


Jeon Jungkook;

20 years old

Live with his single mom Kim Haejin

Has no friends

Bi sexual

Kim Taehyung;

28 years old

Live with his single dad Kim Yoengbin and his

Older sister Kim Jisoo

Bi sexual

Kim Jisoo;

30 years old

Live with her dad Kim Yoengbin and her younger brother Kim Taehyung

No boyfriend

(The start)

Chapter 1


This is just a normal day to jungkook, he never expect someone to wish him on his birthday.

He doesn't have any friends at university

And his own mother didn't even wished him.

Jungkook's mother didn't talked to him the day her husband aka jungkook's father passed away. Jungkook's father passed away when jungkook was 16, now he is 20 so it's 4 year's ago.

Jungkook's POV

There's no one at home except for me so I was just chilling in my room, suddenly my mom came home and i can hear she's talking with someone. I was right I heard a man talking with my mom. I thought it must be someone from her work place.

No one's POV

Jk's mom: "Son, come down stairs. There's someone you need to meet"

Junkook: "Who is it?" Said while coming down the stairs with his cold face. And he saw a guy sitting next to his mother in the living room. He came and sat across them.

Jungkook: "be fast, I don't have time to talk " said because he doesn't like to talk with his mom.

Jk's mom: "Jungkook! Don't you have time to talk with your mom?" Said in an angry tone.

Jungkook: "Just say it" said while eyeing the guy next to his mother.

Jk's mom: "so, this is Kim yeongbin owner of the biggest company in south korea"said while smiling.

Jungkook hate's when his mother smile like that.

Jungkook: "and?"

Jk's mom: "and.... He's going to be your dad. He's my fiancè and we are getting married next week" said while kissing the cheek of the CEO guy.

Jungkook eyes widened. He never expect his mother to get married or have a new dad.

Jungkook: "what the fuck mom!! What the hell are you talking about! Fiancé? Getting married next week? And going to be my FUCKING DAD!! I don't want a stranger to be my dad or I don't need a dad! You can do whatever you want but.... This guy will never going to be my dad!" He said and left the living room.

Jk's mom: "you little... Is that how you going to talk to him! Where are you going? Come back and sit!"

Jungkook: "I don't want a dad, mom. I had a dad and now he's gone " He went to his room and locked it.

At night

Jungkook was in his room thinking about what his mother sayed. A new dad? He never dreamed of having a new dad. He was in deep thoughts when he heard the door bell ring.

He ignored the new voices came from downstairs. There were two new voices. one was deep like the ocean and the other one is a soft one.

(After some times)

Jungkook's pov

I heard two soft knocks on my bedroom door.

I thought for a second. If it were my mother she would just called me from downstairs that means this wasn't my mother so i went to open the door.

I opened the door and I saw a girl but she looks older than me, she looked like an angel. She's beautiful. And i asked,

Jungkook: "umm... May i ask who you are?"i asked politely not wanting to be so rude to her.

The girl: "Jungkook right?"

She asked me with her honey voice. This is the voice i heard earlier.

Jungkook: "yes." I answered not knowing who she is.

The girl: "I'm Jisoo, Kim Jisoo daughter of Kim Yeongbin. You know him right?"

Jungkook: "Umm....The stranger who is going to marry my mother? Yeah i know him." I said without thinking twice.

Jisoo: "Seems like you don't like my father "She said while softly smiling at me.

Jungkook: "it's not like that i hate him. The thing is I don't want a stranger to be my dad that's all " i said it while looking down at the floor.

Jisoo: "hey, I didn't came here to make you sad." She said with a big smile.

Jisoo: "i came here to tell you that we are having a dinner together and your mother asked me to call you"

Jungkook: "Oh, ok i will come later"i said it and i was about to close the door when she stopped me,

Jisoo: "Not later, you are coming with me right now!"and she dragged me downstairs and in to the dining room.
