

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantasía
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30 Chs


<p>Eldar responded, "She picked me up from the side of the road like a stray as I left the city after my graduation."<br/><br/>Charlemagne laughed, "Pretty close to it. It started with no pay at the beginning of the journey and ended up equal shares and becoming my number 2 by the halfway point, engaged, and pregnant."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Annette, "We have 5 more to go so drink up and let me know when we can resume. I am looking forward to getting the chance to fuck you both after this."<br/><br/>Annette sighed, "This guy is some kind of machine he is still doing this after working for an hour straight in the yard. Alright, I am ready, not sure we will get to 5 again."<br/><br/>Eldar sighed with a smirk, "You're probably right, I am guessing 6 this time."<br/><br/>He told Charlemagne. "Help warm her up for the second-round lick and play with her tits."<br/><br/>He started again and managed to get her to 5 with no squirting this time then shocked her. He moved a 4th finger into her and continued to twist slowly to get his thumb pointed down. Just when Annette thought he was going to press it into her he slid his whole hand into her cunt while he still worked her clit. She quickly hit 6 and passes out again.<br/><br/>Charlemagne looked at Eldar, "Why did you do that?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled at her, "You said if I got her to 10, I could fuck her any way I wanted. Well, I saw how loose she got and I have no doubt that is not the first time a hand has been inside her."<br/><br/>Charlemagne looked embarrassed, "I have gotten it inside a few times myself, but now she is going to think I told you that."<br/><br/>He grabbed the cock ring and put it on, and walked over to Charlemagne, "You first or your sister, remember the first time is quicker."<br/><br/>She nodded, "Go ahead and do me while she is out cold."<br/><br/>He pulled her legs through the opening and pulled her further out and had her hold her knees against the bar. He lined up into her and slid in nice and slow. He dragged it out because he wanted Annette awake before he pumped Charlemagne full of seed.<br/><br/>Annette finally woke up. He finally sped up in Charlemagne until she had his seed in her pussy.<br/><br/>He looked at Annette, "Charlemagne has a mess of seed in her pussy, can you clean that up especially the stuff that dripped on her clit?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne glares at him as he dripped some more on her clit. Annette grabbed and pulled her back and had her sitting on her face as her legs were numb.<br/><br/>He walked over to the side and grabbed Annette's open hand. He set his wet cock into it and told her, "Get me hard again so I can fuck you next." Charlemagne winces and squirms as her clit was being licked and Annette's hand went to moving as she knew Eldar would fuck her soon.<br/><br/>Eldar was hard and starting to feel good. He looked to Charlemagne, "Bend down and hold her legs while I slide into her sopping pussy."<br/><br/>Then he told Charlemagne, "Time for you to do her clit." As Charlemagne started, he slid a couple of fingers into Annette and got them wet. Then he took them down to Annette's nether-hole and started rubbing them and just poked into the first knuckle.<br/><br/>Annette just moaned and groaned from the assault on her. He got some more of the fluid seeping from her and slick up the fingers really good and slid the first into the second knuckle, swirled it around then added the second finger and slid them around.<br/><br/>He leaned over and told Annette, "We do this again in the future I will have Charlemagne suck me off first and get me hard then warm up your pussy just a little. Then I will slide in and fuck you with long slow strokes until your toes curl as Charlemagne and you work each other's cunts."<br/><br/>She moaned at the dirty talk. He started to pump faster into her sloppy pussy and finally, he shot off into her. He told Charlemagne, "Better clean that out."<br/><br/>He then winked at her. He moved to the head of the bed and told Annette, "Time to suck me off. After we stop, eat, and get a little rest I am going come back and fuck your ass while you two finger-fuck each other." Annette moaned as Charlemagne finishes cleaning her out.<br/><br/>Eldar looked back, "You missed a spot, I stuck a couple of coated fingers into her nether-hole."<br/><br/>Charlemagne shook her head and pulls her legs back further and tongues her sister's ass. He now pumped into Annette's mouth.<br/><br/>He tried to see if her tongue works as well as Charlemagne's tongue worked. She did well for a novice cocksucker but it still took another 20 minutes and a finger of assistance using her own juices for a lubricant for him to fill Annette's mouth. They stopped for a break and drank some water it was just short of 2 hours of fucking around with her. He sat on the edge of the bed with Charlemagne having one leg over Annette who was still on her back.