
Shizuka's Story.

I arrived back from my latest mission with sore muscles and bruises. All I could think about was looking forward to soaking in a nice hot bath and having a hot meal. Just as I had ran the bath to my preferred temperature, the doorbell rang. Thinking of ignoring it, I started to strip off when it began to ring again insistently.

Close to losing my temper, I stormed to the front door wrapped only in a fluffy towel.

"What?!" I snapped as I opened the door forcefully.

There stood a six foot four tall muscled man with a smile to make any woman swoon. He stood there smiling shyly, holding a bag of shopping in one hand and a bottle in the other.

"Hey there," he said quietly in his lilting accent with his smiling dimple winking at me. "I thought I'd better ring your doorbell instead of just letting myself in as I wasn't sure if you'd be home yet."

Having lost the ability to form words, I stood there braced against the doorway in case I fell down from the effect of his presence.

"Hi..." I said huskily, unable to tear my eyes away.

"I came to surprise you" he said. "May I come in, this bag is heavy." I nodded as my words were not coming out and moved to let him in.

While I was having my bath Zero was busy in the kitchen cooking me my surprise meal. I asked him what it was but he gave me a passionate kiss and sent me off to the bathroom. I could feel my muscles starting to relax as a laid in the bath water up to my neck. After 20 minutes in the bath I decided I had to get out for the smell of the food became too irresistible to ignore.

I wrapped myself in a bathrobe and walked to the kitchen to see my man with his shirt sleeves rolled up his muscled arms and his big frame having taken over my tiny kitchen.

I quietly walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, resting my face against his broad back. I felt him chuckle as he rubbed my arms and raised one of my hands to kiss my open palm.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked as I move to the side to try and get a sneaky peek at what he was cooking. But I was to be disappointed as the one big pot had a lid on it that concealed its contents.

"Yep, you can go sit your beautiful self down in one of those chairs and relax" he replied as he cupped the side of my face.

I did as instructed as in all honesty, I wasn't sure if I had the strength to help. I gratefully sat down in my chair, my muscles still stiff even after a hot bath. Zero soon came over and placed a glass of my favourite Sakura Plum Sake in front of me. Delighted, I slowly started taking a sip when I realised he'd heated it up, just the way I liked it. I couldn't help the sound of delight that escaped as I savoured it.

" How do you remember how I like my drink?"

" I'd be a poor boyfriend if I didn't remember my Princess's favourite drink."

I smiled at his comment and once again thought about how lucky I was. I couldn't help but think back on the number of times I had gone out with Rin and not once did he remember what drink I liked or how I liked it. Hiro was definitely a dream come true. Soon he was sitting in front of me and the food had been served. My mouth overflowed with saliva at the sight in front of me. After a week of tasteless rationed food it was wonderful to have proper food in front of me. My stomach couldn't help but growl it's approval, loud enough for the whole of Konoha to hear.

" I don't think I've made enough by the sound of it" he said as he laughed.

" I'm sorry!" I said, once against embarrassed by my stomach. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks in horror.

"Slush always said if we ever got caught it would be because of my stomach"

"Maybe it should have some training too" he tease.

I threw a pickle at him in retaliation. " You're as bad as Kaiya. She said the same thing."

I couldn't help but laugh at how alike my two favourite people were. I made a mental note to properly introduce Hiro to Slush at some point while we were off mission. Even though Zero and I have been together for just over two years, we always seemed too busy to take the time to just hang out. Though on second thoughts, maybe it might not be a good idea as they would probably gang up on me about my stupid stomach.

The meal progressed with talk about his work at Ichiko's Bar and the gossip about town.


I had first met Zero at that bar as Kaiya and a few other friends and I were out celebrating a birthday. The bar had been crowded with most of the females around one particular part. It had been my turn to buy a round of drinks and I had to fight to make my way to the front. The women were not very happy with me and tried to push me away. Let's just say that quite a few of them had painful toes afterwards and had to go sit down. I blame my tipsiness. Finally the bar staff that seemed to be the main focus of the ladies noticed me and ignoring the other ladies, asked me my order. I was too awestruck to be able to utter a single word and could feel the death stares being aimed at me. He was tall with piercing pale eyes and his dark hair brushing his shirt collar. He wore a black waistcoat with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I couldn't tell you if it was his eyes or his shy smile that stunned me.

