
Part 1

Izumi's alarm failed to wake her up this morning, she found herself running in the hallways. "I'm going to be late for my newspaper briefing". She met her friends along the way, "im sorry guys I have to go write some new articles for the school newspaper", she waved at them and continued to make her way to the club office.

"Hey Izumi!" Rykio yelled greeting her, Rykio was very loud and bubbly student, he really likes writing articles and the newspaper club in general.

"Hi Rykio" Izumi responded smiling. "What are we writing about today" she asked.

"I am quite sure we're going to be informing first year boys about basketball tryouts, plus talk about the second and third years. We must include Kai on the front page as he is the captain of the team. That is about it" he said.

"Ok that sounds about right" Izumi stated.

"I need some photos of Kai and his team, maybe you could take the photos? Cause I heard you'd be the new manager, maybe you'd get a close-up of playing and posing?" He added.

"Oh, I'm going to be the manager?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, I heard Kai and Coach Kota talk about you. He said he really liked the way you write your articles and even mentioned that your camera skills are excellent. He said you would be a good manager".

Izumi was shocked to what her friend was saying "are you sure they were talking about me Rykio".

Rykio nodded and said "I'm sure they did" he said in a confident tone.

Izumi eyes were wide open she thought he was joking. "do I go meet the coach or does he come to see me?" Izumi asked confused.

"I'm not sure maybe go and see what Coach Kota says, you shouldn't be asking me I don't really know about these kind of things." He said while rubbing his neck.

Izumi nods and starts walking outside of the door, she waved goodbye to Rykio, she faced her back to him and started heading to the gym, she was nervous to see what the Boys all star basketball team was going to say to her. She was walking nervously to the door, she gulped in fear, she was about to knock on the door, but the door slides opened. She walked right into someone and looked up. She stepped back, it was Kai the most popular boy in second year, his eyes were the colour of champagne that made it her feel bubbly inside. His hair was brown and fluffy, and it made her feel stuck on the clouds, and she got out of her thoughts.

"Oh,I'm so sorry" while looking down at the ground.

"No that's all good I should have watched where I was going" Kai replied to Izumi.

"I'm here because I was told that you are looking for me because you and coach Kota chose me as the manager for the boys basketball team" Izumi stated.

"Oh you must be Izumi, yes come in! I don't know what your doing so go to Coach Kota and he'll will basically tell you what to do" he said while yawning.

Izumi hummed in response and made her way to where coach Kota was, she stopped and stood behind coach Kota just standing there like weirdo until Izumi coughed and he looked behind him.

"Oh,you must be Izumi!, hello there but you just go talk to Kai he will help you with training and every so you know what your doing but you need to make a basketball article, so the first years can nominate and where they can tryout and use Kai as the front cover" Coach Kota informed her.

"Is that all Coach Kota?" Izumi questioned.

He nods silently and she starts walking to find where Kai was, she found him playing basketball with his friends. She taped him on the shoulder, but she had use her tippy toes as he was taller than her. He turned and looked you up and down.

"Kai, I need to take some photos of you just shooting some hoops, if that's ok" Izumi asked politely.

"Whatever like I have a choice" he mumbled to him self but Izumi heard.

Izumi was thinking, wow what a jerk for a second he's nice and then he turns to a different person like what on earth, Izumi got out her thoughts and she got her camera out of her bag, and set up the camera in the right angle, Kai was in his position, waiting for Izumi says go but he got impatient, he yawns,

"What's taking so long hurry up, I don't have all day" he said impolitely.

"Well just wait if you want these photos to turn out good" Izumi said rudely.

"Sheesh you don't need to be so rude just spitting out facts" he said in a sarcastic tone.

Izumi was starting to get angry; her eyes were twitching, and her eyebrows furrowed to how angry she is, she sighs in exhaustion.

"When I say 3.2.1 you can start shooting, but make sure to not focus your eyes on the camera" Izumi informed Kai.

"Yeh, I get it just hurry up your wasting my time" he said while rolling his eyes.

"3.2.1 go" Izumi informed Kai so he can start shooting.

Kai started shooting for the camera. Izumi was amazed how well these photos were turning out until he stopped and looked at Izumi.

"Can I stop now and see what a big deal is with your photos" Kai said in an agitated tone.

Izumi lost it and she couldn't keep her anger in anymore she had enough with him, it was her first day here and she got treated like this, he is so nice to other girls and teachers but he only is a jerk to me, she thought.

Izumi was showing Kai how good the photos turned out, he liked them, she has to go back to the newspaper club so she could write the article and posters.