's shot grazed the doe and sunk into the jumping buck which dropped.

They walked out to the buck as the doe shot off into the thick underbrush before they could get a clear shot at her again. Hunter put another arrow into the buck but it didn't move. His shot was a bit far forward but got both lungs, while Eldar's ricochet shot bounced between two ribs, hit one lung and the heart.

Eldar looked at Hunter, "Better lucky than good?"

Hunter chuckled, "You could not repeat that shot if you tried!"

Still, Hunter was impressed and shook his head while they both laughed about it. They headed back toward camp with the firewood and got a couple of guards to bring their horses closer and hauled the deer in. Older deer as Eldar counted fifteen points on the rack.

They got it back to camp and worked on dinner; which now gave them enough food for a morning meal again. Hunter warned Eldar, "Game, especially big game, can become scarce the further out we go. Make sure you have some dry rations."

Eldar snickered back "I have almost 3-weeks of dry rations in my pack. It had been over 45 years since I had gone on a hunt. I packed appropriately to be safe."

Sure enough, hunting was non-existent on day 3 and day 4. Then came the midnight shift. Night shift on the 3-day Eldar caught sight of some activity. As the little married couple started to roll around in the blankets.

They had a silence spell going but in the next instant, he had his wife up on all fours grabbing her pert tits and starts pounding into her from behind. That went on for another 10-minutes before they both collapsed. Then they pulled the blanket over each other. On the other side of the camp, Eagle-eye and Fireball seemed to have fun.

By the light of the moons, he saw Fireball was on his knees and moaned while Eagle-eye pulled on his cock and aimed it at her face. When Fireball finally exploded, Eagle-eye looked over at Eldar as she rubbed into her face. She whispered, "It is good for the skin." Then she licked her fingers and gave them both a wink.

Eldar commented to Charlie, "At least someone is getting laid around here."

She just giggled, "We...we are supposed to be on guard for suspicious activity, not sexual activity."

While she continued to laugh softly. Day 5 the hunting was just as bad and things remained uneventful until the midnight shift. Both Charlie and Eldar heard the rustling in the brush coming straight in from the woods. It picked up speed as they got to their feet. Charlie moved back toward the camp slightly.

Eldar had moved from the tree as the grizzly lunged. He swung a big paw at Eldar and raked his left arm. He tore into his blue shirt. His armor protected him from the scratches but he came damn close to breaking that arm. Eldar circled the tree.

On the other side away from Charlie while he drew his sword and activated the hellfire. Now the bear was focused on him as Eldar threatened it with fire. While he also turned it sideways to the camp. This had roused the camp into action.

Charlie backed around to get behind the bear to flank it. The bear had reach, strength, power, speed, and terrain on Eldar and he knew it. His best chance of survival lay with the people in the camp with bows. The bear raked him across the right side of his face this time but missed his eye. Eldar backed up further as he heard crossbows getting loaded from the guards.

The first arrows struck the bear in the side. The next moment was a bit of a blur for Eldar. The bear's mouth came at him. Eldar blocked it with his right arm but the bear took Eldar to the ground. Eldar thrust his sword into the bear during the fall as another round of arrows with some crossbow bolts flew into the side of the bear.

It collapsed on top of him. Charlie was the first on the scene. She worked to get the bear off of him but needed a lot of help. Meanwhile, Eldar's sword still burned through the bear. Hunter skipped his extra shot and it was a mad rush to roll the bear.

Eldar woke up in the back of Charlie's wagon. Doc had been setting bones and was now casting some healing spells into him. Doc looked at Eldar, "I can get most of your injuries, but you are still going to be sore for a couple of days and probably have a few scars for now."

That is when Eldar looked down and found that he had been stripped of his clothes. Charlie and Doc looked over him.

Charlie ordered Eldar, "Get some rest as the camp will not be moving tomorrow. We are taking the time to cook and smoke the bear with the 400lbs of meat that fell on you! WHAT were you thinking by grabbing the bear's aggravation? I do appreciate you keeping it distracted. The bear did not swipe at me as I stabbed it in the ass with my rapiers. It was also the foolhardiest thing you have done on this trip."

Eldar looked up at Charlie, "Rule number two. Travel with companions who have complementary skills. I turned it to the side to give the archers the best angle for the kill shot. I took one for the group; well several actually."


She thought about it and sighed internally as she thought, "He worked to save the group and give them the best shot of taking it down. He acted like a Blade Singer would act. He has only known us for days and put his trust in us to keep him alive.

It was brave and not foolish. I just had to view it from a Blade Singer's point of view. That bear would have come after her if he had not threatened it with fire and redirected the attack so she could flank and be out of the archers' line of sight."