"What can I get you?" He asked again as he leaned up on the bar, giving me all his attention. He lowered his voice to me as if it was just us two and we weren't in a crowded bar. "Or would you like me to make you one you'll like?

I mutely nodded my head, intrigued as to what he would come up with. I watched as he turned around to look at the choices behind the bar.

"Ok, I get to ask three questions and then make a guess. Sounds good to you?" He looked at me over his shoulder with a lopsided grin.

"You're very confident you'll guess right with only three questions." I said to him, enjoying flirting with him.

"How about we make a wager?" He said with a sparkle in his eyes. " I lose and the drinks are on the house. Yes?"

"Ok. But what happens if you win?" I quietly ask him.

"Well," he replied as he turned himself back to me and leaned in close. "If I win....maybe you can take pity on this single guy and go out with me." He didn't wait for a reply as he went back to his task. I think I was too surprised to have replied to it anyway.

"So I'm guessing you're the reason all the females in this town were in here," I said to him as I watched him work.

"Makes working here tough, but what's a guy to do?" he asked with an exaggerated sigh.

"Puh-lease!!" I said tipsily, "With your devastating looks you must get all the orders here and lots of tips."

He turned to glance at me with a raised eyebrow and a lopsided grin. I don't know where that came out from and was horrified that I just said what was on my mind.

"Devastating good looks huh?" he said as he contemplated and then pulled a sad face, "Yet it doesn't seem to be working on you."

"I don't go for male escort lookalikes," I say, grinning to show that I'm teasing, "I like a manly man." Oh my goodness, for the love of....please shuh I thought to myself but my words kept escaping.

"Manly man? And what would be your definition of that?"

"Let's see, strong cheekbones, beautiful eyes, swoon worthy smile and the ability to sweep me off my feet."

His laugh was deep and rich and must have know that I'd just described him. After a few seconds of contemplation he asked me his first question over his shoulder.

"What would you say is your best feature?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

"Maybe I've already decided and wonder what you think it is."

Blushing, I tried to think about what I thought was my best feature. Definitely wasn't my height. At barely 5 foot, Slush had to constantly help me reach things that average people could reach. She'd always playfully tease me but I know she doesn't mean it badly. Plus, I get to tease her about being too curvy since she can't fit into the tight spaces I can.

"Best feature....." I repeat to myself, trying to think of something that I liked about myself. "My hands are too small, I'm not very tall and I definitely can't sing. I guess my best feature would be my smile maybe?"

"You don't sound too sure," he said, "but since I agree with you, let's go with smile then. Next question. What's your favourite place to hang out?"

"Oh that's easy," I reply, happy to have a question I could answer confidently, "my friend and I love to go to the park that's near the centre of town. It's close enough to everything and we love to watch people. I sometimes go there to think too when I have too much on my mind,"

"Sounds good, I'll have to make some time to visit the park," He began to pull some bottles off the shelf, pour some into a mixer and began to shake it.

"There's also a fun fountain in the ground that randomly sprouts out water. It's so much fun watching the kids play in the summertime. I keep on thinking I have to try it out some time," she added as they both laughed.

"So, last question," he said as he placed the shaker down and took down a martini glass. "So what time should I pick you up tomorrow?"

"Excuse me?" I asked with a laugh, "I'm still waiting for my drink,"

"What, this one?" He asked as he placed a slightly pink colour drink in a martini glass in front of me. There were crystal looking shapes on the rim of the glass and the liquid sparkled.

"I call it Sunshine in a Glass."

Smiling in anticipation, I lift the glass up and smell it and could see him watching me as he's began to pour other drinks.

"Oh!" I cry with a smile on my face. I look up to him in delight. "I smell lychee and rose." I take a cautious sip and find the crystals on the rim sparkling in my mouth. "It's popping candy!" I say with a laugh, "It always reminds me of fireworks." I take another sip with my eyes closed and enjoyed the delicate and harmonic flavours of the lychee and rose together.

"This is amazing," I said as I opened my eyes. I find that he had moved out from behind the bar and was next to me leaning against it, watching me closely. He pulled a tray of drinks towards himself and balanced it on one shoulder.

