
Chapter 54, Enemy or friend 2


Reskeme stood behind Michael's house practicing throwing his knives. The three runed knives were sharp and stuck up to the tang when he hit the tree in Michael's back yard. Reskeme scowled, using the knives to vent some of his pent up apprehension. He pulled one knife from the tree, channeling mana to allow himself to draw the imbedded weapon. The other two knives were retrieved from the grass several steps away from where they ricochet.

Reskeme shook himself, glancing up at the star filled sky and breathing deeply of the night air. He strode away from the tree, his bare feet sinking into the soft grass. Reskeme was unsure how early it was in the morning, but if he practiced for another hour, then it should be light.

His knives tumbled end over end, two bouncing off the hard bark of the tree and the third sticking into the wood with a satisfying thunk. Reskeme smiled. Now these knives were worth practicing with for combat. The one knife he stuck buried itself into the tree, piercing nearly the length of Reskeme's pointer finger.

Returning the knives to their plain leather scabbard, Reskeme channel some mana. If he couldn't sleep, he should at least practice his runes. Reskeme couldn't decide what he should do? Should he try to learn to fight close or should he try to master long range? If he did that, then Reskeme would need a staff or spear.

Reskeme struck the air, using a broom handle he borrowed from the house to go through his staff fighting. Reskeme winced as, while swinging his makeshift staff, he tried to channel a rune at the same time. Staggering Reskeme's mind went hazy as he felt the backlash of a failed rune.

The air popped and smoked as he channel more runes, all the while going through some basic staff stances. Green runes shimmered, forming as his staff whooshed through the air. The leaf shaped runes fizzled, shaking as they tore apart. Head spinning and gasping for breath, Reskeme fell to his butt on the soft grass. He lay on his back panting as he stared at the lightening sky. It was no use. An hour of effort and he hadn't managed a single rune while going through his weapon forms.

The basic staff forms felt refreshing, and it surprised him how long he could keep going now. All of his work with Michael was really helping his physique. Reskeme sighed, channeling mana to create a rune in front of his face. The leaf shaped rune formed, settling into the air. His mana felt wispy and his veins burned as he contemplated the rune in front of him.

What did Trisha mean by channeling runes while fighting? As far as Reskeme could tell, his fundamental problem was he couldn't split his focus. Ever since Trisha gave him the idea, he couldn't help but think about it.

And that was why he couldn't sleep. His mind kept pondering the problem. His rune floated rigidly as though invisible strings held it. Wait a minute, couldn't he make runes that moved? What if that was the key?

Breathing deeply of the early morning air, Reskeme rose. Let's see, to move a rune we need to set up the base. Reskeme created a rune above his head, parallel to the soft grass. He channeled mana into the rune, feeling a light connection. His body tingled as he swung the staff. Reskeme directed his intent into the rune above him. Heat caressed his face and his eyes watered as the dark back yard was suddenly lit by green fire.

A spear of fire struck the end of the broomstick before burning a fist-sized hole into the grass. Reskeme grinned. Now that was progress. He could sense the control rune as it hovered in place and without even looking at it, he could direct flame when he focused.

He walked further, swinging his stave at a shadow opponent. With a focus of will, he channeled mana. Heat washed over his back and the stink of cloths burning filled his nose. Reskeme thrashed on the ground until the back of his shirt stopped burning.

He panted the smoke clogging his nose as he lay on the charred grass. He glanced back to where the rune had been. It was no longer there, but he realized it was his own damned fault. With how he was positioned with his back to the rune, the only path for the spear of fire was through him.

He pulled off the ruminants of his charred tattered shirt, both embarrassed and happy at the fact he was resistant to his own green flames. If not for that fact, he would be writhing in agony on the grass. He decided that was enough training for the morning and headed inside, nervous to meet with Trisha again for the second day of the auction.

Why had he agreed to that? It must have been Rory's and Alex's influence. Reskeme glanced back at the lawn, wincing as he picked out the circle of charred grass. He swallowed, hoping Clair didn't notice before he left for the day.

Washing the suet from his lean bony chest, changing into his only remaining spare cotton shirt.