He smiled at her and fell asleep before she could respond. He woke up several hours later still naked but now had a patched-up bearskin blanket over him...it really needed to be washed.

His pack was not in the wagon. He heard Hunter approach, "I tracked back to that bear's lair and found a few things laying around. Nothing magical but thought you would like first pick from what we found."

He presented a finely crafted dagger, several small pieces of jewelry including some rings, pendants, and one thing that caught Eldar's eye. Included in the jewelry was a pendant with a double crescent moon and a blue sapphire that was magically altered or very skillfully crafted. The sapphire was in between the moons and cut in a crescent shape.

Eldar snatched up the pendant which surprisingly had a leather cord for a necklace on it and told him, "This works for me."

Hunter stormed off yelling, "Damn it! Charlie wins the pool again!"

Apparently, she put the cord on the pendant for him. Charlie joined Eldar in the wagon.

She smiled, "You are not going anywhere out of this wagon unless it is to relieve yourself of bodily waste. Which I doubt will be needed as Eagle-eye was selected to clean the mess out of the inside of your armor after that bear squished the shit out of you!

You are not to move. I have a few hours of downtime. This little pellet right here will give us silence for the next two hours. I figured I could pick-up on a few of the things that Traylar'sune failed to enjoy!"

She kissed him and he smirked, "You said not to move."

She smiled, "Well you won't be moving much I'll take care of things."

Charlie stood and removed her clothes. She knew this was against the rules but she felt drawn to him and had not had a male in her bed in 15 years. Except for a couple of old battle scars, her body was perfect. Her C-cup tits had nice round areolas with extended nipples. Her light brown hair compliments her shining blue eyes. She had an hourglass figure with slightly wider hips thanks to the human part of her heritage.

The only word to escape his lips was, "Wow..." before she snapped the pellet. She pulled the blanket back and knelt to the side of him. She grabbed his already hard cock and slowly slid it into her mouth. She shifted her hips and got one knee over his right leg. She faced him head-on and looked into his eyes. She pulled off and flicked her tongue around the head and across the hole. Before she swallowed it all into her mouth.

He said in the silence, "Oh gods she is good at this."

Even if nobody could hear him but the gods. She tightens her suction and her tongue swirled and undulated across the shaft until he felt his sack tighten. He went to raise a hand to warn her and she grabbed it and held it firmly but softly. She set it down until he shot off into her mouth.

She went as deep as she could. He spewed his seed down her throat. She moved up and gave him a quick kiss before she set her legs on either side of his head. She lowered her warm honey-filled hole right onto his mouth.

She grabbed both his hands and interlocked fingers with him. She rode deftly across his kissing mouth and probing tongue. She slowly picked up more speed and then stopped as she squeezed his hands. She threw her head back and the honey flowed faster from between her legs. He continued to administer to her needs and cleaned her out as much as he could until she pulled away.

She grinned at him and moved back down his body, being careful to avoid the bruised ribs. She found that he was rock hard. She grabbed it by the base setting the palm of her hand on his pelvic bone and her thumb on the backside of his shaft. She lined herself up and slid him into her silky tight warmth. She went slowly downward but never moved her hand from his pelvic bone and shaft.

She began to move back and forth and then up and down. She changed her rhythm and pattern often to suit her needs. She needed him. He felt like he was about to explode. She kept her grip and the pressure kept building. She tightened up once again. This time he could see her silent screaming face as she looked into his eyes. Then she starts up again, only faster with a more predictable pattern and he thought, "I am going to rupture at any moment. When will she release my cock."

She released it a moment later. He thought it would split in two at the rate his seed kept shooting into her. She went into her silent scream once again. Her body visibility shook. She slid down his legs and once again took his member back into her mouth as she cleaned the seed and her honey from his cock. She brought it back from the dead. She moved forward to mount him yet again. She did a few strokes in her pussy then pulled out and slid it slowly into her nether-hole.

Oh, the tightness was exquisite. She finally had the whole member buried in her ass and gave him a mischievous grin. Slowly she started to pump on his cock. She went faster and squeezed her ass muscles even tighter. She used a free hand to gather the puddled liquid from her pussy and his seed,

It had pooled on his belly and Charlie lubricated his cock with it. She paused on some of the upstrokes to get it good and wet again.

Once she was satisfied that she was good and lubricated she rode up and down at a blinding speed. She squeezed on every downstroke trying to milk his cock into action. Until she started shuttered again and he just lost it. He gave her the third deposit of this adventure. She reached over and grabbed a towel and placed it between her legs as she rose off of him. She went to an awaiting chamber pot in the corner and squeezed out the last deposit.

