
Chapter 5, Border 3

Border 3

Reskemes bones ached, and his boots pinched his sore feet. He glanced at Alex, Reskeme wanted to find something for the children to do. He knew that being idle after a loss was the hardest. Reskeme smiled, he had an idea. Digging in his pack, Reskeme pulled out a single copper coin. Holding up the coin for both Rory and Alex to see.

"What is that for?" asked Rory.

"Ooh, a copper coin, can I hold it." said Alex, his eyes widening.

" Yes Alex, If you can take it without me noticing I will give it to you." said Reskeme as he put the coin in his back pocket, smiling at them.

"Really? It will be mine if I can take it?" asked Alex.

" Thats stealing, you cannot take it Alex." said Rory.

" Nope, it is not stealing. I give both of you permission to take this copper coin. The first one of you to take it without me noticing gets to have it." said Reskeme.

" Yay, I'm going to win, Rore." said Alex, jumping into the air.

" Not if I get it first." said Rory, as she too smiled.

They all downed water. Lucky for them, the path wound along the river. Returning to the patch, Reskeme almost immediately felt a small hand reaching into his pocket. He batted the small hand away, not even looking back at the culprit.

" Hey! No fair!" said Alex.

" Was that a mosquito?" asked Reskeme, grinning.

Haha. "Alex, you cannot get caught."said Rory, her laugh soft and musical.

"Hey, Alex. You go take his hand, I will take the coin. Distract him." Whispered Rory, too loud.

Alex jogged next to him, taking his right hand and casually strolling along beside him. If Reskeme resisted, it could ruin the fun. Reskeme stares down at Alex's head, as the boy stares forward swinging Reskemes arm.

" Did you join the army?" asked Alex.

" Yes, I was in the army." said Reskeme as he stare from the corner of his eye, trying to keep track of Rory.

" What about you? Where did you live?" asked Reskeme.

"We lived in the merchant's quarter. With mum and d, Dad." said Alex, sniffling at the last.

" Have you thrown knives before, Alex?" said Reskeme.

"No, Mom was teaching Rory. She promised to teach me on my 8th birthday," Alex said, puffing his chest.

Reskeme patted himself down. Wait a minute, where did he put his knives? Did he leave them at the church? Or were they back where he and David had fought the Darva. The slight scuff of boots on stone, and the sensation of pulling, came from his rear pocket. Reskeme was jerked from his thoughts at the touch. He swung his hand backwards, hitting nothing but air. Reskeme swiveled his head, eyeing Rory suspiciously.

Rory was blatantly staring at the forest and back to the stream. She even kicked a rock as they passed, as though she were bored. Chuckling to himself at the terrible acting, Reskeme turned back to Alex.

" Did you get it, Rory?" whispered Alex, covering his mouth, still holding onto Reskeme's hand.

" Alexx, do not talk so loud. He can hear you from that close." said Rory as she shook her head, frowning.

Reskeme patted his pocket, feeling for the coin. So she didn't get the coin. They stopped for dinner, eating a small portion of bread that was remaining in the pack. Reskeme glanced from the remaining loaf of bread to the two children. He swallowed hard. The river flowed rapidly past. Its white rapids unwelcoming. Fishing with a spear would be almost impossible. He couldn't even see the fish.

Reskeme pushed aside his hunger, saving the remaining loaf for the children. Only one more day, if he could believe the High priest's scroll. They camped on a hill looking into the valley, his view stunning as he could see to the end. In the fading life he could see the lights from the city in between two mountains at the end of the valley. Reskeme held up the scroll. The dirty and crumpled parchment simply had a line that said northern trade road.

Well, then why had there been almost no one traveling down towards Drent? The few horse riders they passed rode by without stopping. Clomp! Clomp! Reskeme scowled as a rider on a tall brown horse clattered past, leading a horse behind him. Reskeme waved at the man, but as he expected. The Man in the dark brown uniform only nodded his head, never slowing below a trot.

They camped on the hill, and the next day Reskeme lead them down to the valley. He hoped they could find a merchant to buy something. Within an hour of walking, Reskeme lept off the road, telling the children to hide. The distinct stomp of boots on stone, and the clatter of metal, drifted to his ears.