<br/><br/>He stood back up and extended his hand to Annette, and she took it and he helped her to her feet as Charlemagne slid off to the side. Annette could barely stand, and he walked her into the next room to sit her down.<br/><br/>He looked at Annette's while Charlemagne was still passed out, "Now I have your approval for your sister?"<br/><br/>She looks at Eldar, "Do you do that to her every time?"<br/><br/>Eldar sighed, "No, this was the third time. The first time was a calculated risk to get her to admit that she loved me, not just to me but to the entire camp. Most of the time we were on the trail and we would go 2-3 times max and cuddle up together because we had limited downtime to sleep. The second time was for the engagement. Some circumstances involved around that. I could show my journal entries that are 4 days apart..."<br/><br/>He showed her the entries, "After she sent me ahead and she arrived 2 days later. I had her read it so she knew how I felt. Then she was not ready, then she was as soon as she knew a child was coming and she knew she already loved me. My father never married my mother. I know what it is like to be a bastard child. I would not want that for any child of mine.<br/><br/>Which is..." He reached down and pulled the ring off, "Why we bought this when we got her wedding ring, so you would not get pregnant. She still wants to be with you and she wants to share me with you. Not like this, at least not every day like this, where you can barely walk and not enjoy yourself fully with me.<br/><br/>But starting with me in you, then in her, and letting you have fun with each other. She wants you to come back with us to attend the wedding. She also wants you to stay and help her with the child while sharing her bed while I am away. The question is do you want to do that? How comfortable are you with me servicing you--with a cock?"<br/><br/>She thought for a few minutes, "First you have my approval for her. She has not talked with me about this yet."<br/><br/>Eldar nodded, "She has been talking with me in private for the last 6 days straight. I told her if you are not comfortable with me, I would understand. If you want to play while I am on the road then I should be allowed the option to find companionship while I am on the road.<br/><br/>She has to consider me spending time in another woman's arms while I am gone. Either way, this ring was an investment for you or someone else if that is the decision. It all depends on what kind of arrangement you 2 come to."<br/><br/>Charlemagne stumbled to the doorframe and he went and got her. She looked at them, "What have you 2 been talking about?"<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Charlemange, "The stuff you have been talking to me about for the last 6 days. Oh, she approves of me for you. I thought you would have covered that conversation while I was working out. Before she answers that question, we're going to go back to the room. I am going to make slow passionate love to you to show her what it is like when it is not about how many times you can come. Now the new record for you is set!"<br/><br/>Charlemagne slapped his leg, "Stop with the records."<br/><br/>He slapped her ass, "I keep track of the number in my journal but I make no reference to what the numbers mean. No other entries, other than a couple of entries on how much I love you. If anyone read it would they associate 18 with orgasms when orgasms are not mentioned? I will stop with the records when you stop forcing me to break them. This time it was all your idea."<br/><br/>She grunted and groaned as he got her back onto the bed.<br/><br/>He turned back to the family room, "Let me help you back to bed and we can make slow passionate love together and see where we stand."<br/><br/>He got them both into the room and he did just that. He made slow passionate love to Charlemagne. he spooned in behind her and slid in doggy style so she and her sister could face, pet, kiss, and stroke each other until Charlemagne climaxed one more time with him right behind her. He waved Annette over to spoon up in front of her sister.<br/><br/>He sighed, "I can rest my hand across you both and on your breast while we sleep."<br/><br/>Several hours later he awoke to an empty bed. He found the washbasin and cleaned up then looked into the main room to see them both sitting there talking while still naked. He walked over and sat down, "Have you made any decisions? I would like to hear from Annette."<br/><br/>She sighed, "Yes I am going to go back for the wedding. I am willing to stay with Charlemagne through the pregnancy and beyond to help out. The question is will I share the bed with both of you when you are around, or either of us one-on-one. You are talking about a second wife."<br/><br/>Eldar stopped her. "I have not asked that of you. The one who you would be a second wife to is your sister. She is the reason we are here, not my wants or desires. Her wants and your wants. I want my wife, she wants you as well. If she has the right to have comfort in your arms while I am gone, do I not deserve the same consideration?<br/><br/>If I have 2 women at home waiting for me but enjoy each other company should I not be faithful to them both? That is the question you are being asked to help decide. I'm going to get dressed and go out back for more sword practice come and let me know what the 2 of you decide."