
Vol 1 shrouded shadows

Chapter 1

A boy returns home after school he walks inside his house and his mom says "Ryuji what happened" Ryuji says "don't worry about it" and shrugs mom says "umm ok then" Akira sits on his bed and sys then says "even out of that dump I get beat up" he turns on the tv and it says the city has Been terrorised again by a super-powered man with the power of fire Ryuji walks out the next day he goes to school and a girl runs up to him and says "hey akira" Ryuji says "hey" she says "hey umm what are you doing after school" akira says "nothing" She says "wanna go to my house" akira says " sure" after shcool akira gets kidnapped akira says "not you guys again" an unknown figure says "hey akira nice to meet you again" akira says "no" they take the bag off his head and say "don't worry this is a business opportunity you can still go to shcool make some money and work for us" Ryuji says "sure"

Chapter 2

"So today your gonna be training with your squad"says a random dude Ryuji goes to the training room and gets introduced to the tank " I'm the tank I can turn to metal"

elytra "I'm a summoner" dex "hey I'm the captain don't mess up" Ruth "I transform into bunny's" Ryuji says "wait bunny's hahahahaha" Ruth transforms into a giant bunny akira says "wait what" the random dude says Ryuji your gonna fight the tank for training they both Stand on different sides and walk up and bow then the tank punches him straight in the face Ryuji slams into the wall and says "ow" he picks up a sword and runs up and slashes the tank the tank turns to metal and slams akira on to the ground blood spurts out of his mouth and akiras says "I feel so calm" eyes go black and a black tentacle wacks the tank into the wall akiras eyes go normal again and the tank goes hahahahaha that was really cool dude now I need to try he grows spikes out of his metal body and charges Ryuji Ryuji dodges and what did I just do and dodges all his attacks and slices and it breaks his sword the tank smiles and Ryujis eyes go black and makes the blade of his sword out of his darkness then slices and the tank slams into the wall and Turns back to flesh and Ruth says damn and the master comes by and says "you still don't have control of your powers huh shame you'd be the strongest person here if you did this is squad 2 the second strongest squad" elytra says "the master nether comes out here" ryuji says "wait I have powers" everyone says "what" the tank goes up ryuji and says "I'm sorry if I hurt you

Chapter 3

Dexter says "Ryuji you stay scout tank carge with Ruth and elytra your on surport I'll go look at loot some supplies" ryuji says "damn I'm scout again" dexter says "you don't have any control I don't want any lyabilitys your never gonna get a familia if you can't control your abilities " setting changes to his bedroom ryuji says "damn I need to get control" ryuji goes to Ruth to ask him to train him with control ryuji says "I need to learn control of my powers pls teach me" Ruth says "ok I for some reason I was born not being able to transmute into a human other transmuters can change from a animal to a human but I wasn't able everyone picked on me and I was bullied a lot so I learned how to gain control so I could beat all those guys who picked on me and destroy them" ryuji says "ummm.. damn" Ruth "so I'll teach you" ryuji "thanks" Ruth says "ryuji use your powers"ryuji say "I don't know how" Ruth says "just do what you did to the tank what emotion did you feel " ryuji says "calm and focused" and then ryujis eyes go black and a giant black tentacle gets created and then Ruth says "ok now create something different" ryuji created a giant bunny and Ruth says seriously ryuji says "yep hahahahaha" Ruth says "go to the master you'll be able to summon your familia" ryuji says "how does summoning a familia work" Ruth says "well you summon a familia by putting your name into a cup full of fire and your bound to a familia by birth so it will summon" ryuji "oh ok" ryuji goes to the master and says "can I summon my familia now" the master says "have you got enough control" ryuji says "well kind of if I'm not focused and calm I might not be able to" master says "well you can summon your familia now" the master thinks "let's see we're this goes" ryuji goes to the fire cup and all of the squads are there and gets a piece of paper with his name on it and throws in the paper into the cup and a ginormous dragon comes out and turns into a tiny dragon and everyone laughs and this guy says "what a weak dragon look how tiny it is my dragon 10x the size" the dragon laughs and says "well he's so much bigger than me let's see who would win in a fight ha" the other guys dragon starts shivering there in a arena the tiny dragon says "your scared but your friend out there said you were so strong the other dragon breathes fire and the tiny dragon sets him self on fire and punch's the other dragon knocking him out tiny dragon says "I really thought you were gonna prove me wrong" and ryuji says "damn your strong" the tiny dragon says "well I am your familia I'm the general of the dragon army" ryuji says "wait really that's cool but what is that" the master says "there are 8 over lord the dragon army is owned by the strongest overlord but it's not the strongest army"