Don't read dropped!
On the other side, Elly attacks, flowing seamlessly one after the other.
Launching herself at the red knight, she aimed a forceful punch directly at its face.
The red knight brought up its katana in a defensive maneuver, intending to block Elly's strike.
However, Her glove, shrouded in a swirling mass of dark energy, transformed mid-strike.
As her fist neared the knight's katana, she opened her hand, grasping the katana, allowing the dark energy to envelop the blade.
The moment it made contact, a reaction occurred.
The katana, forged from the red knight's own energy, began to distort.
The solid form of the blade wavered as if struggling against the force of the dark energy.
She pulled the katana forward, closing the distance between them. In a swift motion, she drove her knee into the knight's stomach.
The impact was amplified by her dark energy, causing a localized implosion at the point of contact.