"So, shall we head back to your friends?"

"But I need to get drinks for everyone."

"Who do you think these are for?" He said as he indicated to the tray, "I remember what your friends ordered."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his charm and sneakiness. He must have heard the type of drink that was ordered for me and used that. He had me from the beginning and knew he'd already won.

"How about eight." I say as I start heading back to my table, "give a girl time to get ready."

"Eight it is. Where shall I meet you? I'm not going to presume you'll be happy to let me know where you live just yet."

Such a gentleman I think to myself and at the same time I replied. "We could meet here, at least we both know where this is."

"By the way, my name's Hiro," he said to me sheepishly.

"Nice to meet you. My name's Nozume."

He flashed me his gorgeous smile as we reached the table. I was bursting to tell Slush about him but it seemed she'd gone to the toilet.

I tried to discreetly watch him the rest of the night but soon had to leave to escort a very tipsy friend home.

************************************************<end Flashback>****************************************************

Our conversation continued and in turn I would talk to him about our last mission though I could not give him specifics I told him enough to have him laughing about the clumsy situations Slush and I found ourselves in.

"And so....." I said, trying not to laugh so hard as I finished my story. "Caught red handed in a place she was not supposed to be, Slush had to think quickly on how to get out without arousing suspicion. I was getting ready to attack if need be, when Slush threw herself into the arms of one of the men, pretending to be a drunk damsel in distressed." Here I had to stop as I recalled the situation and Slush's utter disgust with herself afterwards. My stomach muscles hurt as I tried to hold in the laughter and Zero was openly laughing with me. "I was so shocked at how well she acted the part. Kaiya hates people who are like this but she did such a great job. The guys believed her and escorted her back to the festival as I quietly followed."

I went to take a sip of my drink when I realised the glass was empty and the food was gone.

"Yikes! Where did the food go?"

"Probably straight to the black hole that is your stomach" Zero replied as he stood up and started clearing the table. I began to start washing up the dishes when Hiro gently took my hands away from the soapy water.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked in a mock scolding tone as he dried off my hands. "You've just come back from a mission all battered and bruised. Go lie down on your bed." he instructed as he bent down to give the tip of my nose a kiss. He redirected me towards the bedroom with a pat on my bottom and a gentle push.

"Don't be too long" I call over my shoulder as I walk to my room.

"I'll be there before you know it" he called as the water resumed running in the sink. I laid down and closed my eyes, as I wait for Hiro to finish washing up. The soothing sound helped me to drift off and after a few minutes I started to fall asleep, the stress of the past week and sleepless nights catching up to me. I heard my door gently open as to not wake me up.

"Hey Princess, are you awake?" He asked softly.

"Do you want me to give you a massage?" He asked, "you must be in pain because of your week long mission."

"Hum, let's see, do I want a heavenly massage from my personal gigolo?" I said, pretending to think about it. I squealed when he pulled me down the bed by my ankles, trying not to laugh because he knew just how much I loved his hands on me.

"Ok, I will take your offer of a massage" I told him.

"Ok princess" he said softly.

He loosened the sash around the bathrobe and with me on my front, pulled down the fabric to expose my upper half. He warmed up some oil in his palms and started to massage my shoulders, neck and back area to help with the pain of my muscles. He firmly dug into the tight muscles and smoothed over the tender ones. He was both attentive and patient, never rushing and always ensuring he'd paid his full attention to that area before moving on.

I was so caught up in the massage that it took me a while to realise that he had moved down to massage my butt cheeks, down my thighs and to my very sore feet because jumping from tree to tree can be painful. After he had fully massaged the back area he turned my body around so he started to massaged the front. He started massaging around my chest area and touching my breasts with his lovely hands whilst giving me loving kisses on my lips and neck. After the chest and stomach area he moved down lower, planting gentle kisses on me. I managed to find the energy to bury my fingers in his silky hair and he looked up at me from his position on my lower abdomen, a lock of hair falling over his forehead and smiling. His eyes held such emotion that I felt so loved. Pulling him back up to me I kissed him with the emotions that threatened to burst out of me. The kiss was tender and soft then fierce and passionate.

