
Chapter 222 - New World

The problem isn't Lysandra's rejection of his confession but rather that Derek orders her to answer with only the truth, causing her to speak before she's ready. 

She gives him the cold shoulder for days before finally forgiving him.

Meanwhile, Selene is cursing Liam in New Ark City. 

Their deal was for Liam to retrieve an artifact for her and provide a way for her to leave Umbra in exchange for helping Layla assume her position.

However, Layla is busy in another country.

She has received the artifact she was looking for; Elly's underlings sent it to her not long after Liam left for Gorlandia. 

Now, all she wants is to take a break and enjoy a peaceful life, but instead, the world has turned into chaos.

Selene contacted Layla about this, expressing her complaint. 

Layla, in respond, offers her a place in Anderson City to live, giving her a job as a teacher for new ascendants.