A story about a male named Motosaki who moves to Japan for his last year of High School and reunites with his childhood friend then meets a few other girls along his last school year. He progressively gets closer to each one of them and on a special Friday he asks one lucky girl out to be his girlfriend.
I walked down the sidewalk of a plaza in Fushikawa. I placed my hands in my pockets and looked around, watching the couples walking around. I sighed and closed my eyes. I really felt a bit lost. Things have constantly been crazy, I didn't know what to do anymore. I lost Tsubami because I fell into Otsuki's trap. I opened my eyes and went to get a drink from a nearby stand. I sat down on a bench and sipped on my drink.
"Have you heard the news? The academy is getting closed down indefinitely because of the Shokyo rumors floating around. Matsugaya was supposed to be the most prestigious academy, but it's subjected to so many missing students that it's not even funny anymore. Plus Detective Marshall is dead now. I hope things really calm down soon." A woman said as she walked with her boyfriend.
"Yeah...Things have been freaky as of late. Hey want to grab some coffee from the nearby cafe?" The boyfriend asked.
"Sure!" The girlfriend giggled.
I sighed and leaned forward and my hair covered my eyes. I closed my eyes. I took my phone out of my pocket then unlocked it using my finger print. I opened my eyes and yelled as Otsuki's face was on my phone. I looked up noticed everyone had completely stopped walking around me. "What is going on..?"
Everyone looked at me and had a creepy grin on their face. I closed my eyes and held my head.
"What's wrong with this place! All of you are freaks! Go away!" I yelled then opened my eyes. I noticed everything was normal and people were staring at me. I looked in front of me, noticing Tsubami standing in front of me.
"...It's worse than I thought. She has full control over you. Why...why did you let her do it?" Tsubami asked.
"What..? Tsubami.." I reached out my hand.
"Why...did you let Naomi die..?" She asked then had a wide smirk on her face. "It's all your fault and you didn't even know it! Why couldn't you just have stayed away?! Tell me why! Tell me now!"
Tsubami wrapped her hands around my neck. I grunted and held Tsubami's wrists. I closed my eyes tightly and stopped struggling. I loosened my grip and just let her strangle me.
I woke up from my dream with Aisha shaking my body, wanting me to wake up. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Aisha.."
"Motosaki..! You're okay...You were speaking to yourself and yelling, you were also choking yourself in your sleep! Is everything okay?" Aisha asked worried.
I felt my own hands wrapped around my neck. I let go of my neck then looked at the ceiling. "I don't know anymore..."
Aisha looked at me worried and had tears forming in her eyes. "I'm calling Tsubami! I need you two to make up and fix this!" She ran off to get her phone.
I can't tell her...what the dream was. Otsuki definitely is a cause to this madness. Every night I have different dreams with the same ending. Tsubami asking me why I let Naomi die. Is Naomi really dead..? I closed my eyes once again and just laid there on my bed.
The afternoon hit and I opened my eyes to the sound of Aisha calling my name. I looked at the ceiling then sat up slowly. I got out of bed and put my slides on then slowly made my way downstairs. After I came downstairs, I walked to the living room. I looked at Aisha then noticed Tsubami sitting on the couch from the corner of my eye.
"You two will sit here and talk! I'll come check on your two in a bit! If I don't see any form of making up, you two aren't leaving from that spot!" Aisha crossed her arms and frowned at us.
I took my seat on the other side of the couch. I looked at the floor and Aisha walked away.
There was audible silence between us. Neither of us had even said hello to one another. Tsubami looked at me and noticed how drained I looked. She looked genuinely concerned and tilted her head. I chuckled softly and had a slight smile on my face.
"I can't stand your face.." I said softly. "Get out of my head.."
Tsubami looked at me. "He's talking to himself.." She said to herself.
"I can't take this anymore...why does she keep coming in my head. What does she want from me..?" I asked and stood up.
"M-Motosaki. Where are you going..?" Tsubami asked then stood up.
"Naomi...Where are you...?" I asked and walked to the front door. I opened it and left.
"Motosaki!" Tsubami yelled my name. She followed me.
Aisha quickly came downstairs and noticed Tsubami running out the door. "What the-" She ran after us in her house shoes.
I slowly made my way to the train station and chuckled softly. "Why am I doing this..? Why can't I get her out of my head..."
"Motosaki!" Tsubami ran after me, yelling my name.
"Rebecca! Emma! This is crazy! Motosaki has lost it! He's wandering off and mumbling like crazy! Something's wrong with him and he won't tell me!" Aisha said on the phone as she chased after me and Tsubami.
I got on the train and Tsubami and Aisha quickly got on after me. Tsubami felt Aisha bump into her and looked back.
"Aisha, what's wrong with him?" Tsubami asked, concerned.