He laid his body next to mine, one hand on my chest and the other with his fingers running through my hair. Breaking the kiss, his lips swollen and wet, he looked down at me while his fingers continued to play, running through my hair then stroking my cheek.

"Are you not too tired, Princess?" He whispered to me, the sound so intimate in our closed room.

"I've always got energy for you, my love" I replied as I cupped his face, pulling him in.

He didn't need anymore encouragement as he pressed his lips to mine, his body pressed along with my body. He branded me with his kiss and his love, his hand making my body feverish.

Rolling him over, I straddled him as I continued to kiss him, my hair creating a veil around us and my fingers nimbly unbuttoning his shirt. I slipped my hands inside his shirt and ran my hand over his chest, loving the feel of his fine chest hairs and the solid warm feel of his skin. His heart beat was strong and erratic as I pressed kisses directly above it.

"You're so beautiful," I said as I pushed the shirt open even wider, kissing more of his skin as I exposed it. His hands crept up my thighs to cup my butt and squeeze.

"Careful," he said, "I might start getting a big head. Though I'm glad I'm manly enough for you" I laughed as he tumbled me over so that he was on top, his hips nestled in between my thighs.

"Though I'm not as beautiful as you, Princess" he said as he kissed me whilst taking off his shirt. I wrapped my arms around him as I went in for another bone melting kiss. "You enslave me with your smile and your touch," he whispered against my lips, his hands shaping the curves of my body as I did his. I scraped my nails down his back and he hissed in pleasure. The next kiss scrambled my mind as I tried to wrap myself around him.

Our actions became rushed as to who could touch the most skin, driving the other even more closer to the edge. Our final joining was so wondrous, it was hard to know where i ended and he begun. He filled me so completely that I could feel it to my soul as we rocked to the sounds of our harsh breathing.

Rolling him over so that I was on top, I held him tightly, letting him know that I was his and he was mine. I changed the rhythm to a slow, deep pace that was our undoing as we both hurtled over the passionate cliff.

Lying, still intertwined and our heart beats racing, I snuggled up to him. My eyelids dropped as I tried to stay awake.

"Sleep," he said softly in my ear, his breath tickling me hair, "sleep my love." The last thing i remember was him snuggling me closer, pulling the cover over us and pressing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I woke up to the sound of birds, the sky still the bluish, black that hinted at the night slowly giving way to another day. Shifting my head slightly to the side, I gazed down at the one person who I'd ever let this close to me personally and physically. She slept soundly in my arms, using my shoulder as her pillow, her hair framing her heart shaped face.

There are days when I have to stop and almost pinch myself. How did something so amazing happen to me? I lost my family at such a young age, only later understanding the reason why my parents kept on moving us around from place to place. It was tough and as a child I didn't understand why I could never invite my friends over or why my parents were arguing all the time.

But now I hope to be able to settle down. I've been careful to hide myself and not leave any clues as to who I really am. I want more of these mornings, waking up or going to sleep with Nozume in my arms, fighting with her in the middle of the night for the blanket on cold days and loving the feel of her wrapped up around me.

I want to have more water fights at the fountain in the park with her, see her laughing in pure delight and make more memories with her. She has a way of making the simplest thing seem so special, making each moment count.

I try to suppress it but after being alone for so long, I can't help but image the rest of my life with her. Coming home to her after work, sharing meals with her and exploring each new things together. I want to have a home with her, a place to call ours. We can't move in now as we both have busy lives and I rent a place. But once I have finished saving up money, I want to buy our own place for the two of us with room to grow for further down the line.

I slowly extract my arm from under her, smiling at her sleepy protest, and tuck the cover up so that she stayed warm. Quietly I get dressed and as I pull on my trousers, I feel a lump in one of the pockets. Pulling it out, I look at the small wooden box in my hand. I had brought it over, not wanting to miss the opportunity if it happened to come up. I feel that it will come soon, and I can finally ask her. I place the box on the bedside table as I carefully sit on the edge of the bed to put my socks on.

I thought I was being quiet when I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I smile and look behind me as a place my hands on her arm. She snuggled her face into my back and fell back asleep. I tried to get up off the bed but found that though she had fallen back asleep, she still held on. I had to firmly pull her hands apart and quickly get up before she woke up again.

