

I walked into the bar called "l'endroit" and as I walked in a group of hood Lums exited. going to the bar I felt my wallet was missing looking out to the window I see the hoodlums laughing flashing my wallet. I laugh at them and signal to open my wallet, which they do only for the Wallet to let off a chemical which is prone to explode when in contact with open oxygen. Boom, the wallet exploded with the eye of one of them. Screaming in agony

I turn and order myself 2 shots of whiskey, Skull one and tip the other, A way respect to my past partners. I see a coloured man walk in the bar head up high with his Yankee uniform and his "state marshal" badge on he says " outta all you low lives which one of y'all is...Marcus Dorviticus or as the world calls him "silver". A man stands up and announces " Dorviticus?! HAH that man is long dead. Saw him swing with my own eyes I did". Silence then a loud bang, the man falls and the smoke of the gun of the marshal clears and he says again " which. One. Of. You. Low. Lives. Is. Marcus. Dorviticus. " I turned around and he gave me one look then paused. Tension was so high I swear god could see it. He holsters his gun and laughs " Marcus! " he says laughing as he walks out to me he orders two whiskeys and tips one and skulls the other. "so your a marshal I see " I said to him he looks at his uniform and rips it off and says " disguise my old freind" then he laughs. I look over to the man on the floor growling in pain and said "you didnt have to shoot him" he replys with " bullets are rubber stamps ment for crowd control" then I click, " wait, what are you doing back from new york? "

He looks at me and says "my old gang told me in. And I spent two years in state penetentry, lucky and you wouldn't belive this but two meteors hit the island, one at the west wall and the other in the block which had all of us haha!" we laugh but then a shot shut the whole place down, turning around we see the sheriff and what looked like the whole battalion of law men outside we look at each other and what I saw in his eye was the same look he gave me when ae first met.

My old childhood friend and brother Jacob Harvieson. He fought in the war because his sister had died in the arms of a confederate troops when they raised his town and massacred all coloured people. I met him when his mother moved into my hometown and he dropped his suitcase which a gun fell out, and a man screamed "the blackie has a gun get him!", I ran and screamed "it's not his gun its mine!" and the man said "are you sure son? " which I said "of course belongs to my pa" yet I didn't have parents. After the mob of towns folk left his mother came up to me and slapped me then hugged me " thank you young one for your sacrifice yet it's wrong to lie, why don't you come over and have dinner with us, will your parents be alright with that? " I said " I don't have parents miss" which she paused and said "well... Jacob,meet your new brother. " we both said "really?!? " and she said " of course honey, from now on you refer to me as mama, understood? "

"yes ma'am " I said eagerly.

My parents were criminals as well, train robbers until they were hanged back in eighteen sixty, I was only five and I was left to run the streets of gliser which I had spent my early life in was a small frontier town with a doctor, saloon, sheriffs office, gunsmith and everything.

Yet when we were 16 our mother had passed away, robbed when Jacob and I was in town, we came home to a dead mother and a letter "dead parent and adopted to a black one, we're coming for you -cooper jack joe" Jacob looked at me and cried blaming me saying that his mother didn't have to die if she didn't adopt me and that I was trouble "I'm gonna start me a gang" he said to me " and "i don't want you in it" he left without saying another word.

I had to bury her, "mama, I'll get him back for you" then I left. Around three years later there was a train I was robbing, Coincedence when we found the another gang was robbing the train and we found ourselves, both gangs on a stand off in one of the carts. Scrambling through the men I saw him. "Jacob, I see you got yourself a posse." he laughed and said we fancy the name 'riders' now. "riders" I said sarcastically pulling out my sixty-six headshoting all 5 of them and leaving two, Jacob and a boy nearly thirteen years old I presume. Jacob looked at me and said "this isnt over brother" he ran off with most of the money that day yet all I heard after that was he served in the army and that he was promoted to leutenent after holding off a whole battalion. And here we sat sharing a whisky after all those years

"Well boys, let the rip" that sheriff pulled out his gun but before he could fire Jacob threw his glass at him and tipped a table for cover, I hoped behind the bar and as the bullets were raining on us I threw a bottle of Gin with Jacob shooting it igniting taking six of them out, then Jacob pulled out his gun which he kept, the same one from when he was younger, the same one that dropped out of his suit case

He called it 'Cerberus' a polished blacked steel touch 1850 model

Tripple action revolver, and my god he knew how to use that thing knowing him he simply got up and fired twelve bullets, yes twelve bullets, yes one gun, twelve bullets, how? I don't know. Eleven fell then I hear a "cease fire! Retreat! Get back, get back! " seems like they finally had enough. As they dragged their fellow dead comrades I signal Jacob to the back door which we ran for. Bursting out the door I whistled for my horse, my trusty old black Turkman, he never let me down not once. Theres even a 'legend' about him before I broke and tamed him, the 'mystical red eyed beast' they called him but that another story for another time. Hopped on him and rode with Jacob to my nearby camp stationed only acouple clicks away.

When we got there we were fatigued so I asked Jacob of he had a bed roll for me which he replied "here's a bow, sunsets in two hours you should hurry before the elks go sleep. " laughing he sits down and lights a cigar and I took my leave.

Hunting wasn't my strongest attribute since I was never taught yet I learnt bit by bit. Yet out in the mists of the slurpen forest I spotted a Silloete of a figer I could tell was stalking me, hunting wasn't my lingo but killing? That was more my type. I turn and say " I come just to hunt and make do" when suddenly a arrow goes flinging past my head and embedding it's self the tree behind me, still in shock I let off 4 shots into the air prominently scaring off the stranger . Walking I noticed that I was scared, yet laughing, I point my gun at it only to see it was a man, walking confidently yet in his eyes, he did not care of the gun or the fact that I was pointing it at him Yet I saw anger and agony, I asked him what he was doing only to have a tomahawk to my neck in seconds. In broken English the stranger says "why do you come?" I say "I just want elk skin to sleep " but I get silence, he turns and walks Into the mist and disappears only to reappear with a elk skin and he gives it to me and says to leave with peace or in pieces.

I made this on the spot, so go easy on me?

thepinkprincecreators' thoughts