
Short Circuit My Heart - Shinkami

Hitoshi Shinso has dreamed of joining Class 1-A for years, but how will his life change once that happens? Denki Kaminari has always been sure of himself and who he is, but when a new purple haired boy arrives in his class, how will that affect his life? When disaster strikes, will their hero training be enough to stop the League of Villains from getting to what they want?

ApolloGoddess · Cómic
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28 Chs

Deku and Todoroki Checking In!

Deku's POV

Shoto and I finally came up on our target building. It's an empty run-down bar. Like the last hide out they had, the one they held Kacchan in.

My mind flashes back to then. He wasn't scared, knowing him, but I sure was. I was inches away from grabbing him, and pulling him back to safety, but I failed. And, I have to live with that for the rest of my life. He's back home and safe but I'll always know he went through something traumatic because I wasn't fast enough to get to him.

But it could have been Shoto. If it was him instead, would I have been a little faster? Would I not have hesitated like I did with Kacchan? Would I have gotten to him in time? Pushed my body past every limit it's ever set, to grab his hand? Does that make me a terrible person? A terrible hero?

I snapped out of these thoughts when Shoto placed his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed him by the hips and hopped up to a nearby roof. We decided on the way here to steak it out for a while before getting a closer look, in case there are villains here. We needed to be careful because the buildings around us had civilians in them.

I pulled out the radio to check in. Mina and Uraraka gave their final report an hour ago. "This is Deku and Todoroki checking in. There seems to be no one here, but we are going to steak it out to be sure. We'll check in again in an hour." I got a few blips in response and a "Stupid Deku" from Kacchan.

Shoto stood on the ledge overlooking our target and looked ethereal. I was going to sketch him later tomorrow. Then he turned and looked at me, giving me a small smile. He doesn't know how I felt about him. I'm lucky enough as it is that he let's me be this close to him as friends. But, tonight is Denki's night. I cleared my mind and opened my senses.

I scanned the area around us. Ignoring all the other buildings I looked at the one we were watching. It was two stories tall, had a flat roof. Small and quaint. It could have been nice if the owner didn't go bankrupt. (I did my research on the area on the way here. I even found blueprints). There were four exits, excluding all windows. The front, back, side, and roof doors. All the widows had gotten boarded up or blacked out. This place would be perfect to hide in for a night but a struggle to keep a captive in.

"Shoto, I don't think this is the place. There's no way someone could keep a captive here with no one around them knowing. With all the people around it'd be next to impossible to move someone in and out of here and bring in supplies. Then conceal any noises. I know one of them has a teleportation quirk, which would come in handy. From what I understand from it he can only go short distances. His widest range being approximately five miles. It shortens depending on how many people or supplies he's teleporting with him. He would be able to teleport at a larger distance if he didn't use his quirk as a costume. But, it also gives light to how much control he has over his quirk. If he wasn't a villain he'd be a huge asset to the heroes…" I started rambling off.

"Izuku. You're ranting again." Shoto said, bringing me back to the problem at hand. He smirked while I turned red. I need to work on my ability to stay on task.

"You're right. I estimate there's only a 37% chance this is the place. No one has come in or out and I don't see any lights so let's take a closer look." I said. I didn't have my costume so I did my best. I had on a black hoodie and a dark red bandanna (borrowed from Kirishima) covering my face. I also had a thick pair of grey cargo pants. I looked so cool! Even Kacchan said so. Well he said "Oi, coping my style deku?! Eh, it's better than usual…" So I guess that's a win! Shoto was wearing black pants, a black flame retardant shirt and a red bandanna. Cute, we matched somewhat.

"Let's head down Izuku." Shoto responded. Stepping closer to me so I can jump us down to the ground. This part was by far my favorite of the mission. Having him closer then what social standards allowed in any other situation. He always smelled like a forest. When using his ice quirk, it smelled like a winter one. When using his fire quirk, it smelled like a burning one. Smoky and sultry.

Todoroki's POV

I have to be truthful. Izuku looked good. It's so different from his usual style. He looks like a vigilante, he would make a good vigilante. He doesn't know that since the Sport's Festival I've been in love with him. I couldn't tell him. I'm too scared of rejection, then having to face him daily.

But as we get closer I'd like to think he has feelings for me. My plan is at the end of high school I'm going to ask him to marry me. If he says no, we go our separate ways and I don't have to suffer as much. So when he grabs my hips to jump down, I have to control my beating heart and my quirk. He always makes me go haywire. If I didn't love him so much I'd be very annoyed.

He crept towards the side door, I followed close behind him. He was low to the ground, that way if anyone jumped us, he'd be in a fighting stance quick. I admired him so much. But, I need to focus. Not on how amazing Izuku is at everything but at the fact that our friend was in danger. This couldn't be a regular thing for class 1-A. It's almost like an initiation.

Deku powered up his leg and kicked in the door, behind it stood a pitch black room and no one in it. Or, so we thought. A small rustle got our attention and I got tackled as soon as I stepped foot in the doorway. "Dek-" I tried to call out but the person covered my mouth. Out of instinct my right side sent out a blast of ice. Izuku reacted quick, doing a flip to dodge getting hit by the blast. The person who took me down, was not so lucky and was now frozen to the floor, while leaning on his side.

"Who are you?" Izuku demanded, making his voice deeper (and hotter) to avoid detection. The dark figure stayed quiet. He was wearing a hoodie, covering his face. I started up my left side to give us some light.

"Answer him!" I yelled. I'd always back up Izuku. The man whispered something. I looked at Izuku to see if he heard the man but discovered him wondering the same thing. I made sure the man's hands were both iced up and he wasn't in any danger of escaping. Then, I yanked back his hood with my right hand. He was a regular old man. Graying beard and all. He had tears in his eyes.

"Please don't hurt me… I have nothing for you to take." He said louder this time. Izuku and I blanked, not knowing what to do. We both got out of our defensive positions and relaxed a little to show we meant no harm.

"We won't hurt you sir. We promise." I said calm, and composed. Izuku whipped his head towards me, glaring. He could be scary when he wanted. My daddy issues kicked in and I found him glaring to be super hot. I shook my head, freeing myself from sinful thoughts. Good thing this bandanna blocked my blushing face.

"Unless you're in the League of Villains…" He amended. I nodded in confirmation.

"League of what's? I was trying to protect my home from invaders!" The man stated, moving his head to show a small set up. Oh, so he was only a squatter.

Izuku searched around a little to be safe while I melted the man out of the ice. After giving the all clear that Shinso wasn't here and this man wasn't bad, we left. I got to give the all clear this time.

"This is Todoroki and Deku checking in. Shinso wasn't here but we did meet an old man squatting in the building. He attacked us. We handled everything, no damage done other than a splintered door. Heading back now." I said into the radio speaker. We got the blips and a "Damn extras" from Bakugou. I looked at the time. 0200 in the morning. I yawned, usually I was fast asleep by now. But, I would stay up anytime to help a friend out.

Izuku laughed at me, the jerk. I smiled anyways.

"Hey, Shoto wanna grab a bite to eat? It's okay if you don't. It is late. We can go home..." Izuku said, rambling on some. I smiled at my love and nodded.

"Let's stop for a bite. We deserve it Izu~" I said, tired from today's events.

He smiled back, blushing, and grabbed my hand to lead me to a nearby 24 hour cafe. Today was a good day...

Okay, so my thoughts on Deku and his many ships...

In the manga and anime, he doesn't have any romantic interactions so really he could be shipped with any of his class mates and even Toga.

I just do NOT condone the adult + student ships. That is disgusting and illegal, and why everyone thinks our fandom is toxic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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