
Chapter One

I guess everything just happened so fast, no time to think about what has occurred, or even any time to react... and no chance to say goodbye.

It was a bright, sunny morning down by the beautiful shores of Wales. The blinding sun bleached the town and swallowed the diminutive amount of people who chose to strive upon it. I strolled out into the blazing sunlight, and squinted at the sun, my vision blurred immediately. I fiddled around with my dainty bikini top string and decided to plop down on a comfortable looking lounger next to the infamous Brooklyn pool. Dad's mansion pool.

"Amelia...incoming!" Splash!, my twin brothers cannonballed right into the pool, the warm water abruptly splashed onto my face.

"Hey! George, Alex! Oi! This is supposed to be a relaxing summer holiday, don't ruin it for me!" I spluttered.

"Don't be shy missy, we know you have been working out a lot lately, stop being boring and staying at home baby sis, go out into the world, meet some boys!"they winked at each other as they left, giggling like they were five again, and ran off to catch the big waves whilst they last.

I guess I have changed over the past few months, after I broke up with Max, I skipped school almost everyday for about a month, and reminded myself daily of how worthless I was, and that encouraged me to improve my lifestyle, because to be honest, what kind of boy wants a basic, chubby, lazy sixteen year old girl who sleeps all day?

The gym quickly became my safe place where all my worries go away. I went everyday, until my fingers were covered in blisters and bled. Then I was satisfied. It just felt right.

I rolled over and patted my stomach, and felt the hardness beneath my tanned skin, 'the abs must be coming through' I thought to myself and burst out laughing.

After a few minutes, I lifted my shades and rested them on my sandy, blond hair, that was almost brunette at the roots. Then out of the blues, I caught someone staring. I swiftly turned around, my ocean blue eyes burning . To my surprise, no one was there, but I could

swear I sensed someone looking at me.

I unwillingly lifted myself off the sweaty lounger and carefully creeped into the house to check how things were going.

"Hey mum, what time is breakfast going to be ready?" I spoke through chattering teeth, the AC was on inside the house, and it felt like Narnia in the kitchen.

"Nearly ready darling! Your favourite, avocado bagel is on the menu, I even added my own touches into them. I should should have been a master chef by now!" She laughed hysterically, what is it with laughing at ourselves in our family? She ambled around to where I was, resided on a chair. She was dressed in a beautiful, flowy, flowery dress, a shade of light mustard yellow. She smiled sweetly in my direction, a warm, motherly smile, but something wasn't right, I wanted to ask, but maybe it was something to do with dad, so I abruptly shut my mouth.

"Here you go honey, enjoy! I'm off to go find your dad, we have something to talk about." There was a slight heaviness in her steps as she skipped off, singing a sweet lullaby.

I scuffed down the bagel, and speedily travelled upstairs, got changed into my hot pink gym clothes, tied my hair up in a messy bun, and applied some last minute lip gloss whilst at it.

"I'm off to the gym mum!" I yelled.

"Okay darling, have fun!"My mum replied from upstairs.

"What time are you going to be back?" Asked my dad, stumbling down the stairs. His brown hair was ruffled and his tie uneat, his caramel- coloured eyes looked drained.

"About two, maybe three. You okay dad?Had a tough night?You didn't go out drinking again did you?" I gave him my best judgemental look, and frowned.

"Of course not darling, you know I'm not like that anymore." He smiled at me through tired eyes, somehow I was quite certain I didn't believe him.

Dad limped across the kitchen to make himself a cup of iced black coffee whilst I make my escape towards the door.

"Call me when your done!" Mum shouted from upstairs.

"You know it mum!" And with that, I slammed close the heavy, front door.