

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantasía
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30 Chs


<p>Skinner asked, "What kind of business?"<br/><br/>Eldar responded, "That would depend on what kind of business you want. We're looking at starting a general store and an Inn. This would be a brand-new village. We would need a sawmill, blacksmith, weaponsmith, enchanters' shop, and a clothing store that can cater to all member races. This Mercenary company would be designated for cross-border security controlling around 400 square miles of territory. Half of it Elven the other half in human territory. It covers around 90% of the dwarven trade routes."<br/><br/>Everyone stared at Eldar at this point. He gave them the breakdown of the plan at a high level and the treaties involved. "Back to business, the village charter will limit one business of each type to the village to keep it from growing too large. Costs for starting a business are around 10,000 gold pieces.<br/><br/>Plus buying stuff to sell or your equipment, raw materials, etc. You're the first to hear of this opportunity. You would get the chance to tell us what you want before we even put forth the village charter. Does that answer your question?"<br/><br/>Hunter stared, "Does this make us leaders?"<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head, "As it was set up you would be paid extra to do training in your areas of expertise. Just like the refresher hunting training, you did with me, but across skills for everyone.<br/><br/>You would still be working for Charlemagne and I. Patrols might not have an officer in the group. Control of the patrol would belong to the sergeant or officer leading the patrol. You would be there to evaluate. You can always say 'Get the fuck out, there are too many!'<br/><br/>That would be advisable to save lives. Initially, we would be looking to recruit those who wish to lead patrols and that can be trusted. That's why you're all sworn to secrecy about Annette's abilities.<br/><br/>That does not mean the opportunity to become a leader is out of the question if you're interested. We have not allocated Captain slots which is a higher slot than you could get on a wagon crew. If questions are raised there are magical means and psionic means to check honesty if a question arises.<br/><br/>I put the rise in rank with the bet I made with Jarron. If I win you all win, not just me. The thing Jarron forgot to remember. 'I do not gamble, I make calculated decisions on the risk.' I do not get odds. I find a way to try and make life better for everyone with no risk on your part."<br/><br/>The next question came from Tranosa, "What if I do not have enough money to start a business?"<br/><br/>Eldar sighed, "It would depend on how much you're short and the business, but we may have some money to help get something started, did you have something in mind?"<br/><br/>He nodded, "Yes, you mentioned a sawmill, is there a river nearby? Would this have to be powered by another means? I probably have close to 8,000 gold pieces stashed away and I worked at one when I was younger."<br/><br/>Eldar smiled, "Anybody else wants to talk of sawmills before I answer him?"<br/><br/>Nobody stepped into the sawmill discussion. Eldar thought they wanted to see where things went. "The sawmill is crucial for this project and yes there is a river. We're dealing with Elven forests; tree selection would most likely be decided by the local Wood Elves.<br/><br/>Here is the kicker, the cost per tree will be 5 new saplings. We want to look at growing some lost Elven ground. We make it suitable for hunting for the non-Elven population that wishes to feed families but do not want to get shot by the Wood Elves. Back to your question, we would front you the additional money and take payment back in trade for the building supplies.<br/><br/>We would need to construct the businesses we talked about; easy enough. You would have to hire a few apprentices to help run the mill while you're away but while this first stage of construction occurred, I would want you in the village overseeing needs and keeping track of sapling each person owes."<br/><br/>Hunter looked at Eldar, "What about Elven women?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled and put his hand on his shoulder, "I will know how you feel as if I live my full measure of life Charlemagne will go before me. The answer to your question is we're a short distance to the capital, and we have 2 villages a few miles away.<br/><br/>The one my mother was raised in and I spent my early childhood. The other has a mix of Elves, Half-Elves, Impures, and a few humans where Charlemagne and Annette grew up."<br/><br/>Cook looked puzzled, "Why a new village if 2 already exist nearby?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled at her "Very good question. None of them interact much with the outside world. We would try to become a buffer and aid in keeping outside people away from them. They could come to us and sell items through the various stores.