
Chapter 105 - Choice & The Result

Layla, with a bitter twist to her lips, lashed out, "Let that idiot fend for himself! Whenever troubles arose, it was always me who had to resolve everything. It's about time he learns to stand on his own two feet!"

Liam was taken aback. 'I never know she have this side of her.' 

  "I'm going to be straightforward with you, I cannot accept your feelings. However, I do regard you as my friend."

Layla, her voice choking on a mixture of despair and sarcasm, "Friend? Is that all? Then why don't you just let me die? I'm exhausted, can't you see that? Everything I've worked for has crumbled into dust, and you... you don't need me anymore...!"

Liam, with a hardness in his eyes that belied the turmoil inside him, "When you say you love me, are you entirely certain it's true love?"

  "Would you leave someone you genuinely cared for? What you're feeling may merely be a crush, because I was there to assist you in a time of need!"