
Silently Bound by Destiny

In the realm of silent love, fate whimsically entwined their paths, guiding them to an unexpected meeting beneath the enchanting cherry blossom tree. Their shared experiences seemed like destiny's hand at play, and despite not uttering a word of love, their hearts understood the unspoken connection. As time flowed gently, their encounters continued, strengthening the silent bond between them. In the beauty of their unspoken love, they found solace, comfort, and an ineffable joy that needed no words to be expressed. Hello, it is my first time writing a story. This is based on experience. - M.C. SOLMEIYA Soon, this will have a webtoon adaption.- M.C. TACHIII

Solmeiya · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

The end of the vacation: From Me to You

(𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐮 𝐀𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕)

The soft light of morning filtered through the curtains, gently coaxing me awake. With a languid stretch, I blinked away the remnants of sleep, my mind gradually piecing together the memories of yesterday, each one a vibrant hue in the tapestry of our vacation. A warm smile curled my lips as I thought about the budding connection between Haru and Kana. It was as if a new chapter was unfolding right before our eyes, and the thought of it brought a sense of joy that shimmered beneath the surface.

The quiet murmur of their dreams still held my friends in its gentle embrace as I yawned, my breath a soft melody in the morning hush. The desire to cherish this tranquil moment tugged at my heartstrings. I decided to seize the opportunity to prepare breakfast before rousing them from their slumber.

As the aroma of breakfast began to fill the air, a familiar figure approached. It was my brother Ryu, his sleepy demeanor a reflection of the morning's early hour. "Akemi, good morning. You're up early today," he murmured, a hint of sleep still lingering in his eyes.

"Good morning to you too!" I greeted, a genuine smile curving my lips, the warmth of his presence casting a reassuring aura in the room.

Observing me, Ryu spoke softly, almost as if deciphering my mood. "You seem to be in a good mood."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips, the sound as gentle as a morning breeze rustling through leaves. "Well," I began, my voice carrying a lighthearted note, "we're setting our sights on the Yodogawa fireworks festival later. Anticipation is practically written in the air, impossible to escape."

As the words left my lips, I noticed a playful glint in Ryu's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the shared excitement that was stirring in both our hearts.

"Need any help?" Ryu's words flowed like a gentle stream, unexpected yet deeply appreciated.

A soft warmth bloomed within me, gratitude threading through my veins like a comforting melody. "Actually, could you set the table for me?"

Ryu's response was a quiet nod, and together we orchestrated a symphony of plates and utensils. The clink of cutlery and the rustle of napkins melded into a harmonious rhythm as the table transformed into a canvas, painted with the promise of shared moments.

I gently woke Kana, Mai, and Haru, a chorus of "good mornings" filling the air as we gathered around the table. The anticipation of the day ahead made the food taste even sweeter, and Kana's half-closed eyes couldn't hide her enjoyment.

As we ate and shared laughter, a subtle sense of bittersweetness wove its way into my thoughts. The end of our vacation was looming, with only 15 days left before the winds of time would carry us to distant places, each on our unique journey next year.

"Akemi, let's get ready!" Mai's voice swept through the air, a call to action that broke the reverie. Her words were a beckoning breeze, gently tugging me from the cocoon of my thoughts, and suddenly the room was alive with an unspoken agreement.

A smile found its place on my lips, a reflection of the shared enthusiasm that enveloped us. "Sure, let's make the most of today."

With a renewed sense of purpose, we began the ritual of preparation, each movement a brushstroke in the masterpiece of our day. The rustle of clothes, the hum of conversations, and the symphony of laughter swirled together, a chorus of anticipation that set the stage for the adventures to come.

With hearts brimming with anticipation, we left the cozy refuge of Kitagawa's staycation and ventured into the vibrant heart of Osaka. The city buzzed with life, and our laughter intertwined with the rhythm of the bustling streets.

But then, like a sudden plot twist, reality intruded.

That guy... Osaka...

I felt a pang of realization, a subtle reminder that he lived here. My heart fluttered, a mix of surprise and anticipation coursing through me, as I wondered how our paths might cross again.

The world seemed to pause for a breath, a suspended moment in time, as a voice called out my name. "Akemi?"

My heart skipped a beat, the air thickening with the unexpectedness of the reunion. And there, standing before me, was the figure from my past, Senjiro. His presence was like a sudden storm that disrupted the calm.

As the seconds hung in the air like suspended particles, Senjiro's attention was drawn to me. The woman beside him, her presence inquisitive, leaned slightly forward. "Senjiro, do you know her?" she inquired, her eyes like curious explorers seeking answers.

Senjiro's gaze held a hint of recognition, the corner of his lips twitching in a muted acknowledgment. "Ah yes," he replied, his words a measured response laced with a touch of reminiscence.

With a graceful movement, the woman extended her hand, a gesture both poised and deliberate. Her smile, though polite, carried a subtle air of ownership. "Nice to meet you, Miss Shimizu Akemi. I am Senjiro's girlfriend."

