Don't read dropped!
Irys's heart pumped with anticipation, every fiber of her muscle coiled and ready for the fight. As the adrenaline surged through her veins, she lunged forward, leaving Liam, who had wanted to advise her against a lethal approach, stunned.
Regaining his wits, he smoothly slides into the veil of smoke and debris, planning to flank the enemies and catch them unaware.
Victor and Isolya, sensed an unsettling shift in the atmosphere. The thick cloud of smoke and swirling dust ,with the darkness of night. Render their vision nearly useless, amplifying their senses and alerting them to the impending danger.
They instinctively sprang in opposite directions, barely escaping the devastating force of Irys's Warhammer, which crashed into the ground where they once stood, "Baaaam....!" sending shockwaves through the terrain and leaving a web of fractures in its wake.