With not much left to do, he headed outside. The early morning traffic was light as he strode around, not taking any street in particular. Reskeme patted his chest, reassuring himself that his knives were still strapped under his arm.

The runed throwing knives fit comfortably against his ribs, the leather thong clasped around his chest and over his shoulder.. Reskeme scouted the guild elementals fury, looking for something irregular. With Trisha here, he was assuming she was up to something.

Finding nothing, Reskemes walking eventually brought him back to Michael's place. With it nearing noon, he needed to meet Trisha anyway. He found her near the same stand selling pastries as the day before. Today she was dressed much the same, with a low cut silken blue blouse and purple silken pants.

Unlike the day before, Trisha wasn't wearing a hood. He approached her from behind, wondering if she would notice him. Trisha turned and smiled at him, assessing his stride.

" You smell like you were in a house fire?" Said Trisha, crinkling her nose.

" Really? I took a bath." Said Reskeme, sniffing his shirt.

" What did you do?" Asked Trisha.

" I set myself on fire." Said Reskeme casually.

" Ok, if you will not tell the truth then I don't want to know." Said Trisha.

" Seriously, I tried that technique you were talking about this morning and burned off my shirt." Said Reskeme.

" Right, that makes sense. What did you do exactly?" Asked Trisha.

Unwilling to share what he could do, Reskeme winked at Trisha and gestured down the cobbled street. He sauntered away, knowing Trisha would follow.

" Did you figure it out?" asked Trisha, rushing to match Reskeme's stride. He grumbled, her long legs easily keeping up with him.

" Its easy, just create a control rune above you and direct your mana from it when you attack." said Reskeme.

" Uh huh, its so easy that you lit yourself on fire?" asked Trisha.

" Well, i may have gotten carried away." reply Reskeme sheepishly.

"The High priest gave me a demonstration. He used a control rune and several drifting runes in a gigantic dome to have blades of wind strike rapidly while he was attacking with his sword." said Trisha.

" Well, not everyone can be trained by the freaking Bishop of the kingdom." Said Reskeme sourly.

" I wasn't saying that to antagonize you. I was telling you that so you know what is possible. Think about it. Having several differing runes, that are moving to attack whenever you just focus for a moment." said Trisha.

" Can you do that?" asked Reskeme, not liking the sound of that. Close quarters with a mage that could attack from his blind spots sounded suicidal.

" Not yet. Whenever I focus on anything other than fighting and my control rune, I get hit. Either by spell backlash or the person I'm fighting against." said Trisha.

" Why are you telling me this? What do you gain?" asked Reskeme. For the life of him, he couldn't fathom the reason Trisha would tell him how to get stronger with channeling.

" I trust you. You don't have someone to teach you this. The least I can do is give you some tips." Reply Trisha.

Reskeme quieted, following the cobbled street. The guild was already bustling, and they formed a line all the way to the outer door. Standing in line, he ponders the situation. Was she trying to get him to trust her? Why would she do that? Passively, Reskeme noted that most of the people in line were well dressed. That must be because of the previous days' theatrics.

" So what are you planning on buying?" asked Trisha.

" Nothing much, I'm trying to decide if I should buy a spear or try to specialize in long range rune casting." said Reskeme.

" Oh, that's easy. With your penitent for sneaking and running away, you should get a staff." said Trisha.

" Why would a staff help me if I specialize in long range? Wouldn't a bow be better?" asked Reskeme dubiously.

" Its simple. If they build a staff with a monster's heart, you can create an attack or a defence for instant use." said Trisha.

" I knew about that already." said Reskeme.

" And you probably already know how useless arrows are against a mage's barrier. From what the Bishop said, certain staves of high quality can act as a focus for your channeling." said Trisha, her grin lighting up the guild hall.

" How does that work? My body is the focus, i need to channel mana through my body to create runes." said Reskeme.

" Well, they tie the staff to you through soul binding and then you can use it as the focal point." said Trisha waving excitedly.

" And why haven't I heard of this before?" asked Reskeme. Trisha deflated.