My heart fluttered, its rhythm uneven against my ribs, as I managed to find my voice amidst the whirlwind of emotions. "H-hello," I stammered, my own hand tentatively meeting hers in a delicate shake.

The scene unfolded like a tableau, every detail etched in my memory—the curious tilt of the woman's head, the way Senjiro's gaze held fleeting fragments of our shared past, and the weight of the encounter settling like a fragile bridge between old and new.

Beside me, Ryu's perceptive gaze caught my struggle, and he didn't hesitate. His presence was a steadfast anchor as he held my hand, a silent declaration that I was not alone in this unexpected tide of emotions. "Hi there, Akemi is with me. I'm sorry, but we have to go now," he interjected smoothly, guiding the conversation toward an end.

Curiosity kindled in Senjiro's gaze, yet Ryu's protective stance became an unspoken wall that barred further intrusion.

"Who's that?" Senjiro's gaze shifted to me, his voice tinged with concern as he sought answers from the depths of our shared history.

Haru, seemingly propelled by a surge of emotion, approached Senjiro with a fire in his eyes. "You don't have the right to ask Akemi like that. After all, you just dumped her and now you're acting in front of your girlfriend as if you have no history with Akemi. For your information, it doesn't matter whom Akemi is with. So, back off!"

The tension in the air was palpable, a clash of past and present that hung like a charged storm.

Mai's voice sliced through the moment, an exclamation of surprise. "Brother, what's goin— SENJIRO?!"

Ryu swiftly took the reins of the situation, a calming presence that steered us away from the stormy waters. "As you can see, Mai. Anyways, forget about it, and let's go to the Yodogawa River."

Kana's concern was evident as she turned to me, her furrowed eyebrows a mirror of her care. "Akemi, how are you? You looked so pale."

The words caught in my throat for a moment, but I managed to reply, my voice soft. "I-I'm fine."

Mai's voice was a soothing balm as she encouraged, "For now, let us enjoy this moment, so chin up, Akemi."

Their collective support propelled us forward, and we resumed our journey. As we reached a rental store adorned with beautiful yukatas, a shift in atmosphere beckoned us to embrace the evening's festivities. The girls chose yukatas that reflected their personalities, and Kana's words were a gentle reminder of the present moment. "You look adorable, Akemi," she said, her voice carrying warmth. "That's right, forget about that good-for-nothing jerk for now."

Amid the festive chaos of the fireworks festival, my friends and I wandered through the vibrant crowd, the colorful stalls tempting us with an array of souvenirs. Slowly but surely, the joy began to reclaim its territory on my face, displacing the remnants of the earlier encounter.

"The fireworks are about to start," someone called out, and a hush of anticipation settled over the gathered crowd.



Ryu's sudden movement caught my attention, his hand deftly placing a delicate flower hairpin amidst my locks. My heart skipped a beat as his gesture twinkled in the fading light, a glimmer of friendship that danced like sparks in the night sky.



The night sky exploded in a cacophony of colors and light, the sky a canvas painted with the mesmerizing dance of fire and sparks. Amidst the spectacle, I turned to Ryu, my gratitude finding voice. "T-thank you, Ryu… for cheering me up and for interrupting earlier," I confessed, my words imbued with a warmth that mirrored the fireworks above, a testament to the light he had brought into the moment.


As if the night were conspiring to unveil truths beneath the tapestry of stars, Haru's voice rang out with an unexpected confession. "I like you, Kana," he admitted, his words a quiet admission that seemed to dance with the fireworks' glow.

Once again, the sky painted its enchanting tale with a new display of fireworks.


Aoi's gaze settled on Kitagawa, her curiosity evident as she requested a repetition. "Kitagawa, can you repeat what you said? It's so noisy, I couldn't understand it."

Kitagawa's response was a cascade of emotions, his cheeks flushing a vivid hue. "I-it's nothing. Don't worry about that, Aoi."

As the night wore on and the crescendo of fireworks ebbed, we made our way back to Tokyo, the journey an echo of memories shared and secrets unveiled.

But the realization hit me like an afterthought—I had almost forgotten about the looming specter of homework.

A familiar pang of anxiety twisted within me, and I turned to my mother with pleading eyes, my expression mirroring the vulnerability of a lost puppy.

"M-mom, it's only one week left," I lamented, my words punctuated by a quiver in my lower lip.

My mother's eyes softened with understanding, her tone gentle as she reassured me. "My... my~ It's fine, my dear. You enjoyed your summer vacation trip with your best friends."

Her warm embrace enveloped me, a comfort that dissolved my worries like the dissipating smoke of spent fireworks.

"Gonna go upstairs," I murmured, my heart lighter as I ascended, the memories of the trip and the embrace of friendship trailing like stars in the sky.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚...

The morning sun filtered through my window, casting a warm glow across my room. I yawned and stretched, my body slowly shaking off the last remnants of sleep. With determination in my heart, I set out to conquer the stack of homework assignments and delve into advanced studies for the remainder of our summer vacation.

*B—beep b-beeep b-beep

The jarring sound of my alarm punctured the tranquility, urging me into the realm of wakefulness. "Akemi, wake up. You can't be late on the first day of your second semester," my mother's voice echoed from the doorway.

