

Olive came back to consciousness and heads back to class room. when olive is about to enter the class room a big figure blocked her way to the room, when she look at the face of the figure she couldn't help but to dodge and when olive almost fell down she grabs the hand of the man infront of her and it's XAVIERRR!!!. For a moment their both eyes meet and then xavier quickly shook off his hand to get rid of her. She fell down yeahh olive fell downnn before all the students of class, the moment she realised where she is and why she is on the floor she almost died with the embarassment. She briskly get up from the floor and looked at xavier with a little cold look and instead of going back to class room she walked out of the class room and went to cafeteria in the campus. She sat in the seating in the cafeteria looking at the flowers other side of the cafeteria she just felt so much annoyed today she thought today is the worse day from the beginning and by imagining at that bastards face olive felt soo much annoyance she wish she could kick him so badly. Suddenly someone is shouting her name from behind she didn't respond the again this time even louder she came back to her senses it's Rachel who is calling her, this time it's not school yeah it's the resort beside the beach where all of their friends come out for a trip. Olive turns back and looks at Rachel and shouts back in return yeah my baby gurl I'm coming