<br/><br/>We would work an agreement for them to determine any trees we take down in their area in exchange for services. The wood-elves know where to get saplings. Many trees along the route would have to come down to house the garrison.<br/><br/>Also, the businesses are why we want to get control of that land. To have a mercenary company, it has to be tied to a village or city. For one that's doing cross-border protection, no village wants outsiders living among them especially when they are changing out constantly.<br/><br/>We get it associated with a village, our village. The area we protect on the Elven side and the humans have to surrender control over a matching area on the human side. Most of the human land used to be Elven forests.<br/><br/>They have been wiped out with different battles and map lines have been moved over the last 200 years alone. You can see where the saplings will go now. It's in the treaties but never used because of prejudices.<br/><br/>Things that I have dealt with my whole life, as have Charlemagne and Annette. We will have signs with the village name in Elven and in common and this includes warning signs. The village will be called 'Quatarsia or Tolerance, while 'Gray Blades' will be the name of the mercenary group which has a lot of historical and symbolic meaning."<br/><br/>He paused, "I have given you the big details of what I have been working on for causing all that trouble. Though I was attacked and defended myself. If this goes through, you're not bound to the group to stay. You can stay or ask to be assigned to another group.<br/><br/>You do have options to consider when or I should say if this plan bears fruit. I have a lot riding on this. I hope you will want to take this journey because it will be diverse. I will ask about this only after I have the agreement for the land in hand. We will have to go to the Capital to put in the mercenary charter and village charter."<br/><br/>Everyone headed out. They nodded and smiled as they left. Charlemagne, Annette, and Eldar headed up to Annette's room. He sat in a chair toward the end of the bed. "Have I done the right thing? Charlemagne, you have known these guys longer what do you think?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne started working her way out of her armor with Annette's help. Her sister already removed her armor and was just getting Charlemagne's boots off at the end of the bed.<br/><br/>Charlemagne looked at Eldar, "I think Hunter, Tranosa, and Doc are in. Doc because he really wants to see what happens with our children. Eagle-eye is likely. I think she's still hoping I will give her a shot at you after what you did to me in that wagon.<br/><br/>Cook and Skinner are a couple where one goes so will the other. Fireball, he is the wild card you have given him a window to explore and the question is if he is ready to explore it. Better they hear it now than later. You, coming to bed?"<br/><br/>Eldar looked over and both of them were naked. He looked at them, "Give me a hand."<br/><br/>They walked over. They had him undressed in no time and he surprised them by moving the chair over to the edge of the bed. He looked at them, "My mind is racing with everything we need to accomplish in the next couple of weeks. I think I will sit back and watch you 2 for a while. I have never seen the 2 of you play without me."<br/><br/>Eldar got a smile from them as they crawled up on the bed and spent the next half hour kissing and rubbing their tits together as their fingers explored. Annette was on top and slowly moved down playing with her sister's nipples. He learned something new about what got Charlemagne excited. Just when she reached the belly button she rotated and dropped her cunt right on Charlemagne's face.<br/><br/>Then she buried her head between Charlemagne's legs, He moved around the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed to get a better angle.<br/><br/>Annette had pulled Charlemagne's legs higher and shoved her tongue into her nether-hole. She was careful with her fingers. She soaked them in Charlemagne's cunt juices before putting them to her nether-hole; while Charlemagne lapped Annette's cunt and speared it with her tongue.<br/><br/>He saw Charlemagne place 2 fingers on Annette's leg and hold it there. It seemed odd until he saw Annette take those two fingers deeper into Charlemagne's ass.<br/><br/>She held Charlemagne's legs with her elbows and then he saw 3 fingers on the leg and Annette went to 3 in the nether-hole. The entire time Annette moaned pretty good from Charlemagne's efforts. He missed the signal but looked and saw that she had signaled for a 4th finger. She began to look like a stretched and gutted out turkey but he found it fascinating how wide she'd gotten the hole.