She then grabbed another towel and some water. She started to clean him up. First, his face then down his chest, along his legs, and then back to his cock and sack. She took extra care to clean every bit of it. He was once again hard as a rock. She raises an eyebrow at him as she lowered her mouth back onto his cock. She wasted no time and did not drag it out, she went for the quick kill.

Again, she applied the pressure along the bottom side of the shaft and his sack began to lift. She moved her hand below. In a move any duelist would be proud of, she slid her wet finger into his ass and massaged the inside, she released her hold. He blew once again and she presses harder into the anal wall to force even more of the seed into her throat. She grabbed the towel and finished cleaning up the mess and washed off her hands.

She curled up next to him with one leg over his and pulled the blanket over them. He slowly tried to snake his hand down her stomach. She grabbed his hand and smiled. She moved it to his chest and held it in place while they fell asleep. When she woke up, she looked at Eldar, "About your journal. You can use my name, say you had amazing sex, if that is what you think, but do not go into details...promise?"

Eldar smiled, "Yes to all of the above as it was amazing sex."

Charlie smiled and asked, "Please don't talk about it with the others. Not that I have any involvement with any of them. Or that they are clueless as to what I have been doing to you for the last few hours. It is just none of their business."

Again, he nodded in agreement.

She smiled, "I will get dressed and bring you your pack. You can get some clothes to get something to eat before they start complaining about your growling stomach."

He sat up slowly and ran his hands over his face and felt the slight scars from the bear's claw across the flesh. He guessed setting bones and fixing ribs came before scars. She looked at what he was doing, "You can get a mage or cleric to remove those later."

He looked back at her and shook his head, "They are a great conversation piece for when people ask. I can reply 'This is what happened the time I danced with a grizzly.'"

She gave out one big belly laugh. He glared at her, "Stop please, it still hurts when you get me to laugh that big."

She left and came back. Charlie held out her hand, "Hand me the necklace for a moment."

She passed it off to someone. He got dressed in just his clothes with his sword at his side to see the night was almost on them again. He approached the group as Hunter finished and re-tied the cord, "I added the bear claws from each of the front paws to your necklace as an eternal reminder. You stood toe-to-toe with a grizzly and it was not the best day of your life."

Eldar grinned as he thought about his day and turned to him, "But I have never felt more alive."

He got a knowing smile from Charlie. He grabbed a plate and a half of food and proceeded to regain some of his energy reserves.

He gave a polite nod to Cook. He looked over at Charlie, "How long until our watch starts?"

Charlie looked at him through veiled lids, "You can stand watch with me in 5 hours if you think you will be up for it."

Eldar gave her a nod and looked at the group, "Thank you for making the repairs, cleanup of my gear, and healing."

He grabbed his armor and sword. He looked at Charlie, "Can you give me a hand getting suited up?"

He headed to the back of her wagon. Once inside he stripped back down, put on some clean padding and put his armor on, and then his clothes over it. His blue shirt was now purple from all the blood the shirt absorbed. It had been hung up to dry and then washed to try and cover the blood smell. The tears were patched with a needle and thread. He commented, "Purple seems like a good color for tonight. The color goes well with my bruises."

Charlie just chuckled.

Journal entry Mia 29th 7016

The trip out of the elven woods began with a return to hunting followed by a near-deadly experience with a grizzly. I survived the attack thanks to using some tactics and relying on the skills of the others in the group while I danced with the Grizzly to hold its attention. Right up to the point I stabbed it as it fell upon me after breaking my right arm in its jaws.

Left with a few scars and lots of bruises. The broken arm and ribs were fixed but sore. I have been well looked after. That led me to have the opportunity to hold Charlemagne in a lover's embrace. I had not expected it but it was a very welcomed event. I spent the last three evenings in Charlemagne's arms while she showed me what love could feel like for the first time, since before my mother's death. I hope it continues in the days and weeks to come.


The Lady of Dreams smiled as Aerdrie Faenya smiled, "No children yet. I want to see if this Eagle-Eye gets involved first."

Hanali Celanil shook her head, "Eagle-eye is a wanderer and nymphomaniac. She will likely marry but be in an open marriage. Something Eldar would have issues with. They are not a great match. Not the Snow Elf I see her marrying."

Aerdrie Faenya smiled, "I see her having my Grand Cleric from the prophecy. She entertains a few, including Doc who will be the father. Another impure, but I am alright with that as it will bridge races, including the Snow Elves who worship me. Like Eldar could do, if he is chosen. I should say when he is chosen."