" Well, the staves are only available at journeymen and higher." said Trisha, wincing.

" Why?" asked Reskeme, not liking that in the slightest, all of these amazing things and he couldn't have them because he was too weak or too poor.

"The bishop said something about needing to have your personal heart to match that of the staff." said Trisha, shrugging.

Reskeme smiled. So that's how it was, after all. He would need to cultivate his own monster's heart in the future. Well, when he learned how to do it.

" What aren't you telling me?" asked Trisha.

" It is our turn." said Reskeme, placing twenty copper crowns into Wallace's hands.

" You two have a pleasant time." said Wallace.

" Thank you Wallace. Has Michael shown up yet?" asked Reskeme.

" He will be along shortly." Said Wallace.

Reskeme strode between the closest isle, ascending the stairs until he reached the top row. Even an hour early, the seats were nearly full, making Reskeme happy to have arrived early.

He sat down, and Trisha squeezed by sitting in the chair on his right side. Reskeme cocked his head, the gold and silver time piece on her left wrist giving him an idea. The time piece had a simple leather clasp that should come off quick if he tugged it just right. Reskeme only eyed it for a moment, his eyes drifting to and lingering on Trisha's face. Her slightly up-turned nose, light green eyes, and curly brown hair struck a beautiful image.

Reskeme sighed, pushing away the useless thoughts. His body was such a traitor. Why couldn't he just think she was ugly?

" Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" Asked Trisha, brushing her chin with the back of her hand.

"Nothing, your face is perfect." Said Reskeme. He paused, then flushed and looked away as he realized what he just said. Smooth, Reskeme really smooth.

Betrayal, stop thinking about romance, he thought. He had to keep his priorities straight. If he let her lead him around with her stunning good looks and smooth voice, then Reskeme would end up to the chopping block.

" You think my face is perfect?" Asked Trisha, a bright red creeping onto her cheeks.

" Besides the glaze on your chin, then yes." said Reskeme.

" Now you 're just messing with me." said Trisha, brushing the side of her mouth with a sleeve.

" Nope, it's a glob the size of your pinkie finger." said Reskeme, gesturing towards her face and miming a large circle.

"Excuse me! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention. Today is a special day. All of our artisans members have made us something to sell at the auction. I would like to start with one of them. For our first item, I have something you might find interesting." Said Wallace, a grin splitting his face. The audience stilled, settling into their seats.

From the push cart, Wallace unveiled a simple scroll.

" Technique of the magma lance. This technique will give you a step-by-step process on how to create and use molten flaming spears." said Wallace.

The room went deathly quiet. Techniques were extremely rare. Reskeme had never even seen one before. He could already imagine sending lances of molten green flames slamming into his enemies. That was until he heard the starting bid..

" Starting bid, ten gold crowns." said Wallace.

Twenty gold!


One fifty!

Two seventy!

Reskeme's mouth went dry as the lower seats continued bidding until the scroll sold for five hundred gold crowns. He could swear all the well-dressed nobles were just here to outbid each other.

" Interesting, a technique scroll. I need one of those." said Trisha like she was deciding to go shopping for lunch.

" Do they pay you that much?" asked Reskeme, staring at her with envy.

" About forty silvers every two weeks." said Trisha, shrugging.

" That is unfair. No wonder you can afford those fancy clothes." said Reskeme, brushing his finger over the smooth silk on Trishas shoulder.

" You definitely need to try it. Wearing silk is amazing, its like once you wear silk. Cotton just feels like wearing rags." said Trisha. On the stage, two aids pushed another item out onto the stage and uncovered it.

A rapier and a dagger resting in red velvet were uncovered. Shimmering grey runes were engraved into the blades. Offsetting that were the red runes. The hand guard of the rapier was polished to a silver shine, a stark contrast to the small red gems imbedded into the wire hilt. Reskeme met Stan's eyes. The man grinned up at him. Damit, Reskeme gritted his teeth. He had to admit, the two weapons looked amazing.