His heart skipped a beat. Reskeme held onto Rory's and Alexes hand as they clenched onto him tightly, crouching behind a tree. Soldiers rounded the bend, four abreast, they marched in step. Six rows of soldiers in armour, each with an overcoat in light brown.

They chanted a marching tune," Aye, over the hills and down the road, we are going to march through blood to heights untold. We will kill them for biscuits, we will gore them for crumbs. Until we send them howling in terror, back to their mums."

Reskeme almost burst out laughing. The marching soldiers clanked their towering spears as they walked, providing a tune. Reskeme gawked. These spears had to be nearly twice as long as the ones he was used to. His body tingled, something faintly pulling at him as the Tall, dark-skinned Pentir Marched. They would fit right into Drent if it wasn't for their height. Reskeme scowled, he wished he could have such a deep beautiful dark skin colour.

Reskeme waited until the soldiers passed. They might be allies, but Reskeme decided to be cautious. After only an hour and they ran straight into another patrol. Reskeme stood on the side of the road as the patrol marched. He sweated profusely, but his fears were for naught. Apparently, people walking on the road was common.

Reskeme and the two children passed several homes that had painted walls. Wait, walls? why did they pain their houses?

" Reskeme, why did they paint their houses?" asked Rory. Swiveling his head from building to building, Reskeme gawked. The houses, every one of them, were painted a different colour.

" I dont know, maybe they like to stand out?" said Reskeme, his head spinning.

" Are they nobles? Do we need to bow?" asked Rory, her brows knitting.

Reskeme gaped as they walked by, two kids running around a bright yellow house. The kids each wore bright blue clothing that hurt his eyes to look at. Approaching the gate, Reskeme stopped at the back of the line. His heart skipped in his chest as the woman in bright orange turned to him, bowing frantically and gesturing him ahead of her.

" Terribly sorry young lords, take my spot in like." said the tall woman.

Reskeme gaped at her. He glanced from his simple brown shirt and grey pants to Rory and Alex, who had on similar clothes. This happened for the next five people in line. Each of them bowed, pressing one hand to their forehead, palm outwards. These people thought they were nobles?

But they were filthy and dressed in the most regular looking clothing money could buy. Rory and Alex leaned on either side of him, on holding each hand as they gaped around at all the people. Two guards manned the gates, inspecting people as they entered the gate. The guards each wore vibrant brown uniforms, holding much shorter spears than the soldiers had.

The guards straitened, bowing to Reskeme, touching their foreheads with the backs of their hands.

" Young Lord, sorry for the inconvenience. Do have a nice day." The guard on the right smiled kindly down at Alex.

Reskeme smiled at them. He walked through the gate, unsure of what to do. Just after they passed, one guard grumbled." Disrespectful nobles, can't even give us respect."

What did that mean? A slight tugging came from his pocket. Reskeme grumbled, looking for somewhere to buy some food. Smelling of sweat and dust, the city was cool in the midmorning sun. How did they keep the streets so clean, where was the sewage gutter? How could a city not smell like a chamber pot? Rory giggled.

" Lets go get some bread." said Rory, tugging on his arm.

" Thats what im looking for." said Reskeme swiveling his head trying to see through the crowd.

" I want to spend my copper, lets go." said Rory.

Wait, Rory had a copper coin? Reskeme patted his empty pocket. He turned to Rory, who was grinning at the copper coin in her hand.

"Where did you get that?" Reskeme asked.

"You said it is mine if I take it without you noticing." said Rory, clutching the coin.

"No fair, Rory!" said Alex, frowning at her.

" Dont worry Alex, when I buy some bread I will share with you." said Rory, grinning.

" Of course, it is definitely Rory, buying you food. Not me." said Reskeme, rolling his eyes.

" That is because she is the best big sister." said Alex.

" He is joking, Alex, that is sarcasm." said Rory.

" What is sarcasm?" asked Alex.

"Never mind." said Rory, sighing.

The scent of fresh bread led them to a long line in front of a shop, the front painted bright red. Reskeme's mouth watered as he stares in, as the scent of fresh bread assaulted his nose.