
a glimpse

it's the sunday evening where sun is about to vanish from the sky Every one is chit chatting in the relaxing area beside the beach. olive sat on a chair facing beach and watching xavier who is playing volley ball with his friends on the seashore and suddenly she deeply drown in her thoughts.

It's first time when she saw xavier. that day six years back when it's first day of olive for the grad school, a boy in urge running to principal office.

olive is passing by and the boy is running they both get collapsed each other and fell on the ground. olive felt something on her . she slightly opend her eyes to see what's on her body ...

yes that is that boy xavier he fell on her and their both lips slightly touched. on one hand olive is still in shock that she doesn't believe what's going on there on another hand xavier doesn't even have time to worry about that situation he briskly get up and he didn't even see olive's face he says "hey sorry gurl i need to go " and run off to principal office 💨.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

mad_mareo_creators' thoughts