<br/><br/>With that, Eldar got up, got dressed, and walked out in the back. It was dark and his sword cuts an eerie path. He swung and twirled in one arm, then seamlessly transferring over to the other. He kept going without stopping as an hour passes, then the hours kept rolling until 4 hours later and his sword went flying out of his hand.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>After Eldar walked out Charlie and Annette got into a circular discussion. Was it a second wife? Annette kept getting into her sister's mind. She found where she had that discussion with Eldar. About her hopes for the future and wanting Annette to have nieces and nephews... She jumped back in time to Charlie's first night with Eldar.<br/><br/>As she listened to Charlie's pleas and tried to look at her memories of the situation. She asked Charlie about their first time together and it aligned with what she read. It was easier to do with them holding hands and her sister thinking back on that very subject. She felt her sister's desire for Eldar and her hopes for Annette. She found his hang-up on having illegitimate children.<br/><br/>She switched subjects and asked about their acceptance, "What would father or the others in the village say if or should I say when they discover our arrangements? We know how many busy-body snoops lived in that village."<br/><br/>In truth, Annette could care less about her father's thoughts on the matter. She felt estranged from him for the lies he told her before she left. The shame and disgust that this happened to one of his daughters and he was unable to protect her.<br/><br/>Where he failed was in supporting her after what had happened as it was not her fault. Yet in some way, her father found fault in Annette being there alone. She knew that truth scared Charlie. Annette needed to know if she was ready to face the shame and ridicule that would come when they were exposed to their father and the village.<br/><br/>Charlie was in denial that anyone would have to know, even though many of the team already suspected, and in the case of Hunter, he already knew the truth. Annette knew Charlie had done the open marriage thing previously with her former husband. The two of them sharing many females, including Eagle-eye at one point.<br/><br/>Before Skinner and Cook joined the team and Eagle-eye gravitated away from them to the new married couple as Skinner was bisexual and she found that a new pleasure. Charlie's husband would have liked to have Eagle-eye as another wife and even talked about pursuing the matter after Charlie passed.<br/><br/>Just days before he died in that ambush. Charlie did not blame Eagle-eye. Charlie was not the nymphomaniac that Eagle-eye was. Eagle-eye wanted to be everyone's sexual plaything. She was there for Charlie on the road and she brought Cook into the group lesbian fest on a couple of occasions.<br/><br/>Only when Fireball and Skinner began exploring their attraction to male on male relations. Cook did not mind. Charlie was put off of the idea and backed out of having relations with anyone in the group. She saved her 'personal time' to just Annette's visits within days of Fireball's joining of the unit.<br/><br/>Charlie was not looking for another male who wanted that 'open' relationship and she saw it as a trap. Fireball tried to hit on her but he was only looking for sex with no strings. Charlie shut him down as he already had 3 part-time lovers.<br/><br/>Doc loved Eagle-eye and her playing with the others was not a problem. Doc did not want male companionship but had no issues with another being present as it made Eagle-eye happy to get double penetrated by 2 guys. He also got to fuck around with Cook in the deal on occasion so his needs were being met.<br/><br/>Annette knew Charlie was always a one-man and another woman kind of lover. She expected this from her sister but thought she had that behind her when the two of them became lovers. Now she saw Charlie's fantasy about having one man servicing both sisters.<br/><br/>She fought that idea for hours with Charlie, not because of the obvious issues. Because she was scared Eldar would disappoint her like her father and her former fiancé did. Especially if he ever learned the truth of what happened when she was 20. This discussion kept getting repeated over the hours.<br/><br/>She watched Eldar and could feel his frustration at having to wait for an answer. She tried to press too deep into Eldar's mind to find out how he felt about men in his bed. She hit a block and Eldar lost focus on what he was doing. His sword went flying and she backed out. She knew something happened, or almost happened with him but she backed out before she got any details.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Eldar stopped and waited for a few minutes to pass and he picked up his weapon and slid it into its sheath. He hopped the fence and walked to the outskirts of town.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Annette knew this was her fault, but she could not tell him or her that she had been prying into his mind. She turned to Charlie, "Get dressed and go after him. Before he gets in trouble. There are street gangs who would look at him with racial animosity and try and rob him or worse if he is out there alone."