
Letter to the Emperor


Fei Qinfan stepped out of the carriage, he looked at Lai Jinfu with a set of thin lips. He really thought that after the war, the officials and the guards appointed were checked thoroughly, after all, how long has it been since the war was over, only a few years right? The war was happening when he was five years old, just fifteen years and the entire system was once again gripped with corruption it was a good thing that he had sent the formula to his father or else he would have no way to deal with this man! 

" Lai Jinfu! Who are you? You dare to steal things from the emperor ?" Fei Qinfan questioned, Chu Ying followed behind him. He never thought that Su Wan would suffer humiliation like this, just now when he was sitting inside the carriage he was feeling livid as well and he wasn't even Su Wan's husband! At most, he was her little brother and yet he felt like he wanted to ruin Lai Jinfu's life, this man really dared to open his mouth!