
Silver Prince

He was supposed to be the beggar king. The one who begs and demands others to make him a king in his kingdom that has been usurped. However, his destiny changes when a lost soul takes over his body. Now his destiny is changed, what will the future hold for him?

Fangrove · Derivados de obras
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141 Chs

Chapter 21

|3rd POV|

In the middle of the night, a letter arrived in the hand of Biam, the leader of the Thousand Hands Guild. He took the letter from the dove's leg and read it. He smiled after he read the letter.

"He finally admits that he is a king. It is about time."

Biam takes a piece of parchment from his desk and starts to write. After writing for a few minutes, he walks toward the raven in the cage, ties the letter on its back, and releases it through the window.

"He will lead us when the people want him to do it, huh? Well, my lord. Let me give you a little gift. Let us gather your army to liberate the slavery."

The letter he sent is for the people in Lys. While the Thousand Hands Guild did not have many members in Lys, they could spread the rumor very quickly.

With the famine caused by the three wars between Lys, Tyrosh, and Myr for the ownership of the Disputed Land, it would be easy to spread a rumor about how the rich people would kill their slaves to cut the food consumption.

"The only thing we need to take care of is the sellsword and the unsullied."

As much as he hates to admit it, the unsullied will not be easily swayed. They have been brainwashed to the core of their brain that they cannot betray their master.

However, his frown changes into a smile when an idea pops up inside his head.

"Even the most talented unsullied cannot survive in war if they did not have their equipment ready for war."

With that idea in mind, Biam walked out of his office. He needs to ask the other members of the guild to fulfill a mission for him.

~The next day~

While the Thousand Hands Guild is busy preparing for the liberation of Lys, a massive number of ships arrive at Braavos. It was the Royal Navy of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. As the biggest is docked, a group of people gets out of the ship.

It was Robert and his group, Jon Arryn, Stannis Baratheon, and Barristan Selmy. After they get out of the ship, they are greeted by Ferrego Antaryon, the current Sealord.

"Greeting and welcome to Braavos. May I ask the reason for your arrival?"

Before Jon could say anything, Robert says,

"We come here to kill some dragon."

"Pardon me?"

Jon decides to interrupt Robert before he makes things worse.

"We come here because the Sealord told us there are criminals inside your city, and we want to capture them before they can do anything."

"Ahh, I see…." Ferrego slowly nods his head " Sadly, the previous Sealord has been disposed of and replaced by me."

"What? Can I ask why?"

"He has been found owning a slave. He has been punished with his life."


Jon looks at Ferrego with a shocked expression for a second before saying.

"Then are you willing to continue the agreement between the previous Sealord and us?"

"Absolutely not. Braavos will not allow any military movement to get inside our city. Please take back your army and your warship away from my city."

Before Jon could say something, Robert once again opened his mouth. However, unlike before, he grabs Ferrego's clothes with his hands and says.

"I don't care who you are. I don't care what your position is. All I want to do right now is to kill the spawns of Targaryen."

"Robert! No!"

Jon and Barristan pull back the giant stag with all their might before he does something stupid. Ferrego is afraid, but he keeps putting on a calm expression even when he knows that his head will be crushed under Robert's hands.

Ferrego looks at Jon Arryn before saying,

"I'm afraid your stay here is welcomed."

After he said that, the Town Guard arrived near him. Their weapons are drawn and ready to use. Seeing the situation get worse, Jon knows that their presence here is not welcomed.

"Very well. Maybe the next day, we can get into an agreement."

"I have read the agreement between you and the previous Sealord. While I cannot and will not grant you and your troops killing the people of Braavos, I agree with his decision in his attempt to make you pay your debt faster."

Ferrego looks at Westerosi and smiles. It was not a pleasant smile. It was a smile full of malice.

"We want you to pay your debt in three years. If you do not do that, we will embargo the entire Westeros. Not only Braavos but also Pentos."

When he hears that, Jon's face gets paler. An embargo from Braavos and Pentos will make the merchants in Westeros start a riot. Pentos and Braavos are the trading hubs between Westeros and Essos. They can go to Myr, but the water near that place is filled with pirates, and many merchants have fallen under pirate attack.

"W-We will pay our debt, I promise it."

"Good. Just like the previous agreement, we are willing to let you pay your debt with other goods like Timber and Food."

"Very well. We will send them immediately."

Without him knowing, this is one of the first steps of the Seven Kingdoms Crisis. The Seven Kingdoms start to crumble slowly with how the royal family spends their money on luxury and Petry Baelish making sure the kingdom cannot pay their debt in gold.

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