<br/><br/>She had planted ideas in a couple of those gang members, those with some power to tell the others she was hands-off. It kept her safe from them for the most part. They would see Charlie as her, but Eldar stuck out because of his exotic looks. Charlie rushed to get dressed.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>The road was clear, and it was nothing but rock on the outskirts. He thought about testing out that ability his father gave him to know what it felt like out of combat. So he would know what to expect in combat. He drew his sword and activated it again and a couple of thugs saw Eldar standing there and one of them spoke, "Look at the nice weapon wasted on an fucking Elf."<br/><br/>Eldar walked further out of town. Sword in hand and he now actually hoped they started something. He ignored their comments as he walked but stayed aware of how close they were to him. He did not turn back until he was almost half a mile out of town and there were 6 of them that trailed him.<br/><br/>The mouthy thug says, "We can take it from him, and everything else that he has."<br/><br/>Eldar went into a battle stance and swung his sword once and activated his Blade Song. They were undeterred and closed. He swept the sword forward in an arc thinking of the second command word his father had given him. The sudden loss of all his high-level spells has an unexpected draining quality and his knees buckle a bit.<br/><br/>The thugs thought the elf was getting scared and pressed forward. Eldar thought It might have been from the four hours of straight practice. He saw Charlemagne in the distance. She looked at Eldar on the hill with the 6 men closing.<br/><br/>She feared the worst was about to happen as she was too far out to help him at this point. Then she saw it. The wall of purple-blue flames 40 feet wide and 10 feet tall formed five feet in front of Eldar. It rolled like a crushing wave down the road and in her direction. Its formation had to have been visible to the city guards as well. It moved forward at a blinding speed for 50 feet and ended.<br/><br/>The 6 men were dead or dying on the ground as their bodies burned. Some of them their skin just melted onto their warped weapons. Dry grass on the edge of the road burned and had gone to ash before it could spread.<br/><br/>Eldar walked past the corpses on the ground and sheathed his sword. They heard the blare of horns as guards rode out in Eldar's direction.<br/><br/>He stopped in the middle of the destruction and Charlemagne ran toward him as the guards on horseback approach. Charlemagne screams to Eldar, "What happened?"<br/><br/>As the guards rolled past her. Eldar stood there ready to answer their questions. The guards pulled up and drew weapons. They looked at the scorched earth and bodies. The leader of this group of guards shouted, "Keep your hands still and explain yourself."<br/><br/>Eldar looked him in the eye, "6 men charged me with weapons drawn attempting to rob me."<br/><br/>The guard scoffed, "But they are all dead."<br/><br/>Eldar looked back at him, "I am an Elven Master Blade Singer. They were dead as soon as they drew weapons against me in an attempt to do me harm. This did not occur in the city. Examine the bodies, put your weapons away. You do not need them unless you plan on doing me harm, you can see what remains of the last men who did so. I did not run, I heard your approach. If you faced 6 on 1 odds would YOU stand and die?"<br/><br/>The head guard knew he would not have done that himself. He ordered his men to sheath their weapons, Greggor, look them over. Charlemagne pushed her way through the group of horses and wrapped her arms around him.<br/><br/>The guard looked and coughed as he tried not to get sick from the sight and the smell. He had a serious speech impediment, "By the looks of them I'd say they be part of da Underhill gang. Might be rewards on suma dem if we can figure out who day wer."<br/><br/>Eldar looked to the head guard, "I am going to bed. If there is a reward for them use it to finish burning the bodies. Anything you find on them you can keep as far as I am concerned. Whatever money remains, even reward money you can keep. Go and buy the Garrison a round of drinks. Or ten if the money flows that much. Remember what you have seen here. I am free to go?"<br/><br/>Again, more of a statement than a question, "Yes, you will need a name. Eldar Silvertree."<br/><br/>As Charlemagne and he walked back toward the town. Once they were out of earshot, "Was keeping a low-profile part of the rules? I was never told."<br/><br/>Charlemagne looked up at Eldar, "Generally, yes! This will likely get back to Jarron."<br/><br/>Eldar smiled, "Good as my lead, know that my father instructed me to try that ability on a large area devoid of vegetation. I was acting under his guidance. He just did not say we should be further away from a city. I killed 6 thugs and dealt with the city watch. I had to make a tactical decision. I made it."<br/><br/>She looked at Eldar, "Why did you leave?"<br/></p>