Calling on my special gift, I conjure a water lily to my hand, the colours fading from pink to purple, her favourite colours. The gentle perfume from the flower floated up into the air as I carefully placed it on the pillow I'd slept on. I crept out of the room and quietly closed the door.

Making my way to the kitchen, I began to make a light breakfast for Nozume, french bread and some fried eggs with herbs. I know she'll be hungry once she woke up and ensured I left the plate of food somewhere where the food wouldn't get cold. I wrote a quick note to let her know where I'd left it and let myself out of the house. Soon, we will have our own place, a place to call our own. For us, for her. She's my everything.

I woke up to the sun streaming in through my windows. I was turning to the side and I felt someone was missing in the bed and saw a beautiful water lily on his pillow. It sat up and looked at the flower, greeting me on such a beautiful day. I reached out and stroked the beautiful flower, loving the feeling of its delicate petals. Then I leaned over to look at the clock, when I noticed a small wooden box also on the bedside table. Curious, I made my way over to the other side of the bed and sat up. Picking up the box, I looked it over and wondered if I should open it. Did Hiro leave it here for me or did he forget it. I placed it back on the small table and stretch as I stood up. I decide that I will ask him later about it. My muscles felt so much better after last night's bath and massage. I can't help blushing as I remember how intimately our night finished.

I picked up the flower and placed it into a glass of water. I set it on the window sill in my bedroom so it would be the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. I made my way to the kitchen and found the note Hiro had left me. I smiled at his thoughtfulness as I pulled the plate of food out from where he'd left it. It smelt amazing and was still warm when I tucked in.

After clearing up, I got dressed and went out to meet Slush and some friends. We were going to hang out and catch up on everything that had been happening in the village.


A couple of weeks later, I was briefed on a new mission that I was to go on as part of a team. I realised that I hadn't stocked up on my ninja tools so I went to a shop that specialised in the tools I used on my missions because I used up most of my ninja tools on my last mission


After I paid for my tools, I went to a seamstress to get my ninja attire fixed because of the rips. I'm useless with a needle and have tried to learn how to fix my clothes myself but quickly realised it was a hopeless endeavour.

After paying for mending, I went to the supermarket to buy some food for dinner. I knew tonight that Zero was working late at Ichiko so I bought some food to cook for both of us. I decided to surprise him and cook food over at his place. After walking for 20 minutes I got to his place. I walked up the stairs and got to the door and knocked but there was no answer so I decides to use the key he kept hidden for me to use.

After opening the door and taking off my shoes, I make my way over to the kitchen. Hiro had been working late these past few days and we hadn't had much time to meet up. That also meant that I had not managed, once again, to introduce Kaiya to Zero and I promised myself that I would do so the next time we came home. I unpacked the shopping and began to prepare the food. I few minutes into the cooking, I hear a noise. I stopped what I was doing and listened but didn't hear anything else. It must have been a neighbour. But then a few minutes later, I heard the sound again that sounded like thumping and cries coming from further inside the house. I picked up the knife I was using and make my way stealthily into the house where the noise seemed to be getting louder. I reached the bedroom door and got into position with a kunai in my right hand and the kitchen knife in the other, just to be safe.

I could hear a male voice talking forcefully and was worried that something might be happening to Zero. I tried to open the door but it was locked so I kicked the door down and did a rolly polly into the room.

I immediately looked around the bedroom, trying to see if Zero was ok. There was a tall man with his back to me in the middle of letting his whip fly. He turned to me and I felt as if the bottom of my world dropped.

"Shizuka, what are you doing here?" Zero sounded quite shocked. He'd moved aside slightly and I could finally see past him. There was another person bound spread eagled and upright. The back that was on display had angry red marks from the whip that Zero had been using.

"I'm sorry Zero for coming in to your room. I heard noises and was worried something bad had happened to you." I said as I stood up but kept a hold of my two weapons. "Zero, what are you doing? Who's that person? Why are you hurting them?"

"Shizuka, this is not what you think." He said panicking and worried about what I was thinking. He came towards me with his hands out in a non threatening way. I wanted to believe the action but I kept a hold of the knives up in defense position as I backed up.