<br/><br/>At that point, Charlemagne grabbed her leg and Annette howled out as she came. She was not to be outdone. She had the hole open and used more and more of Charlemagne's cunt juice and drippings. She rubbed it around her hole. She then held on and flipped Charlemagne on her stomach. Apparently, Annette was in charge in this round of play. She had Charlemagne on her knees but left Charlemagne's face on the bedding.<br/><br/>She went right back to her ass which had started to close some and got 3 fingers into her and then 4. She kept her hand under Charlemagne collecting more juices but has stopped transferring it. Her hand was fairly soaked after 15 minutes of this ass play. She sat up and looked at Eldar. Then took her soaked hand and turned it into a spear shape and slid it into Charlemagne's ass.<br/><br/>Once she was inside, she took it all the way up to the wrist. He heard Charlemagne moan and she pulled back just a bit. He could see she could not get her hand out, she had closed it into a fist. She then pushed her hand and started fisting Charlemagne's ass almost up to the elbow. Eldar was just dripping on the bed. He stood and moved closer putting one hand on Annette back and moved behind her.<br/><br/>He started sliding a finger into Annette's cunt which was well lubed at this point and got to 4 was no issue within a minute. He straightened out his hand and got the thumb lined up to join the other 4.<br/><br/>Now Eldar had his hand inside of Annette's cunt. She slowed down to give him time to get his hand inside. He started working her only going up and over the wrist bone. He swirled it and hammered into her with his fist.<br/><br/>She started to mimic Eldar with her fist in Charlemagne's ass. Both of them breathed hard. He saw Charlemagne peek to see what the delay was, but once he started her head went to the side. Charlemagne took almost a foot of her sister's arm in her ass.<br/><br/>They were both got close and Eldar decided to cheat a bit and lubed up his other hand and just lightly rubbed it over Annette's clit. Annette screamed out, first beating her sister to her second orgasm but not to be left unfinished. Annette's arm twisted in her, thrust deeper, and she followed his cue.<br/><br/>She grabbed a little juice and lightly rubbed her sister's clit. Charlemagne just screams her head off and she clamps down on her sister's arm which she managed to have back at the wrist before she came. Annette straightened her hand and slowly extracted it from her sister's nether-hole.<br/><br/>She then places a gentle kiss on each of Charlemagne's ass cheeks before rolling her back onto her back. Eldar looked at them, "That was educational in finding a couple more things Charlemagne likes. The question is, 'Does Annette like a hand in the nether-hole?'"<br/><br/>She shook her head, "No more than a couple of fingers or your cock works just fine in there."<br/><br/>He smiled, "Oh, does it?"<br/><br/>He pulled her up and placed her back into her starting position with Charlemagne on the bottom Annette on top. They started kissing again as he slid into Charlemagne's cunt.<br/><br/>He slid his fingers into Annette's cunt and coated three of them good. Then he started painting her ass and nether-hole. Then he started working a couple of juicy fingers inside, first one and then the other.<br/><br/>All the while he pumped into Charlemagne and she knew he would cum soon as this would be his first shot of the day. He knew she was not ready to climax but he did not think she cared at the moment. He shot his seed into Charlemagne's cunt. He continued lubing up Annette's ass and he asked Charlemagne, "Slide out from under her."<br/><br/>He took her place under Annette with his face right at Annette's cunt. He stopped after a few seconds and told Annette, "Suck Charlemagne's juices off my cock while Charlemagne is to take both her juices and yours and start working it into your ass!"<br/><br/>Once Annette finished her assigned task, Eldar slid out from under her and got on his knees, and told Charlemagne, "It's time to lube up my cock, but I want you sitting behind me."<br/><br/>She found the request strange but complied and she got his cock good and wet with both Charlemagne and Annette's cunt juices. Then he slid Annette back and slowly worked her nether-hole open with his cock. He told Charlemagne, "Now you're going to reach around me and grab your sister's tits while pushing your tits into my back as I use my hands to fuck the shit out of Annette." Annette clenches a bit at that statement.<br/><br/>He whispered in her ear, "I will stop and cum as soon as you cum from me being in your ass. Charlemagne every couple of minutes pull your juices from your cunt and slide it onto my cock. She stays lubed for the ride.<br/><br/>But under no circumstances are you to get it from her cunt. If you need to finger yourself to keep your juices flowing do so. I want this to be all about Annette's nether-hole and my cock. Are you ready for the ride Annette?"<br/><br/>She nodded and gave a quick clench with her ass. "Alright, here we go."