
Short Circuit My Heart - Shinkami

Hitoshi Shinso has dreamed of joining Class 1-A for years, but how will his life change once that happens? Denki Kaminari has always been sure of himself and who he is, but when a new purple haired boy arrives in his class, how will that affect his life? When disaster strikes, will their hero training be enough to stop the League of Villains from getting to what they want?

ApolloGoddess · Cómic
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28 Chs

Wake Up and Get Settled

Denki's POV

"Denki?!" I heard a female voice scream. Someone was on top of me. Everything hurt and I couldn't even think. I tried to respond but everything was coming out in unintelligible groans. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. My muscles were spazzing. My bones creaked and the air around me was crackling. The person on top of me scrambled up. Saying hushed apologies but my ears we're slurring his words. Her words? Was it someone I knew? Where was I again? Then everything went black.

When I woke up again I was at least able to recognize where I was. It was Recovery Girl's office and I was on a bed. The air around me was still cracking in my ear and everything blurred when I moved too fast, but I could think. I tried to get her attention but all that came out was a high pitched "wheyyyyy", my head started spinning. Everything hurt. I...I needed to...I needed to recharge…

When I woke up again again, Sero, Mina, Bakugo, and Kirishima were there. Bakugo and Kirishima were sitting on the floor playing switch. Sero and Mina were chatting away. I sat up feeling better then before.

"Hey guys." I coughed out. Man when was the last time I drank something. Mina jumped on me,

"Denki! We were so worried. Nothing like that has ever happened before has it?"

I thought back and no, this has never happened before. "What did happen guys?" All I remember was training like usual when all a sudden my quirk went crazy and panicked. Then everything hurt and I knew I screamed, before collapsing.

"Todoroki didn't mean to get water on you. He was freezing and melting a wall of ice to build his endurance, like we did at the training camp. He wasn't paying attention and was going to fast and water splashed on you between the melting and freezing an-."

Bakugo interrupted "Pinky, if you say 'and' one more time I will explode you." She gave him a small smile.

Sero looked at me "Bottom line is, are you okay man?" He asked.

I nodded, testing out my brand new headache. "I'm okay guys, I'm embarrassed though." I looked outside and it seemed earlier then it was before.

"Guys how long was I out?" They looked at each other.

Kirishima sighed and said "Like a day, day and a half. You slept here."

Recovery Girl zoomed in. For being ancient she sure can move. "Kaminari you may leave now. I need the bed for Midoriya. He broke his arm. Again." Bakugo huffed.

"I thought he had control of his quirk now." Kirishima asked, while putting an arm around .

"Oh he does, but he fell down the stairs. Poor boy can't catch a break." She said, and with that she shooed us out.

We went to the common room to play games, when Shinso walked in carrying a large box. And then continued to repeat that process until he had seven boxes in total. He was wearing a tank top, one with the low cut sides. It was hard not to stare….

"Ouch!" Sero yelled when he jumped up.

"You shocked me!" He yelled while pointing at me. Did I?

"I am so sorry Sero, I..I didn't mean to." I never shock my friends. Especially without realizing.

"It's okay man but ouch that hurt. You got some voltz in you." I smiled and blushed. Shinso was watching us, so I smiled and waved at him. His eyes widened and he looked away.

I ran over to him. "Hi Shinso, what are you doing?" I asked, slower than usual on purpose, so he can understand what I'm saying. He nudged a box with his foot.

"I'm moving in, but I don't know which room is mine. Would you happen to know?" He asked. I lit up, I knew exactly where he needed to be.

"You'll be in Mineta's old room. So we'll be neighbors and I'll help you move these boxes up there." I smiled at him and I waited for his reply.

Shinso's POV

"You'llbeinMineta'soldroom.Sowe'llbeneighborsandI'llhelpyoumovetheseboxesupthere." Denki said while smiling. I kinda stood there for a moment and blinked when he seemed to get the message.

"I'm sorry, I know I talk fast. I forget sometimes people can't understand what I'm saying. Especially when first getting to know me. But I'm sure you'll learn, it took Bakugou a while and he still doesn't understand me sometimes and I'm getting off track." He rubbed his neck. I smirked at him.

"At least in that little rant you were talking at a normal speed." He blushed a little. Cute…..I mean oof. He took a deep breath.

"You'll be in Mineta's old room. So we'll be neighbors and I'll help you move these boxes up there." He gave me a hesitant smile. I chuckled.

"I would appreciate some help, Denki. Lead the way." He ran over to the pink girl and pulled a small band off her wrist. He swept all his hair up and put it in a tiny ponytail and he then lifted a box and walked to the elevator. He put the box in front of the doors so they wouldn't close. That's...That's pretty smart. He helped me load up the elevator. We got to the second floor and walked to the end of the hall. Mine was the very last one, we carried in the boxes and set them down.

"Need help setting up?" He asked while stretching. He was wearing grey sweatpants with little lightning bolts painted on the cuffs.

"No, I can do it. But, where did you get those pants. It could be your merch." I asked while pointing at them. He smiled wide.

"I made them. And some other stuff. But every once in a while the Bakusquad gets together and we make our own merch to wear around. It's like an arts and crafts day for us. I made these sweatpants, a jean jacket, I painted a pair of vans, and I have a little doll of me. We have so much fun!" He explains, he's moving around so much. I cann't keep track of his hands. All a sudden a little beep goes off and he looks at his phone.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go!" And with that he bolts off.

I unpack all my stuff. It was difficult but I didn't want Denki to see my family pictures of my dads and little sister. Especially since both of my dads are our teachers. It'd be awkward. It's actually one of the reasons they barred me from being in class 1-A.

That and my quirk doesn't work on the school's stupid robots. It was late now. I must have skipped dinner and curfew, I headed down to the common room. I figured if they're anything like my old class, they have snacks in the kitchen.

I was right, they had my favorite snack ever. Pocky. I grabbed a few and headed upstairs to go to bed when the elevator door opened I slammed into someone. It was Denki.

"We have got to stop meeting like this." He grumbled and rubbed his forehead.

"What are you doing up this late?" I asked him.

"Food…" He mumbled as he drudged his way to the kitchen and grabbed some...pocky. I hid the pocky I had in my pocket.

When he walked back he looked at me "If you tell Sato I stole his pocky I will kill you." He was like a whole different person when tired. I pulled the pocky I had out of my pocket.

"I won't tell if you don't" I smiled at him knowingly. And with that he giggled and opened the elevator.

I'm not sure if you can tell but writing the soft moments of two people falling in love. The quiet ones that maybe no one but the readers and I notice, give me life.

Please make sure to comment, vote, subscribe, all the things! It really keeps me going and gives me motivation to write and publish these stories.

I love you all!

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