
Ch.3 Whispers in the Garden ( BL)

In the dazzling city of Japan,Kyoto; there existed a secluded garden, a place where whispers of love bloomed amidst the vibrant flora. It was here that two souls, Kai akuthagaw and Kiyoshi Makashi, found themselves entwined in a dance of emotions.

Kai was a quiet artist, his sketches capturing the beauty of the world in intricate detail. Kiyoshi, on the other hand, was a lively musician whose melodies echoed through the garden's paths.

Their first meeting was serendipitous, a collision of paintbrushes and sheet music that led to laughter and shared dreams beneath the shade of an old oak tree. As days turned into weeks, their friendship blossomed into something deeper, a connection that transcended words.

One evening, as the sun dipped low on the horizon, Kai gathered the courage to confess his feelings. With a canvas as his backdrop, he painted a portrait of their moments together, each stroke a testament to the love he held in his heart.

Kiyoshi, moved by Kai's artistry and vulnerability, responded with a melody that spoke of understanding and acceptance. Their love story unfolded like a masterpiece, vibrant and full of life.

But life, as it often does, presented challenges. Kai's art career took him abroad, while Kiyoshi found success in composing for orchestras. Distance threatened to dim their flame, but their love remained resilient.

Years passed, and one autumn day, Kai returned to the garden where it all began. Underneath the same oak tree, he found Kiyoshi, still playing their melody. Without words, they embraced, knowing that love, like a timeless garden, thrives with patience and nurturing.

As the sun set once more, casting hues of gold and crimson over the garden, Kai whispered, "Our story is a masterpiece, painted with the colors of our hearts."

And in that moment, amidst the whispers of the garden, their love stood as a testament to the beauty of love's enduring artistry.