He instantly took back all the crappy remarks he had made internally about Stan. Ok well, not all of them, but most. The rapier and dagger made him wonder if Stan was just acting the fool. Surely someone that skilled couldn't be a moron like Stan, right? But then maybe Ethan was the journeymen smith, not Stan? He shook his head, showing a stone confident facade to Stan in return.

" Two of our newer members crafted these two weapons. Their dedication extremely impressed us. If you cannot see from you seats, each of these fine weapons has a monster's heart embedded with a five rune construct within. The starting bid for the runed rapier and dagger is ten gold." said Wallace.

Fifteen gold.

Twenty gold.

Twenty-five gold.

Thirty gold

" Shit, they weren't all bluster." said Reskeme, kicking himself as the price rose more people getting in on the bidding.

" Why are you so worried about the price? You cannot even afford a button, much less a sword." said Trisha.

" I made a bet with Stan. We get to sell two items. The person who makes the most gold wins. The loser has to pay the winner ten gold crowns." said Reskeme.

"Ouch, ten gold is a lot for you. I hope you can still afford to eat, that's like a five years pay for you. If you go get me a drink from that refreshment table, I will give you a copper? " Said Trisha, smiling at him brightly.

"Oh, did you forget your servant at the inn? How low you have fallen, needing help even to get a drink. Do you still know how to get dressed? Or do you pay a maid to do it for you?" asked Reskeme, grinning in return.

Forty! forty gold crowns.


"What servant?" asked Trisha.

" You know because you 're a filthy rich dandy, most of them have servants." reply Reskeme.

Most people in the audience had stopped bidding, except for two well dress men in their early twenties. They sat on opposite sides of the gallery, but they were staring hatefully at each other as they raised the price higher and higher.

" It is Mine Clarance back off!"

Sixty gold Crowns, shouted Clarence, raising his placard! The other unknown young man paused, scowling bloody murder at Clarance.

"Going once! Going twice! Sold to Clarance tonier!" said Wallace, his aids pushing out the object.

Reskeme blanched as he caught Stan's grin. Where was Michael? He should be here by now. Reskeme looked over at the audience, not catching sight of his blond-haired, blue-eyed friend.

" Well, those guys seemed enthusiastic. I dont know how you 're going to pay me back after you give most of your earnings to Stan." said Trisha mildly.

" I will figure it out don't worry about me." replies Reskeme.

" When you find yourself broke and in need of a job, come talk to me. I am apparently a Dandy, and I hear they need servants." said Trisha grinning evilly at Reskeme.

A side door used by the staff opened and an exhausted Michael peered in. He nudged opened the door and walked up the isle receiving several displeased looks and he sidled in front of people to get by. Michael sat in the empty chair on Reskeme's left.

" Sorry I'm late, I needed to finish the scabbard." Said Michael, smearing some oil on his cheek as he rubbed his chin.

" If you needed help, you could have asked me and I would have come." said Reskeme.

" I wanted to give you someone-on-one time with your lady friend." said Michael, winking slyly at Reskeme. Trisha burst out laughing at that comment, receiving several glares from people sitting below them.

" That will not happen. I wouldn't trust her to make me soup without trying to dump it on me." said Reskeme.

" Your loss, I make a killer soup." said Trisha, winking slyly at a flushing Reskeme.

" Our next item, forged right here in the guild, is a two handed great sword." said Wallace.

The weapon was huge, its handle alone the length of Reskeme's forearm. The blade must have been as tall as him. Imbedded into the polished steel blade were filmy brown runes paired with light purple.

" Those are earth and body runes, right Michael?" asked Reskeme.

" Good eye, that weapon would normally be too heavy for most to wield but those runes will make it near the same weight as a regular sword." said Michael.

This time the price ended at a more reasonable thirty five gold selling to a heavily build a man in a pristine brown army uniform. The mans silver shoulder patch gave him away as an army officer of captain or perhaps major, Reskeme was unsure. It had to be one of the higher-ranking officers. Most captains couldn't afford something worth thirty gold at their pay rate.

The two aids pushed another weapon out onto the floor, being unveiled with lack of fanfare. Underneath was a breast plate glimmering in the light of rune lanterns, its polished surface a mirror shine. Embedded runes of purple and brown glistened in the center of the chest piece, but otherwise, the chest piece was unadorned with jewels. A spiderweb line of engravings crisp crossed the chest piece in a chaotic pattern.

