
Cat (Chapter 1)

In the middle of the city there's a cat who just got abandoned, the cat is beside the cafe store inside the box with a sign saying "Free Cats". the cat is not the only one in the box they are six in the box, day by day the every cat are getting adopted except the cat that we talked about in the beginning, the cat is so dirty and skinny that's why the cat is not getting adopted but one day a young girl adopt the cat, she adopt it because she felt sorry and she want to have a cat too at first her parents wouldn't let her to have the cat because of the appearance of the cat but the girl really wants to keep it and her parents agree to it.

The young girl is taking good care of the cat and months later the cat became healthy, They made a beautiful memories together, her parents is so happy to see her happy and being responsible for the cat and years later the girl or let's say a the women who adopt the cat got a lot more busy and didn't have time for the cat the cat felt lonely again and every single day the woman always coming home so late but as the cat always do the cat is always waiting for her to come home in front of her door.

One day the parents of the woman came to surprise their daughter but they only saw a cat lying on the ground looking sick they immediately took the cat and went to the vet and they called the their daughter to tell her what happened but she can't answer the phone because of work and when she finally finished her work she immediately go to the store to buy the cat favorite foods and a new toy because she don't have time to play with the cat and when she going home she saw her parents car outside her house and when she came in, the parents look at her and saw what she just bought and told her "You're late, I think your cat got tired of waiting for you" her mother said, "What do you mean mom? Where is kitty?" she said "Your cat died an hour ago, her body is in the vet you can go to see it" her father said.

She ran into the vet and saw her cat lying on the white sheets, she took the cat and the next day she took a day off and she buried it outside her garden she placed the toy she bought beside the grave of the cat and said "Kitty, here you go kitty play with it sorry if I can't play with you anymore it's my fault that you died waiting for me..... sorry for keep you waiting, now you are in a good place now and place that you don't need to wait for me."

-The End-