

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] She’s his destiny, He has come to claim it, She’s a Fairy, He has come to have her, Her emotions have run dry and he wears a mask, He has never experienced love for he knew only the cold walls of Knowledge, she has come to melt those walls. ~ Raised as an outcast, Ava's life takes a perilous turn when she's auctioned off, her worst fears realized as she faces the prospect of becoming a mere possession. Yet, fate has other plans as the Fox god claims her for a price beyond measure. With emotions as elusive as the mask he wears, he's never known love, only the icy grip of Knowledge. As they embark on a journey of discovery, Ava and the Fox god must confront their deepest fears and unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies. Will love triumph over darkness, or will the shadows of the past tear them apart? ----- Cover is mine

Dy_zamite · Fantasía
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201 Chs

I Came To Drag You To Hell!

My heart was palpitating badly, pounding like drums in my very chest, on the verge of blasting... I didn't know if I should experience happiness or dread, maybe it was a mix of both. But hope came stronger the moment I laid eyes on my handsome Fox god.

Because William is here and I knew everything will be alright, his darkness didn't just bring a murderous feeling but a spark of hope for Estel and me.

William stopped on his track and tilted his head where I was, but he didn't look at me completely, just his side profile, and his ears twitched, measuring any sounds aside from Aldon's screams.

And I knew he heard Estel's baby cries because his teeth clenched right at that moment. He stretched his hand and the barrier keeping me away from Estel broke into pieces and vanished in thin air.