Twenty gold! Shouted the same army officer as before.

Thirty gold! shouted another in the crowd. Surprisingly, the seemingly plain chest piece sold for seventy gold crowns.

" Now that is impressive." said Michael.

" What is? Why was everyone willing to pay so much for that chest piece?" asked Reskeme at a loss.

" Oh right, you probably couldn't tell, but the runes engraved along the entire face were dispersal runes." said Michael.

" And that does what?" asked Reskeme, not remembering that rune.

" A dispersal rune is a master level rune. While wearing that chest piece, you could get hit by that giant sword and be just fine. Well, at least until the monster's heart was overloaded with too much kinetic energy." said Michael.

" That makes little sense. I have seen the damage a sword like that does to people, even ones wearing armour. Actually, that is the point of using such an enormous weapon. It doesn't matter if you wear armour. The Force of the blow breaks your ribs and crushes organs even through a steel breastplate." said Reskeme.

" Oh, Reskeme, you have so much to learn. That is what the monster's heart and dispersal runes are for. The dispersal rune spreads out the impact of the blow, funneling the energy of the strike to the monster's heart where it can slowly dissipate." said Michael in a lecturing tone.

" So, Michael, are you seeing anyone? You 're cute and smart. I don't suppose you would want to work for me?" asked Trisha, winking at Reskeme as she peered around him.

" Hey you cannot poach Michael, he is mine." said Reskeme.

" Thank you for the offer, lady Trisha. But I'm sure you understand my hesitation. Working for the church could have some drawbacks for me and my partner." said Michael.

" Really, Drawbacks, what do you mean?" asked Trisha.

" Well, from what I know of the church, you guys aren't exactly excepting of what my partner is." said Michael in a whisper.

" Well, now I didn't expect that? Reskeme, I didn't expect you to tell anyone." said Trisha.

" Just because you are okay with betrayal doesn't mean other people are. Isn't that right, Michael." said Reskeme, sending the verbal jab.

" Our next items come in a pair. Each is embedded with a monster's heart and a unique ability. I will leave the bid to start at twenty gold crowns." said Wallace.

" Wait, that is ours, pay attention." said Michael, straitening up proudly as they pulled the cover from the cart.

"The owners gave us permission to test these two as their abilities." said Wallace. The official of the guild strode over and grasped the silver wire hilt of the bastard sword. He pulled the steel free, revealing green and purple runes lining the blade, each rune shimmering slightly in the light of the rune lanterns.

Wallace held the sword out to the side, showing off the purple gems in the pommel and the green gems lining the silver crossguard. With the faintest trickle of mana, the man faded from sight as he activated the monster's heart. The crowd murmured in excitement. They could still see Wallace as a blurry outline, but it was hard to pick him out against the wooden floor.

Wallace reappeared and sheathed the sword back in the polished black leather scabbard. Wallace picked up the shield and walked to the center of the stage. A trickle of mana like a faint breeze brushed Reskemes' skin as a dome of green mana crackling with malevolence swirled around Wallace.

" Our smith, has an unusual, deviant mana. This green flame consumes all that tries to enter, keeping whoever is inside safe until the monster's heart empties of mana." said Wallace.

Wallace canceled his channeling and returned the shield to the cart, placing the polished item so all could see its imbedded purple and green gems glinting on the surface like stars in the sky.

Twenty gold! shouted Clarance.

As if broke from introspection, others in the crowd began raising their placards as the price rose steadily.


thirty gold!



Forty five

fifty! shouted the rival of Clarance.

" How much did Stan's items sell for?" asked Michael.

" That rapier and dagger sold for sixty gold." said Reskeme wincing.

" Dont worry, Reskeme, the job offer still stands when you get in debt. My boots need polishing first." said Trisha helpfully.

" Just wait, its not over yet!" said Michael smirking at Trishas teasing.

"Fifty-five! What? Lance, Dont you have enough to gold to challenge me? I guess they will make a perfect decoration for my fireplace." Shouted Clarance.