"I don't know. He never takes a break-up this hard. I mean...he never spirals out of control like this. It's like he's possessed." Aisha said. Aisha felt her phone buzz as she got a text from Rebecca. She looked at her phone.
[Rebecca]: We missed the train! We are gonna have to catch the next one! Please keep Motosaki safe, I have no clue about what's happening, but I know this has nothing to do with the book!
"Motosaki.." Aisha looked at me and noticed me chuckling softly and gripping my hair.
"Naomi...Naomi Moji...She went to our school at one point. She's gotta still be alive...I met her. I saw her. With my own two eyes...she can't be dead.." I said softly to myself.
The train stopped then I stood up and got off the train. Tsubami and Aisha followed me. I walked north and wandered off for a while. My instincts told me to walk towards the direction I was going. I held my arm, getting colder as I progressed.
"Where is he going?" Aisha asked.
"I have no idea, but this area..is where all the rich people live. He looks...uncomfortable. His body language shows fear. It's almost like he's gone insane. It couldn't have been because of me right?" Tsubami asked and looked at Aisha, obviously knowing the truth.
"I don't know...We have to find some way to make-" Aisha stopped as she got a text. She looked at her phone.
[Shokyo]: He's already gone. You have no chance of saving him. You can't make him snap out of it.
Aisha's heart stopped for a second and she stopped walking. Tsubami noticed and saw the fear on Aisha's face. She looked at Aisha's phone and noticed Shokyo had texted her.
"Aisha! We have to hurry!" Tsubami yelled.
Aisha snapped out of her trance and looked at Tsubami. They ran after me and yelled my name.
"Here...this is where the feeling is the strongest. This house..." I said then stopped and looked at the large home. A villa to be exact.
I crossed the street and walked towards the villa.
"Motosaki!" Aisha yelled and name then tried to run across the street.
Tsubami noticed a car coming then grabbed Aisha's arm and pulled her back to the sidewalk. She waited for the cars to pass then ran across the street to the villa. "MOTOSAKI! DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!"
I stopped before my hand touched the doorknob, hearing Tsubami's voice.
"If you enter that home...you...will regret it. This home, lies the final destination of Naomi! If you see her...you will...change. Everything...will restart!" Tsubami yelled.
"Well well. How fortunate to see you two here. Motosaki, go ahead! Enter, see the truth. See how everything in this timeline started!" Shokyo said.
"Timeline? Wha-" Aisha couldn't finish her sentence before getting shot on her stomach. She groaned and fell to her knees.
"Aisha!" Tsubami glared and looked at Shokyo. "Otsuki..! You're going too far! If he sees her."
"Things will restart and all will be back in place. This universe is a little too hectic for me. Motosaki! Go in the villa!" Shokyo said.
I clenched my teeth and placed my hand on the doorknob and my fate was sealed. I opened the door and walked inside.
"No! Motosaki!" Tsubami ran up the stairs then the door closed shut in front of her face. She tried to open the door and grunted.
"It's too late. His fate is sealed. Sadly with this restart I'll lose all hold on him, but it's exactly what I want because..." She held the gun to Aisha's head. "The world will restart without Aisha."
Aisha looked surprised. "Wha-what..?"
"Motosaki holds the power to save you all. By looking at the body of the previous dead main character, he can restart the world with them brought back to life. With that said, for me to have him all to myself, I would need to kill every one of you before he has one of those dreams again. I let him go into that home to test that theory. If I was wrong...oh w e l l..." Shokyo laughed and was about to pull the trigger, but Tsubami tackled Shokyo making her lose her hold of the gun.
Aisha looked at Tsubami and looked surprised. She looked at the gun then picked it up. She aimed it at Shokyo and her hands were shaking terribly. "I-I can't take this! Go away!" She yelled and shot Shokyo in her head.
Tsubami looked surprised and got off Shokyo. She looked surprised and grunted, holding her head a bit. "N-No...she wasn't supposed to die like that..?"
"W-What?" Aisha looked at Tsubami.
"The only way she can truly die is if either-" Tsubami stopped hearing me yell. "He...he saw her.."
I looked at the lifeless body of Naomi hanging and ran off then passed out. Instead of blacking out, I whited out and the world ended up resetting.
I groaned and sat up, holding my head. I looked around, noticing I was in the classroom.
"Welcome back to the world of the living, Motosaki. Hopefully you've had a nice nap." Mr. Hoshida said.
The class laughed and looked at me. I looked around and noticed Aisha's surprised face. I looked at her then noticed Naomi sitting beside us. I looked surprised as well.
"N-Naomi..?" I said.
"That's my name...don't wear it out." Naomi said as she copied my notes into her notebook.
Otsuki grit her teeth and closed her eyes. "Tsubami...you ruin everything.." She said as she rubbed her head.