Groggy yet motivated, I glanced at the clock, my eyes widening in realization. "Oh my! I have to hurry."

With a sense of urgency propelling me, I sprung into action. "Mom, is this my bento box?" I asked, glancing at the neatly packed lunch container.

"Yes, honey," my mother affirmed, her voice a soothing melody in the rush of the morning.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I won't be able to eat the breakfast you prepared for me. Can I just get one piece of bread?" The weight of time pressed upon me.

Her reassurance was like a soothing balm. "It's fine, sweetie. Just eat your lunch later, okay? I'll send you to school. Go to the garage."

"Thanks a lot, Mom," gratitude laced my words as I dashed towards the waiting car, my heart racing alongside the engine's hum.

I raised an eyebrow. "What's the commotion about?"

"Oh my, Akemi! Why are you late?" Mai's voice carried a mixture of surprise and excitement, mirroring the collective energy that seemed to pulse around us. "What I heard is that the transferee is already here. He's in the faculty. Some rumors said that he's tall and handsome like a model. Some rumors said he's cute."

My response was tinged with nonchalance. "Is that all?"

"EHHHHH? IS THAT ALL... YOU SAID?!" Mai's incredulous tone matched the widening of her eyes.

Shrugging lightly, I gave a half-smile. "It's not like I care... Let's go to our classroom."

"It's you after all, Akemi. I knew that you wouldn't care. Why did I even brag to you? " She sighed in defeat, playful exasperation filled the air as we navigated the corridors.

Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Ding-dong

The school bell's melodious chime resonated through the corridors, signaling the start of the day. As we made our way to the classroom, a sense of normalcy returned, accompanied by the hum of excited chatter.

"Good morning, class! How was your vacation?" Teacher Sugawara's warm greeting filled the room, and a symphony of responses followed, the atmosphere alive with the echoes of summer stories and shared experiences.

The hum of anticipation, the symphony of voices, and the promise of a new semester merged to create a vibrant tableau, signaling the start of a new chapter in our academic journey.

As the classroom settled into an expectant hush, Teacher Sugawara's voice carried the promise of something new. "Before we start our class. Just like what I said, there would be a transferee here after your summer vacation. Come in, Mr. Kimura, and introduce yourself."

With a sense of curiosity, all eyes turned to the entrance, where a figure stood poised on the threshold. As if drawn by an unseen force, my gaze fixed upon him, and in that fleeting moment, the room seemed to recede, leaving only him and me.

A presence entered the room, a figure that seemed to hold a moment's breath as the atmosphere shifted. His eyes flickered with a knowing, as if the universe had conspired to place him exactly where he belonged. "From the moment I entered... I immediately saw you. It's like you've become the apple of my eye," Kimura's whisper was a soft admission, an almost ethereal declaration that seemed to dance in the air.

"It's like time has almost stopped since you entered... it's you, isn't it?" My own thoughts echoed like a distant refrain, a secret shared with the universe alone. An unspoken connection seemed to bridge the space between us, a familiarity that defied explanation.

And then, in a serendipitous collision of fate, their gazes met. Kimura and Shimizu, two souls suspended in a moment that felt both familiar and novel. Kimura's lips curved upward, a smile that radiated like the early morning sun, casting a gentle glow upon his face. It was a smile that told stories that were unexpected. Each curve was like a brushstroke, a masterpiece of tenderness and charm, and it fluttered at the corners of his lips like the delicate wings of a butterfly. His eyes, deep pools of emotion, twinkled with the reflection of hidden galaxies, each star a representation of the happiness that bubbled within his soul.

In that instant, as their gazes locked, it was as if the universe had paused to witness the birth of a connection that defied explanation. And the world of mine couldn't help but be captivated by the mesmerizing beauty of Kimura's smile.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Kimura Taka---" Kimura's introduction was interrupted by a sudden movement. I stood up, my actions were unexpected and my heart aflutter. "What's wrong, Ms. Shimizu?" Teacher Sugawara inquired, his brow furrowed in curiosity.

A momentary silence hung like a veil, my heart racing in tandem with the realization that had surfaced. "Nothing, I'm sorry. Please continue..." I managed to whisper, my cheeks warmed by the gaze of curious eyes.

And so, the introduction proceeded, Kimura's words finding their rhythm once again. "Again, good morning, everyone. My name is Kimura Takashi. I'm from Nagoya. It's nice to meet you all..."

The classroom resonated with a soft cheer, a symphony of welcome for the new student, for the person who had entered their lives like a breath of fresh air.

"So later, who wants to tour the school with Mr. Kimura?" Teacher Sugawara's question rippled through the room, a gateway to new connections.

Kimura's gaze found mine again, and he spoke with a warmth that felt like sunlight on a winter morning. "Your name is Shimizu Akemi, right?"

In the tapestry of time's dance, their destinies entwined, weaving a mesmerizing pattern that whispered of a fateful reunion under the celestial gaze, an interlude orchestrated by the universe itself.