

46. Burial

Death Pill

* Put the eater into fakes death,

* The body cell, tissue and organ will be put into freeze mode temporarily

* The body will be reactivated after a week.


Noted: Warning! Any injuries on body won't be healed by this pill. Please be prepared.


Hoseki grab the pill very hard. Without hesitate anymore, he walked slowly to his uncle side without Zetsu noticing anything.

"It's me, uncle." Hoseki wispered to Sakumo's ear.

"Please trust me." Hoseki said as his hand pushing the pills into Sakumo's mouth.

Sakumo immediately gulped the pill with no doubt. Although he didn't understand how Hoseki had did it he put all his trust in his nephew.



". . . and your death will help master Madara's plan." As Zetsu was talking, he suddenly saw Sakumo went unconscious.

He immediately check on Sakumo as he found that Sakumo was already died.

Zetsu surprised as Sakumo had died earlier then he expected him to be. After double check on him, finally he decided to not care as he immediately busy to make suicide scene for Sakumo.

Hoseki watched everything with dark eyes.



Hoseki returned home. He slept on the bed trying to calm his body from shaking. Seeing his uncle almost died in front of him really scared him.

He looked at the pills description again and again.

He clench his fist very hard and decided to force himself to sleep. He need to pretend of knowing nothing about the event. He had decided to keep the incident a secret since it involves Madara. Hoseki worried something else will happen that out of his control.



The next day, a shocking news had arrive to hokage office.

The White Fang of Konoha, Hatake Sakumo had committed suicide.

The news had shocked the whole village from bottom to the top.

There were many implications of Sakumo's death. The biggest was, Konoha once again had lost a powerhouse.

As a village, it was strong for many reason. One of them is the powerhouse who live in the village. Konoha had lost many of them in the second shinobi war which indirectly decline in strength as a village.

After the war, konoha had left with not many powerhouse as they can only be count with fingers now. Among them, Sakumo stood really high alongside with Sannin and another powerhouse.

The death of Sakumo certainly would cause a drop of strength to Konoha once again.



In hokage office, Hiruzen body shook hearing the news. Even after small conflict with Sakumo beforehand, Sakumo remain as his trusted person. As for the incident, Hiruzen had walked directly into Sakumo house to asked for forgiveness even before Hoseki created the ruckus.

On that day, a hokage table had died after the news arrived.



Meanwhile, the death of Sakumo also cause a verbal chaos between the villagers. Everyone started to blame each other the reasons for Sakumo's death.

As Hoseki had revealed the situation of the mission, the villagers were split into two side. One blame the rumours and people who spread them. Another side blame Sakumo's death on himself for having a weak conviction as a shinobi.

While Hoseki was on his way to Sakumo's burial, he heard about the arguments.



(Konoha Memorial Ground)

After the third hokage, Hiruzen gave his speech, Kakashi walked toward his father's grave. He stood silently while looking at hos father's grave.

After a quite long time, Kakashi was still standing and not moving away from his father's grave.

Hoseki walked towards his uncle grave and stood beside Kakashi.

Suddenly, he sat down on the ground beside the standing Kakashi.

He put a bouquet of flowers on the grave and said.

"Uncle, would you like to hear a story? "

The people who attended the burial looked towards Hoseki weirdly. Who would tell the dead, a story on his burial day?

Hoseki ignored the crowd and continue.

" It was a story of a great doctor. He goes with the name Dr. Hiluluk."

" Once, there was a great doctor from far away. He tried to save his village from a sickness. His villager think he was crazy because he claimed those people were sicked. For years he strive to cure those people but they called him a quack instead."

" In the end he was caught by his king for a despicable reason"

"He was sentenced to be executed by his tyrant king. Do you know what his speech when he was in death gates? He ask the king.."

" When do you think people die? "

" When his heart was pierced? No."

" When he was attacked by incurable disease? No. "

" When he ate a deadly poisonous soup? No."

" A man DIES when people FORGET him."

Hoseki silence after that. After that he stood up and continued.

" Then, Dr Hiluluk continued with his last word... "Even when I disappeared, my dream will come true. The citizens sickness of the heart will be cure as well" "

Hoseki turn away from Sakumo's 'grave' and said. " I hope it will also same with you Uncle."

Hoseki then walk away from his uncle burial ceremony.



Inside the memorial ground, people who attended the burial were left by Hoseki with mix feeling. Some were sobing. Some were directly cried. Some even indifferent as they only came to show their manner.

As for Kakashi, he only stared on his father's grave.