
System In OnePunchMan

This is an eventful story of a Military protégée in the world of One Punch Man but let's go back to where it all began. Joseph was enlisted into the Military as a teenager he did this by lying about his age to the recruiters, miraculously he got away with it. Despite being a teenager at the time he took to the military life like a duck to water. After seeing combat, he polished his skills and quickly became tasked with managing the training of new recruits. Joseph got a call from one of his Mother's friends one day which led to him leaving the military, Joseph's reason for leaving the military was because he found out that his mother was dying and had a short time to live. Joseph never had a father, his mother was the only parental figure he's ever had. But he never got to see her for 10 years, when Joseph got the call from one of His Mother's friends he rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible, however, it was too late. When he arrived the doctor told him that his mother had died and he was too late. Joseph fell into depression after that day, he started to gamble and drink which led to things getting worse for his health. 1 year later Joseph couldn't take it anymore as the only person who ever loved him was gone and he had 0 possibility of being happy in life anymore. On that Night 10 August 2010, He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger ending his own life Also Please Check out @Cat_Tip on Webnovel. He helped me with the backstory of my MC all credit goes to him for this :)

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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Joseph And Meeting With God

A/N: Hi Author here, this is my second fanfiction but it's more focused on the world of OnePunchMan with powers that are from other Verses. Please comment if you like the Novel and tell me what's wrong or what needs changing :)


My Names Joseph, I was 25 years old when I died in my previous world, now i'm 18 again inside of OnePunchMan and i can vaguely remember this anime from my memories... From my memories i know that the main character of this world is insanely overpowered, I mean come on the guy always has his usual bored expression even when he gets launched to the moon. Ok enough about this world I'm going to tell you about how I got here.



~Joseph Backstory and His Death~



Joseph was a typical teenager until he decided to runaway from home at the age of 15, he found himself in a military camp. Joseph always had an interest for being a Soldier. So this led to Joseph being enlisted in the Military at 15 he did this by lying about his age to the recruiters, miraculously he got away with it. Despite being a teenager at the time he took to the military life like a duck to water. After seeing combat, he polished his skills and quickly became tasked with managing the training of new recruits.

One day, Joseph got a call from one of his Mother's friends one day which led to him leaving the military, Joseph's reason for leaving the military was because he found out that his mother was dying and had a short time to live. Joseph never had a father, his mother was the only parental figure he's ever had. But he never got to see her for 10 years, when Joseph got the call from one of His Mother's friends he rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible, however, it was too late. When he arrived the doctor told him that his mother had died and he was too late. Joseph fell into depression after that day, he started to gamble and drink which led to things getting worse for his health. 1 year later Joseph couldn't take it anymore as the only person who ever loved him was gone and he had 0 possibility of being happy in life anymore. On that Night 10th of August 2017, He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger ending his own life.

Joseph slowly opened his eyes, looking around he was confused as all he could see was a void with no one around him. He had no one to talk to absolutely no inch of life could be found in this vast expanse. "What the fuck is going on?" Joseph exclaimed, worried that he'd be stuck here for his whole life.

"Hello Young One, You can call me Author or God in your sense" Said a Voice that brought Joseph out of his stupor. "U-UH, Hello God i think i heard you say" Joseph spoke to the voice looking around trying to find the person behind the voice.

Soon a White light could be seen, it seemed to take shape of a human "Hello Human, Sorry I don't have a body so i can only appear as a Silhouette" Said the mysterious white light that has taken shape of a human. "Uh, Ye sure" Joseph responded still confused.

"So what happens to me after i'm dead?" Joseph asked interested to here what this self proclaimed God has to say. "Oi Lad, I'm God you know. I can hear your thoughts. You had good karma in your past life so you'll be reincarnated with 5 wishes"

"My first wish is to see my mother" Joseph said hopeful to see his own mother. "Sorry Kid No can do, I can let you speak to her sort of like facetime but i can't let you meet her unless you die and go to heaven" God said breaking down Joseph's only hope of meeting his mother, however when the man told Joseph he could see her. His eyes began to shine and glimmered as he's not lost all hope.

"Ok, Ill let you speak to your mother and also lets make this a favour instead of a wish, so you'll still be eligible to use 5 wishes" God told Joseph making him happy that he still gets to keep his 5 wishes, Some minutes later a screen popped up in front of Joseph and he could see his mother crying.

"J-Joseph i-is t-that y-you?" His mother asked with tears streaming down her face. "Yes Mom, I'm fine as You can see. Anyway how is heaven?" Joseph said trying to keep calm but his tears said otherwise. "Heaven is fantastic, I can speak to God whenever I want and I have being checking up on you all this time, I'm quite sad that you killed yourself but i Understand." His Mother said with a little dissapointment in her voice, it is reasonable for her to be upset as she wants her son to live on. "I'm S-Sorry M-Mom, I know i dissapointed you but i had no one that truly care for me as much as you did, so i couldn't take it. I fell into deppression and became an alcoholic thinking it would wash away my pain but i soon realized it did nothing for me." Joseph said while breaking down crying.

"Ok, I've gotta end this call between you two as this is a one time thing, usually i wouldn't let a person interfere with the Dead but this is a one off" God spoke breaking the call, "Bye Martha Ill speak to you soon" God said to Martha or Joseph's mother and ended the call.

"Thank you, God" Joseph Said while kneeling in front of God for giving him a chance to see his mother. "No Problem, Young man. You're the first to ever care about family after getting told you'll get reincarnated. Other people just get straight into it, this kind of stuff shows how greedy humanity has gotten, but you changed my view on humanity i thank you for that" God expressed his true feeling about humanity and how greedy they've become since the last time he spectated from above.

"Ok, Lets move onto the Wishes. I can't keep you here for any longer otherwise you'll die as i'm keeping my energy supressed to the max and some is starting to leak" God uttered.

"My First Wish Is A Daily Sign-In System. Also add Status and Inventory, please make the Sign-In Rewards a lot more OP" Joseph spoke his first wish "Granted" God replied while rubbing his chin.

"My second wish is Meta Luck but allow me to control my luck" Joseph spoke his second wish and heard God say "Sorry thats way too overpowered, with this you could become the second me in the matter of seconds. You could manipulate your luck accordingly with the system practically making you get rewards infinitley times better." God responded rejecting the wish. "Ok, How about Master Level Luck?" Joseph Asked with stars in his eyes "Granted" 'OMG That worked' "I can hear your thoughts young one" 'oh ye shit sorry god'

"My third Wish is Superior Adaptation - Adapt to anything and everything in seconds" Joseph exclaimed "Granted" God replied. Joseph became happy and started jumping up and down while throwing his fists in the air.

"H-Hmmm, Ok My fourth wish is to have Angel Bloodline from Dragon Ball, but can you make it awaken when i say so. For example I say "I wish for my Angel Bloodline to awaken" then it will awaken when I want it to" Joseph liked the Angels especially Vados as a kid in his last life. "Granted"

"My final wish is Adoptive Muscle Memory and Maximum Brain Capacity" Joseph spoke however these sounded like 2 wishes in one so they could get rejected. "Granted however you'll only unlock your Maximum brain capacity when you get your Angel Bloodline" God replied.

"Ok, Now what world would you like to reincarnate to?" God asked Joseph. "One Punch Man please, 3 years before the anime starts" Joseph replied "Ok, Walk through this portal and we'll see each other soon or maybe never again, who knows?" God spoke while opening a portal that had a fist imprinted on it.

Joseph Walked through the portal but forgot to thank God for the opportunity, So he put his hands together and prayed to God. 'That kid has a Good heart, let me Increase the Rewards of the system by 1%' God thought to himself while smiling.