

Have never seen Ye Xuan look so angry, Ye Qin couldn't help but feel frustrated, but he quickly recovered, "You, why are you here!"

"I'm not here, where else can I be!" Ye Xuan bit his teeth and waved the green vine in his hand "Pa" and hit the ground with a sound, "Ye Qin, you have grown more abilities, and Spirit has wings as soon as you wake up." Don't be hard, dare to run like this!"

"I..." Ye Qin was just about to explain that the green vine in Ye Xuan's hand has been moved towards his forehead!

Ye Qin saw the momentum, and the Spirit Master's instinctive reaction immediately rose, the only yellow spirit ring lit up, and the black spirit power condensed into a light mask, blocking the green vine in Ye Xuan's hand!

Ye Qin then discovered that Ye Xuan's whip seemed to be aggressive, but in fact it was powerless and was easily intercepted by his spirit power shield.

Ye Xuan black brows slightly wrinkle, first retracted the green vine, and then the second whip moved towards Ye Qin to the left side!

Ye Qin has quick eyes and quick hands. When Ye Xuan's second whip is close, he will hold it tightly!

Same as the first time, Ye Xuan's whip is still soft and weak, so Ye Qin doesn't feel difficult to hold it with his hands.

However, when Ye Qin was proud, Ye Xuan's right hand suddenly flashed lightning, and then the thunder light spread quickly along the green vine, moved towards Ye Qin!

Ye Qin didn't expect it, and hurriedly let go. Even so, he was still swept by the weak lightning glow, and a numbness came from his hand, which made his expression a little bit painful.


Ye Qin was about to yell the word Ye Xuan, only to see that she had turned into an afterimage and came in front of her. Then Ye Xuan had already He took it into his arms!

The sudden embrace made Ye Qin unexpected, but he only heard Ye Xuan say softly in his ear, "There was an accident in the Soul Hunting Forest yesterday, and Spirit Beast rioted. Uncle Yang said that he could not find it. To you, I was worried all night, so I... I'm sorry!"

"I, I'm fine!"

Feeling the intoxicating fragrance and comfortable softness, Ye Qin He shook his head slightly confused.

After that, Ye Xuan released Ye Qin and looked at the latter seriously and said, "The elder sister will give you to me. You must not have anything to do, otherwise I will have no face to meet her!"

Ye Qin can't help but be nodded looking at Ye Xuan who is shining with tears.

Ye Xuan picked up Ye Qin's right hand and said gently, "It hurts you."

"It's okay." Ye Qin shook his head.

Ye Xuan confirmed that Ye Qin's right hand was intact, then let it go, and said softly, "I remember that there are still some state affairs to deal with. Let's go first. I have made them ready. After breakfast, you remember to eat more!"

After that, Ye Xuan left without looking back.

Seeing Ye Xuan's departure, Ye Qin was inexplicably shocked. He faintly felt that Ye Xuan and his relationship seemed unusual!

"Queen Your Majesty!" At this moment, there was another female voice that Ye Qin felt familiar from outside Prince's bedroom.

"General Zhao come to Ye Qin, he is inside!" Ye Xuan's voice replied.

After that, a twenty seven-eight-year-old woman walked into Ye Qin's bedroom.

She has a clean and concise golden short hair, her skin looks like jade, she wears a silver armor, and a silver sword at her waist. Although she is a woman, she has something that is not inferior to any man. Heroic!

However, her figure is very good, especially the pride on her chest, which is the most prominent among everyone Ye Qin has ever seen. Therefore, no one regards her as a man.

Quickly through memory, Ye Qin learned of the identity of the woman. Zhao Ying, the first female player of Haagen-Dazs Kingdom, has been out for all year round. She has outstanding military exploits and is known as the Eagle of the Kingdom!

Zhao Ying was born in the Zhao Family of Haagen-Dazs, and she was a great father of a generation when she founded the kingdom.

It can be said that the development of Haagen-Dazs Kingdom is half related to the Zhao Family, including Yang Qitian who invited the Kingdom to the Kingdom.

She grew up together with the empress Ye Xuan. On the surface, she is a ruler and minister, but in fact she is a best friend. Therefore, she has a very good relationship with Ye Qin.

"Zhao Ying!" Seeing Zhao Ying, Ye Qin said hello with a smile.

"You brat, did you make Xuan'er angry again?" Zhao Ying asked aggressively.

"No!" Ye Qin shook his head.

"Then why is she so indifferent to me?" Zhao Ying asked.

"Ah, what happened to Ye Xuan?" Ye Qin was surprised.

"It's not big or small, I told you that you can call anyone by name, but Xuan'er is your aunt and the queen. You call her by name and you want to get spanked. Isn't it?" Zhao Ying said angrily.

"Uh, got it..." In order to avoid revealing his identity, Ye Qin could only replied with a smile.

"By the way, why did you come? Didn't you go to the Nanzheng barbarians?" Ye Qin asked.

"You have no conscience, sister is to fight you and Xuan'er, are you looking forward to my death?" Zhao Ying said angrily.

"Where is..." Ye Qin replied. He couldn't help but secretly thought, "Is this lady so sturdy?"

"Forget it!" Zhao Ying waved her hand and took out an exquisite wooden box from the soul guide container, "This is you Let me bring the southern specialty snow ling paste!" Ye Qin was taken aback first, and then took over the wooden box. Inside was a mass of lubricious food similar to jelly, exuding a lightness. Fragrant, looks full of appetite.

"Okay, the food is delivered, I'm leaving first!" Zhao Ying said, turned around and walked outside the palace.

"Will you leave so soon?" Ye Qin shouted.

"I'll go to comfort my family Xuan'er first, and when I ask why she is angry, I'll come and clean up you!" Zhao Ying said without looking back.

After Zhao Ying left, Ye Qin couldn't help sighed in relief. This Zhao Ying's character is definitely the most sturdy character in her two lives!

However, Ye Qin can clearly feel that Zhao Ying is the kind of tofu-hearted person! .

Ye Qin indifferently smiled, took out a piece of sorbet ointment with his hand, and was about to put it in his mouth, a guard rushed in and said, "His Highness the Prince, Spirit Hall Branch Palace Lord Hu Liena is outside the courtyard Wait!"

Ye Qin hearing this startled, and then put the Xueling ointment away, and then replied, "Let her come in, and you don't want to wait at the door, go outside the courtyard, no one without my order They are not allowed to come in, especially General Zhao Ying!"

"Yes!" The guard complied and retired respectfully.

Soon, a rush of footsteps sounded, and Hu Liena was walking in from the door with an angry expression.

"Ye! Qin!" Hu Liena furiously pointed at Ye Qin without saying anything!

"Hu Liena, I know what you are going to say, you close the door first!" Ye Qin turned and replied plainly.

Hu Liena was originally angrily, and even thought of breaking Ye Qin eight pieces, but for some reason, when she saw Ye Qin, her anger gradually disappeared, and then she turned around and closed the palace gate.

"Well, Hu Liena, you can talk!" Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

She shook her head, or angered Ye Qin, "You, what did you this bastard do to me?