Don't read dropped!
Liam turns off the light and then adjusts the drapes to block out the light. As the room submerged into pitch-black, his eyes started to adjust to the darkness and began to discern the outlines of objects.
He carefully opened the ornate box, revealing a small bottle of serum filled with a mysterious, dark, shimmering liquid.
Liam then uncapped the bottle. The liquid inside was oddly cohesive, moving as a singular entity rather than a fluid.
The consistency was reminiscent of a dense gel, and it gave off no discernible scent. He poured the serum onto the accompanying patch, observing as the dark substance was rapidly absorbed, leaving no residue behind.
Turning his attention to Layla, her white back was illuminated only by the faint shimmer of the serum. Moving carefully, he approached her and pressed the now-saturated patch against the skin of her upper back.
Pulling away, Liam's voice broke the silence, "It's done. How do you feel? Any changes?"