
Chapter Two

I turned up the radio and set it on Capital, the adverts shot out through the speakers and I immediately turned the damn thing off. I parked my newest Ferrari outside my friend Taylor's house, and quickly texted her, telling her to come out.

Moments later, a short, skinny figure popped out of the house.

"Hey Taylor, ready to sweat it off at the gym?" I called out.

"Woah, woah, no way! I thought we were just hanging out, not sweating off all our youth!" Taylor argued with passion.

"Okay, fine, we can have ice cream afterwards." I shrugged and looked at her in defiance.

"Deal" Taylor smirked "hurry up then, the car won't drive itself!"

The gym was crowded with bodies of sweat. Taylor and I walked over to the stretch out area and started to warm up.

"You know all the guys from behind you are staring at you right?" Taylor whispered.

"Whatever, they are probably just looking for something" I replied coldly.

I really couldn't trust boys anymore after the incident with Max, after all, who would ever like me anyways? But Taylor wasn't lying, the boys were all staring at me, or actually, a certain part of me.

We finished the warm up, and Taylor was being dramatic again. We stumbled across the gym to where the cardio section is and Taylor decided to head over to the weightlifting section since she spotted a certain boy she fancied the look of. After our delirious workout session we drove over to Picalino's to grab some ice cream. Taylor picked cotton candy whilst I stuck to the no carb, dairy free, soy ice cream.

"You're boring, this is the only time you get to enjoy an ice cream without guilt and you decide to buy the healthiest option? Bro, you act like a forty year old mum with five kids!" Taylor licked her ice cream covered lips and popped the last bit of the ice cream cone into her mouth. "But just fyi, you totally ruined my gym trip, the boy I was talking to in the weightlifting place likes you, ugh, why can't boys appreciate girls that actually like them, god!" Taylor slumped onto the chair and sighed.

" If he doesn't treat you right, he doesn't deserve you." I finished my sentence with purpose.

"I'm sorry Am, I didn't mean to bring up Max..." Taylor turned away to look outside the window.

"He meant nothing to me anyways, I'm way over him." I kept driving and didn't say a word for the whole ride to Taylor's house. She hopped off and waved goodbye before disappearing into the distance.

"I'm home mum!" I called out after I smashed the door closed. No response. "Mum? Are you home, dad?" Still no response.