
Side Character DxD

Motohama isn't an important character. He doesn't even get a last name. His character Archetype is Perverted Best Friend. He never engaged with the plot of the world around him. He is, without any question, A Side character. Until I took over, that is. ------------------------------------------- This is NOT a Power Fantasy, Motohama will not be getting a Harem and killing Satans in the first 30 chapters!!! This story is a Slow Burn, Motohama is a Side Character, he's not like Issei where he's going to suddenly defeat all the bad guys and get all the girls, this isn't that kind of story. If you are looking for a Power Fantasy, you have come to the wrong place.

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28 Chs

Chapter 24: First Trimester Finals

Spirits, Yokai, Gods and Sorcery!

Reincarnations of ancient heroes and mystical abilities to fight the supernatural!

An incredibly exciting weekend turns into an incredibly average week.

With our final exam coming up, Hachiman decided to cancel our training meetings for the week, giving me time to study up on the topics.

Can't let Aika catch first place.

"Hey, Ken, What's the answer to this question?"

The Boys and I were at Oki's house, cramming our lessons into our heads in order to succeed.

"Issei, We learned that process last week, Try to remember,"

"But Math is so boring!" Issei complained as his head slammed into his notebook, groaning in boredom as the math numbers floated around in his head.

"Do you want me to get Ruruko over here? I already taught her this last week," I said casually, failing to hide my smirk as Issei shivered at the thought of the young girl tutoring him in Math.

"Please don't do that, I don't want to feel dumber than I already do," Oki said as he joined Issei in slumping into his notebook.

"I brought you boys some snacks," We paused our studying as the Matsuda Family Matriarch entered the room, carrying a platter with veggie dip.

""Thanks Matsuda-San"" Issei and I bowed to Oki's Mom as she placed the healthy snacks in front of us, telling us "Good Luck" and closing the door behind her on the way out.

"Dude," Issei turned to look at Oki, a cucumber stick chewing in his mouth, "Your mom's super nice,"

"Our parents are the best, dude, I wouldn't change my mom for anyone in the world," I nodded in agreement with Issei, my hand quickly moving to stop the teen from double-dipping his cucumber in the sauce before grabbing a carrot for myself.

"Yeah, Our parents are awesome," Oki nodded as he dipped his slice of pepper into the sauce and took a crunchy-sounding bite.

We sat in Oki's room in silence for a few more minutes, just eating our Vegetable dip and working on our homework, before we all finished the homework for the day and moved to Oki's old TV, booting up his PlayBox and put on some Kart Racing game that will probably get a remake in 2017.

"Aww Man! I wanted to be Coco Randicoot!" Issei complained as he moved he sadly moved to pick Tiny Tiger.

I simply smirked as I readied my Dr Nitrus before we started the Race.


"Hey, Are you losers ready to see me get first place again?" Aika Kiryuu asked with a smirk as she leaned on her elbow, the Classroom looking at our group, already making bets with Lunch Money about who will finish the exams first between the two geniuses of our classroom.

Obviously, I was going to get a higher score than her, But it wouldn't hurt to stroke her ego just a little.

"I should be the one asking that question, Aika, Because you're not moving from second place," I smirk back at her, mirroring her pose as the two of us glared into each other's glasses.

"I got my money on Ken finishing first," I heard Oki whisper behind me, My smirk turning into a confident smile knowing my homies are cheering for my success.

"Well, I guess I need to bet on Kiryuu then," No, Issei, That's not how betting works! Don't bet against me!

"Ara ara, It seems not even your best friends can support you," Aika's smirk turned almost predatory as her eyes gleamed like a hungry wolf staring down an injured lamb.

How dare this middle schooler look down on me! I'm Motohama Ken! And I promised my Mom earlier today that I'll come back before the trimester is over with a score of 100 on the final exam!

And A Motohama Ken Guarantee cannot be Broken!

I will win this! For Mom!

And to show Aika that I'm still number 1. That's also a good reason.

"Please never say 'Ara ara' again," I point my right finger at Aika, my left hand resting as a fist under my chin, and my elbow props my head up, trying to look as If I'm casually pointing at her, "You're too petite for that vocabulary,"

It takes effort to make these poses whenever possible.

"I might be petite right now because all my nutrition went to my brain," Aika took the jab and quickly rolled with it, "But when we're finished in this School," Her hands moved to cup her own chest, "I'll be more than enough to make you squirm~" Her glasses fogged up as she smiled at me, Forcing me to look away in embarrassment at the forwardness of her words.

It seems she won this battle, But I shall be the one to win the war.

"Ara Ara Ken-chan, Are you flustered?" I could hear the smugness in her tone even when I was looking away from her.

"No," I answered casually, I was lying. I was super flustered. I know she's saying those words to get this reaction, but it almost sounds like she's trying to flirt with me! How can I not be flustered?!

Slashing Swords and throwing balls of magical talismans at evil spirits was so much simpler, I can't wait for the weekend to arrive!

Luckily for us, Ojin-Sensei arrived to start the Test before anarchy and evil could take over the classroom, I don't think my civilized mind could survive in the post-apocalyptic landscape of a Japanese school classroom without an adult supervising the destruction.

"Settle down everyone!" Ojin-Sensei clapped his hands loudly and soon the first test of our Trimester Finals began.

And even as we all worked at solving our tests, I smiled as I looked forward to what was coming after.

Summer Vacation!


"We're going to be staying at my Parent's house for the end of July," Mom told me with a smile.

"...I need to call Sano Koto," I quickly told her and ran to my room.

But it was no use, Susanoo already got a call from my Mom earlier! Giving me the all-clear!

"Don't slack on your training Ken-chan!" Susanoo-no-Mikoto said through the flip phone, "We'll see each other in August! Have fun Kiddo!"


Aika and I tied for first place once more.

"See, Told you you'd get first place!" Oki Matsuda smiled as he slapped my back, our eyes glued to the score board, showing our names at the top of the list for the first-years.

"Yeah! We never doubted you!" I don't want to hear that from you Issei!

"You got lucky, Motohama!" Who the hell are you? Stay out of this!

"Keh, Seems First place was mine once again," No, Aika, we both got first place, our score hasn't changed at all, I'm still in the lead after you got that 94 in History two months ago.

At least we get 40 days of Summer Vacation now.

Time to live with my grandparents for 10 days!