
Chapter 2

All the day was relatively peaceful. While there was nothing to translate, Linda chatted cheerfully with Alice, sharing various things with each other, including jokes. They both knew it was nice and healthy to laugh sometimes, especially for Linda, who suffered from nightmares that no one would like to experience.

Suddenly both women heard a knock on the door, followed by a middle-aged lady that entered their room.

"Hello. May I speak to Ms. Higgins?"

"That would be me," Linda replied.

"Oh. Ms. Higgins, I would like to ask for your translation services. I have here one document that has to be translated to German," she handled the paper to Linda. "I would be very grateful if it could be translated as soon as possible."

Linda took the paper from her hands and took a quick look at it.

"No problem. The document will be ready tomorrow and you can collect it in the morning at 10:00 a.m. Would that be fine for you?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you very much. I'll be here tomorrow at ten then. What about the payment? Should I pay before or after?" the lady asked.

"Usually customers pay right after they get the translated documents. One such page costs 15$," Linda explained.

"Yes, I checked it on your webpage. That absolutely fine. So… I'll be here tomorrow morning then. Have a nice day!"

"Sure. Same to you," Linda said with a smile, and the lady left the room.

Linda took the paper and started examining it with more attention. It was nothing difficult. She has worked with similar documents many times. Formal stuff, so to say.

"Well, looks like now I have work to do," she smiled.

"Indeed. At least your mind will be busy with better things," Alice agreed. "What is this paper about?"

"Ah, usual formalities," Linda stood up and handled her the paper. "Looks like her daughter is going to marry a German citizen, so they ask for a confirmation that there are no obstacles for the marriage. I've worked with things of that type, so tomorrow it will be ready for sure."

"Nice. Then good luck," Alice smiled and gave the document back to Linda. She took it and returned to her desk, starting to do her work.

The rest of the day passed rather quickly, and Linda didn't even notice at once that the evening time was approaching. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was nearly 06:00 p.m. And that meant that soon it was time to finish as their office closed right at six.

"Oh well, looks like it's closing time," she sighed.

"Right, just a few more minutes and we leave. Did you finish the document?" Alice asked.

"Yes, the text itself is ready, I just have to check it and make corrections where necessary, and then it's complete. Tomorrow I'll put a stamp on it, so everything is official," Linda explained.

"All right then. Would you like to come and have tea with me on your way home?"

"Hm, you know, maybe today not. I'll finish the work with this document and try to have a rest," Linda said. "How about tomorrow? We could do it then after work. Besides, it's Friday tomorrow."

"Yes, sure. It's even better like this," Alice smiled friendly. "So tomorrow after work we go to my place."

"Ok then".

After a couple of minutes it was six already. Both women checked their things and went into the hallway, locking the cabinet after them. In the main hall the headmistress was also preparing to leave.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Parker," Linda and Alice said almost simultaneously. "Have a nice evening."

"Thank you very much and same to you," she answered.

Both ladies left the building and slowly began heading home. Walking together for some time, they gave each other a hug and parted at the bus stop when Alice boarded her bus. Although they lived not far from each other, they had to take different buses to reach home.

Entering her flat, the first thing what Linda did, was preparing something to eat. Of course, she and Alice had a snack between working hours, but it was just a quick snack, so they don't stay hungry all day. Linda prepared herself mashed potatoes and steak, so she could have a full homemade meal. After that she went to finish the document, making all the necessary corrections, so now all that remained to do was to put a stamp on it. The hours went by and soon enough it was time to go to bed. Before sleeping Linda usually watched the evening news on TV and had a cup of hot tea. Now the only thing she hoped for was a peaceful sleep.

"Please, God, let me sleep peacefully tonight…" she whispered to herself. "I can't bear those nightmares… Why?... Oh dear Lord, why?"

Although Linda wasn't too much into religion, she believed in God and in supernatural forces. She was sure that humans are not the only beings that exist and the dimension that people live in is not the only one on Earth. And she was somehow sure that those frightening dreams weren't occurring without any particular reason. It had to mean something. Was it really because she was so fanatic about ghost towns? She was indeed keen on researching and collecting information about abandoned towns, but did that really have such a strong influence? Or there was something else?

I guess Alice was right, wondering how I'm able to think clearly with all these things happening to me. But I'm still sober, and that's a fact, - Linda thought. Taking a shower before bed, Linda switched the light off and fell asleep.


She woke up in a familiar place, but something wasn't right. She knew it perfectly, but the dead silence made her heart skip a beat.

"Wait a minute… This is my high school. But what am I doing here?" Linda said quietly. She was absolutely used to talk to herself when being alone. "What's more – how did I even get here? And where is everybody?"

The school looked as usual, all classrooms were in a perfect condition. But the building was totally empty, not even one living soul. Linda was starting to get scared. When she peeked into a window, she noticed that the city of Portland, where she lived, was covered in thick fog, so thick that it was practically impossible to see anything.

"What the hell..?" Linda whispered. "This fog… just like in… No, it cannot be…"

It was more than clear to her that it reminded her of the strange foggy ghost town she had dreamt of. But this time, her own town had turned into a ghost town. The streets were as empty as the school, the cars were parked at the pavement, even the traffic lights were working. But what for? There was no one in the street, totally no one.

Linda slowly walked out of classroom and strayed down the hallway. What could happen to her town? Why was it suddenly empty and covered in fog? So many questions raced through her mind, but she couldn't find a single answer to any of them.

Suddenly the silence was pierced by a loud unpleasant sound that startled the young woman. It was too familiar to have any doubt about its source. There was only one being that could make this metallic screech. It was him.

"Oh no…" Linda whispered, her body trembled. "Where the hell did he come from? It's impossible…"

The sound grew louder with every minute, and Linda tried to find a hiding place. She ran the opposite direction until found a large closet in one of the classrooms. She hid in it, closing the doors and hoping that this beast wouldn't find her.

Unfortunately, it was too naïve of her to think that. The screeching sound was loud enough to realize that he was right at the door to the room she was hiding in. It suddenly stopped right there, and Linda hoped that he would go away. But her hopes broke like glass against the stone when a loud banging noise filled the room. The monster had broken the door, tearing it off its hinges. Cold sweat covered the young woman's face when she thought of the inhuman strength the monster owned. Heavy footsteps were heard in the classroom, and they were undoubtedly approaching the closet she was inside. All Linda could do at this moment was to pray that he kills her fast.

Before anything happened, a loud bang reached her ears which sounded right at the closet doors. It seemed that something heavy fell on the floor. Linda could only guess what it was when suddenly both doors opened, revealing a pyramid headed monster. He grabbed her arm painfully and pulled her out of the closet, which was as rough as grabbing the arm. Holding her so, the monster lifted her up to the level of his helmet, so easily as if the woman weighted nothing. The beast held Linda so in the air for several minutes, like studying her. What is he doing? – Linda thought to herself, - Is he even able to see anything?

It was a mystery to her how this beast could find her. There are no holes or anything in his helmet that he could see through. Then how is he able to study her like he's doing it now? Whatever senses he had, it was clear that there was no problem to find a victim, even with this heavy helmet on his head that actually doesn't allow him to see.

Looking down, Linda noticed the large knife lying on the floor at the monster's feet. So that's what this metallic bang was. He dropped the knife before opening the closet. Well, smart enough, - she thought. At this moment the monster finally began moving. After several minutes of thinking he put the woman on his left shoulder like if she was a sack of potatoes, lifted his large knife and moved to the exit. Linda knew it was no use to fight and could only wonder where he was taking her and what awaits her.

"Please, merciful God…" her faint voice whispered "let me die fast…"