Don't read dropped!
Approaching Alric, a wave of relief washed over Zalya. "Do you need any more healing elixirs?" she inquired with concern.
Waving his hand dismissively, Alric responded, "Liora's already patched me up decently. No need for anything more."
His gaze then shifted to the levitating stretchers holding Irys and Liam. "Are they going to be alright?"
She nodded. "They're stable for now."
His eyes, filled with genuine concern, settled on Zalya. "And you? How have you fared?"
Zalya's gaze wandered over the devastated battlefield, the weight of loss evident in her eyes. "I came out almost unscathed," she admitted softly. "But many weren't as fortunate."
Alric placed a reassuring hand on Zalya's shoulder, his fingers firm but gentle. "You know, Zalya, his tone somber yet tinged with warmth, "It's not about how unscathed you come out of a battle, but about how you use your strength and presence to guide and support others."
He continued, "I've been with you on the field today. Your quick thinking and unwavering spirit saved many lives. Don't belittle that by focusing on the scars you didn't get. Instead, take pride in the hope and leadership you provided."
Zalya's lips curled into a gentle smile, the heaviness in her heart lessening a bit. "Thank you, Alric," she murmured.
Alric then continued, "We need to keep moving. We can't afford another skirmish if more beasts are attracted by the scent of blood."
Nodding in agreement, Zalya added, "We need to reach Ashenfall City as soon as possible."
The group then regrouped, forming a defensive formation, and resumed their march. The aftermath of the battle was sobering; 135 soldiers had fallen, 58 were severely injured, and countless others bore lesser wounds. Every single person had been touched by the horror of the conflict, and the shadow of the day's events would likely haunt them for a long time to come.
They moved through the remnants of the battlefield, the haunting echoes of the day's conflict. Shattered golems, blood, corpses, gore, and grisly scenes of carnage marked their path. Every so often, they would pass a fallen comrade, and a moment of silence would sweep over the group, only to be broken by the soft murmurs of prayers and promises to remember the fallen.
Night had fully enveloped them by the time the silhouette of Ashenfall City's walls became visible on the horizon. The walls, a blend of crystal and metal, appeared as though they were forged together in a seamless union. Intricate runes danced and shimmered around the city.
As they drew closer to the city's perimeter, they were met by scouts from Ashenfall. Each scout had a luminescent crystal hovering near them, its soft glow piercing the veil of the night. Their silhouettes became more defined as they approached, revealing the emblematic armor and insignia of Ashenfall's city guard.
Upon recognizing Liora, a wave of relief washed over the lead scout's face. "Lieutenant Liora," he greeted with due reverence and a crisp military salute. He acknowledged Alric and Zalya, "Lieutenants, General Athurn awaits your presence. It appears there's been an incident."
Liora replied, "Yes, lead the way." As they approached, the massive gates of the city began to creak open, revealing the City of Ashenfall. The group marched forth, escorted by the city's scouts.
As they entered, a vast urban area opened up before them. Crafted from a crystal, a few gleaming skyscrapers spiraled skywards in a wonder of architecture and artistry. These crystalline structures give out ambient light, casting shimmering reflections and turning the city into a dazzling spectacle.
Hover vehicles floated effortlessly between these towering buildings, darting to and fro with precision. They navigated gracefully between designated lanes, illuminated by soft lights that guided their path. The hum of their engines harmonized with the distant chatter of the night market and the lively city's nightlife.
Glancing at the vehicles, Alric asks Liora, "Remind me again why we choose to march here with 500 soldiers on foot. We could have possibly reached this place faster."
Liora shot him a thoughtful look, "The decision was out of our hands. It came from higher up. But if I were to venture a guess, it's both strategy and the lay of the land. In large convoys, vehicles tend to be noisy, creating disturbances that can easily give away our position or draw unwanted attention."
Alric smirked with a hint of sarcasm, "Yet we still managed to attract that Titan, didn't we?"
Liora's eyes darkened, the terrifying memory of their last confrontation still fresh in her mind... "That was an unforeseen disaster. The last sighting of a Titan was years ago. Nobody could have predicted it would emerge and target us specifically at that moment."
Continuing through Ashenfall's network of streets, the scouts led the group down a hidden pathway, which gave way to a covert tunnel. Emerging on the other side, they found themselves within the confines of a fortified military complex.
The leading scout, "Lieutenants, if you'd come with me." He then gestured to one of his subordinates. "Alex, take the wounded to the infirmary."
Alex replied, "Yes, Sir,". He turned to Caelum and the other soldiers, "Gather the wounded and follow me. We have medics on standby."
Zalya approached the leading scout, her gaze drifting between Liam and Irys, "Is there a vacant room nearby?" she inquired. "I'd prefer to attend to these two personally."
The scout studied Zalya, recognizing the depth of her concern. "Of course, Lieutenant," he replied, gesturing towards a nearby building. "There's a secured recovery ward not far from here. I'll have it prepared for your use."
Zalya nodded in gratitude. "Thank you."
The scout signaled to another subordinate, a woman with a bright emblem on her uniform. "Sera, prepare the recovery ward for the Lieutenant."
Sera responded with a crisp salute, "Right away, Sir," before heading towards the building.
The group continued onward, the sounds of their footsteps echoing against the paved stones of the complex. Around them, the hustle and bustle of the military encampment was palpable.
Upon reaching the recovery ward, Zalya eased Liam and Irys into a room. Zalya then joined Liora and Alric as they were led to a large building with an emblem signifying the main command center. The large wooden doors swung open, revealing a spacious hall filled with maps, dispatches, and officers deep in discussion.
A tall man with a stern expression and a mane of greying hair stood at the head of the largest table. His eyes briefly surveyed the newcomers before locking onto them. "Lieutenants," he greeted, voice deep and resonant, "I'm glad you all finally arrived. There's much to discuss."
Liora met his gaze evenly, her posture straight. "General Athurn," she responded, briefly saluting, "Indeed there is.".