<br/><br/>He started slowly with long strokes. Charlemagne's masturbation produced enough juices to keep his cock slick. He got Annette onto all fours then face down as Charlemagne moved to the side and kept the lube up. It ran down his shaft from balls to almost halfway up into Annette.<br/><br/>Then he stood slightly and started sliding into her lightning-fast just like her Sister's tight cunt and Annette asked, "Please let me touch my clit."<br/><br/>He told her, "Not yet you're not to touch it, but let me know if the lubrication is not enough to keep you from hurting. Charlemagne, keep the lube coming."<br/><br/>A few more minutes go by and he could tell the first signs of discomfort. He slowed his pace. He got more lube, then he whispered to Charlemagne, "You can play with her clit when you're ready but she cannot."<br/><br/>Charlemagne played with herself, she lubed his cock up good while he went slow. Then she signaled she was ready. She started masturbating in earnest. She grabbed a lubed hand and slid it across Annette's clit. She went back for more lube for him and they repeated this process 3 more times.<br/><br/>He picked up speed. Charlemagne kept fingering herself and rubbed her sister's clit faster. Annette moans out clenches down on his cock and he still pulled back and forth a little as she spasmed some more and he shot off into her bowels. He rolled over, "Who's going after food?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne got up and got the towels and the chamber pot. They cleaned up and started falling asleep more tired than hungry. They curled up and went to sleep with each of them on an arm.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Archmage Vexxor was in his quarters and activated the crystal to Lord Barimus. "Eldar Silvertree, yes I know you did not want to hear that name. He killed or captured the assassins I sent after him and left the city. He is in Junction and looking to head toward Rambling Rock. He is heading toward his home village of Misora to get married.<br/><br/>If you think your troops are better for this task then you know where you can intercept him at. Send at least a captain and the troops under him at a minimum. He is traveling with 10 but one is a no-talent Half-Elf passenger. I killed the men that failed and the entire Underhill Gang. All 80 of them for failing in this task. They underestimated the target and my resolve.<br/><br/>I warned them not to fail me. I tried to frame Eldar Silvertree but the Captain of the Guard had already told the King he saw them leave the day before. The briefing I just heard leads me to believe you want to take this one seriously. He wants to put together a cross-border mercenary company on the Elven southern border.<br/><br/>He only has to convince 2 different elven villages to surrender 200 square miles of land and the sections of the treaty that call it out could be put into effect. I doubt he will succeed but even if he does, by the time I deal with finishing my research there will be new leadership that will end it just as quickly."<br/><br/>Lord Barimus fumed, "I will put competent assets against this Eldar Silvertree. In Rambling Rock and the Elven Capital if I have to. You are a disappointment. You should have handled him yourself."<br/><br/>Vexxor smiled, "If he had killed me then he would have killed you. Better to work through other actors and don't blame me. I used the pathetic resources you had allocated here. If you had given me access to the horde you have in this area, I might have been able to get competent help.<br/><br/>Instead of you pinching every copper piece. If he is THAT important to you. You could always fly over and breathe fire on him and his lot. Like me, you are not ready to expose yourself. We are alike, I am just more conniving."<br/><br/>The mage ended the comms and thought about how angry that would make Lord Barimus.<br/><br/>He sighed, "Poor Silvertree. He will not know what hit him."<br/><br/>Vexxor put out a bounty through a hidden account for a Giant out near Rambling Rock to a bounty contact to attract attention at the inn in Cottenweb. He set it for 18,000 gold pieces. They had a straight shot into the area on an unused old road that would likely get put back into service if Eldar succeeded.<br/><br/>Vexxor smiled, "Call me a disappointment, will you? I know you will send at least one giant. Maybe next time you will give me the assets I requested instead of wasting them on that pathetic army."<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Lord Barrimus roared out, he activated his crystal, "Graxxor! Send Pussex and his unit with a hill giant to Rambling Rock. I want the town destroyed and any caravans on that road destroyed!<br/><br/>I want the Blade Singer ring of Eldar Silvertree delivered to me along with his fucking head! Ensure the General withdraws all assets from that area. I want no witnesses from within his Human Army."<br/></p>