Sixty! shouted Lance.

From where Reskeme was standing, he could see Lance's angered expression as he said the price.

" What is that all about?" asked Reskeme.

" From Lance's expression, I doubt he can afford sixty gold, but now he has put in the bid he cannot back out without a fine." said Trisha.

"Unless someone outbids sixty gold crowns. If no one bids, then the weapons will go to the previous bidder, which will be Clarance for fifty-five gold." said Trisha, her eyes roving the crowd. Reskeme balled his fists as he met Stan's triumphant gaze. Stan clearly understood what was happening.

Sixty going once, Going twice-

The pavilion belonging to the prince flashed, and a voice projected from within

Sixty-five gold!

Lances sighed in relief as took a seat, embarrassment on his face.

Going once

Going twice

"Sold to his highness, the prince." said Wallace. They carted the items off the stage.

" And now for the finale. We have two things that are truly special. We will sell these two items separate. Each has a starting price of fifteen thousand gold crowns. May the best man win." said Wallace

Pushed out by two members of the guild, each with gold token on their chest, was the staff. Encased in rune inscribed glass stood the staff floating in the air inside the case. The staff shed darkness, the thick black smoke oozing from the polished wood. The darkness faded outwards until it touched the glass, leaving an ominous haze around the weapon.

"From what we found in the tomb, this was the staff of Emperor Juric, the first. The first and only human to dare to go to war with the elementals of the forbidden lands and win. It is said he brought down cities with his world-shattering power. Although it is unknown what the weapon does, it is undoubtedly a relic class item." said Wallace, delivering his sales pitch with enthusiasm..

" Really world shattering power? Seems over the top." said Reskeme dubiously.

" It is a relic class weapon. In the hands of the right grand master that could bring down cities." said Michael..

A pavilion on the right next to the princes glowed, and a voice came out.

Sixteen thousand!

Seventeen thousand!

four of the five glass booths lit up as they truly began the auction.


Nineteen thousand! no sooner had the price been said it was raised to truly mind-boggling heights.

Twenty-five thousand! That put a pause in the bidding, as no doubt behind the glass people were discussing their finances.

Twenty-eight thousand!

Reskemes throat went dry, he couldn't even imagine that much gold. How could someone afford something like that?

Noone else bid, it appeared the pockets of the nobles of Pentir were limited after all.

" Twenty-eight thousand going once, twice, sold to booth number three!" said a shocked Wallace, his hands shaking at the amount.

The two members of the guild, sporting their gold ranking badges, pushed the card from the room.

"And finally, something unique. Here we have the in-depth instructions on structural advancement to the level of a grand master. Any who follow this mana forged scroll will one day reach the soaring heights of a grand master without the help of an elemental." said Wallace.

Hushed whispers and heated discussions broke the quiet. After all, a way to advance to that height of power without the help of an elemental was unheard of.

" Can it be copied!" shouted someone in the bottom row.

" Sadly no! We have studied it as best we know how. But whoever created it inscribe the knowledge with mana, not ink. We cannot just copy something like that. But rest assured, we are absolutely certain it contains the required knowledge." said Wallace confidently..

Reskeme bit his lower lip. Now that was unexpected, a path to grand master. Reskeme shook his head. He wanted more than that. There was a rank above that. If he didn't want to be pushed around anymore, Reskeme would need to reach for the unattainable. If someone heard his thoughts, they would think him mad. After all, there were perhaps only three grandmasters in the kingdom of Laurentia, maybe four. Reskeme frowned in thought. How would he go about his goal? The rank of an Archimage was just something of a myth, a legend for humans in his kingdom.

Reskeme paused. He smiled. He wasn't a human anymore, was he? For all he knew, Reskeme could attain so much power that a grand master would seem like a bug to him.

" Why are you smiling evilly? I mean seriously, it looks like you are planning something malicious." asked Trisha.

Thirty thousand!

The question broke Reskeme from his musings of vast power, returning him to the present.

" Nothing! I was just deciding what to get for dinner all these rich nobles are making me hungry." said Reskeme.

