Don't read dropped!
"When many people's interests conflict, it's hard to say, not to mention how the situation changes. It's difficult to judge based only on the mural, dear."
Who knows? Perhaps Zyndorill and the queen became cruel leaders too."
Liam nodded, agreeing with what Irys said.
They couldn't judge solely based on the mural.
After all, those who created it could have been biased.
No one knows what really happened at that time.
History is created by the victors, just like how Liam's family manipulated the events on Earth, blaming everything on the mutants.
Exiting the deep tunnel, they soon arrived in a large hall, its ceiling dome-shaped.
A glass mural adorned it, showcasing Zyndorill's strength and prowess.
Another part of the mural depicted the queen riding a dragon, destroying her enemies.
The room was circular, with water cascading down the walls into a crystal pond that surrounded the area.