In the end, the scroll sold for a whopping forty thousand gold. Reskeme guessed money could buy happiness. Reskeme supposed he might be the only person in the room who didn't want that scroll. After all, he wanted to go higher than a grand master. As to why a scroll could sell for so much was a noble house, owning such a thing could raise a grand master to lead their house.

"Sold! to his highness, prince Rainier." said Wallace, bowing towards the booth in question.

They carted the scroll out, leaving the room in an uproar of conversations and speculation. Even for a prince, forty thousand was an astronomical price.

" Right! I totally believe that." said Trisha..

" Reskeme, why don't you ask the young priestess to dinner?" said Michael in a stage whisper.

" You know why, and she probably has twenty suitors lined up already." said Reskeme whispering back, his cheeks flushing.

"Actually, I don't. I am free tonight as well. Are you afraid of dinner with a lady?" said Trisha fuelling Reskemes deepening embarrassment.

" See, that is basically a yes. Just take her out to celebrate. We won the bet with Stan after all." said Michael grinning evilly.

" Milady, please reconsider. We may have lost to these two in an honest bet, but I assure you, I will make for far better company than this young man." said Ethan. The handsome young man bowed gracefully from the isle towards Trisha.

" Oh, my, such a gentleman." said Trisha.

" Ask her, you dimwit." whisper Michael.

"Trisha, would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" asked Reskeme, forcing out the words. Not liking how much he wanted to go..

" Really, you want to go to dinner with a Dandy?" asked Trisha. Reskeme turned away, hiding his excitement and the grin on his face.

" Sure, dinner sounds okay, I guess. Doesn't matter to me either way." said Reskeme, unable to push down his excitement. Michael covertly punched him for the remark.

" Sorry, Ethan, perhaps another time. My servant and I already have dinner tonight. We have business to discuss, you see." said Trisha.

" What I'm not her servant." said Reskeme to a confused Ethan.

" So where are our winnings?" asked Reskeme, hoping he didn't look like a tomato.

Ethan held out a leather purse and dropped it into Reskeme's hands. He grinned, the melodic clink of gold drifting to his ears. Reskeme opened it up, counting all ten of the shiny golden crowns before closing the bag.

Reskeme held out an arm and Ethan took it shaking his hand in the Pentir style.

" Good one, you made some impressive weapons for a servant." said Ethan.

" And you as well. That rapier and dagger were amazing, Even if you are a Dandy." said Reskeme. He grinned, finding himself warming up to Ethan.

" I'm sorry about Stan. He will come around. Our loss will do him some good. I have never seen him so determined to go back to work." said Ethan chuckling.

" Is that where he went?" asked Reskeme, glancing over at the bustling gallery.

" Yes, he said something about paying off the lucky commoner. And then left mumbling about buying better books on runes." said Ethan.

" Well, best of luck to you both. I'm sure we will compete again." said Reskeme, feeling bad at the blatant lie.

" Well, gentlemen. Milady. Have a pleasant day." said Ethan before sauntering away his last glance a cheeky grin for Trisha.

"I like him. He is nice, smart, rich and cute. If only every guy I know could be like that." said Trisha wistfully, her eyes settling on Reskeme.

" If only we could all be so lucky." said Reskeme.

" I honestly cannot decide if you two really like each other or want to kill each other." said Michael, strolling next to them as they threw jabs back and forth.

"I like him." said Trisha playfully.

" She is probably going to kill me within the next couple of days." said Reskeme at the same time.

When Trisha didn't respond to that. Michael sighed, decided he was in over his head.

They received a token from Wallace instead of the gold. Michael assured Reskeme it was safer. Only the member who owned the account with the guild could take out the crowns, assuring that no one could rob them. They now had forty-five gold between them after the auction and winning their bet with Stan. It would have been seventy, but Wallace subtracted the amount they owed to the guild on the spot. Still, making twenty-two gold was far more than Reskeme expected to earn. He knew exactly what he wanted to get with his gold as well.

These two are fun:)

Hope you enjoy the banter.

Bearscholarcreators' thoughts