"Zero, it looks like you're doing something horrible to that person. Why?"

"He did something that he feels deeply guilty for so I am punishing him to help him atone for his guilt." He tried to direct me out of the room but I moved around him and further into the room. I approached the naked person and saw that it was a man. He seemed in a trance and kept on muttering that it was his fault. His face was streaked with tears and he gripped the board that he was tied to with a white knuckle grip. I turned around to Zero who stood where I last left him, looking at me with such a hopeless look.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you," he said, his voice so sad, "It's not like I want to do this. I have to. I'm compelled to help those that suffer from such guilt. It's part of my gift."

"Your gift?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, my gift," He said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything my Princess. I wanted to but didn't know how. Please, Shizuka. Put away the kunai....and my kitchen knife."

I placed them onto a nearby table, within reach in case they were still needed. My instincts felt so conflicted. I wanted to trust this man that I loved but my ninja training was telling me not to let my guard down until I was absolutely sure.

"There are those who experience something so horrible and though it may not be their fault, they can't help but blame themselves. It becomes a darkness in them that grows to become a disability. These people unknowingly come to me to help exorcise this guilt. What I do....it's not only physical but also mental for the person that needs the help. It's a Kekkei Genkai technique. One that was thought to be extinct.

"So tonight.....you weren't working late.?" I asked, trying to get my head around what he was telling me. My knowledge about kekkei genkai techniques was close to none existent; that's where Slush had to help me out.

"I was or am working late.....just not at Ichiko's."

"So, do you do this to everyone who feels guilty? How come you didn't do this stuff to me, Zero? I definitely have a few things that I feel guilty about."

"I didn't have to do it to you because your guilt wasn't as deep as these people I saved." He said quietly.

Afterwards, I left him alone to finish what he needed to do. I sat in the park where we'd played so many times together and blankly stared at the crowd of people going by. My mind was in a whirl trying to make sense of everything Hiro had told me. Did he seriously want me to believe that he whipped people who had a deep and serious guilt because he felt compelled to? What was I supposed to believe?

This man that I love. The man that I look forward to seeing after my missions, the man who would hold me tight and make everything seem all right again. The man who I'd planned to make a future with was not the man I thought he was....was he?

Hiro soon joined me on the bench that I was sitting on and didn't say a word. The silence between us was uncomfortable as neither of us were used to this. He slowly stretched out his hand to me trying to see if I would turn him away. But my heart and my mind had made up their mind and a gripped his hand hard as I pulled him to me. We shared a passionate kiss and hug because he was happy to see me and sorry that I had to see that. We sat silently for a while again but this time, it was comfortable, with one of his arms around my shoulders and I leaned my head against him.

"I was hoping that this would all be behind me, that I would never have to do this again. It seems that no matter where I go, or how hard I wish it wouldn't happen, I have no choice but to help."

"What would happen if you didn't do anything?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"That person would slowly get worse and he'll never leave me alone. I had this one lady who kept on hassling me at work. I had to pretend that she was an ex that couldn't take that we had broken up. It was only when I finally exercised her guilt that she left me in peace. But I knew I couldn't stay and moved a few days afterwards."

We lapsed again into silence as we both tried to come to terms with what had happened. I know for me, I felt clearer about it. I knew that Zero wouldn't have done these things if he didn't have to. I believed and wanted to stand by him.

But then another thought popped into my head.

"Hiro, you said you had to leave the last place you were at. Does this mean that you're going to have to leave again?" I clench my hands into a fist in my lap, my eyes downcast.

"Do you want me to?"

I thought to myself about how my life was before Hiro came into it. It had been dull with a relationship that had been more one sided with a guy that was more more concerned about his "art" then anything or anyone else. Did I want to lose the one thing that made me smile and laugh? Did I want to say goodbye to the possible yet fragile future that I could see myself having with this man?

I must have taken too long to reply for Hiro sighed heavily and got off the bench. He took a few steps forward and stood with his back to me.

"I can't blame you I guess," he said quietly, his voice sounding thick. "I don't know how I would react if this had happened to me."

He ran his hand through his hair and cleared his throat. "Don't worry. I won't make this difficult for us. I'll leave in a few days once have have sorted out my affairs. Goodbye, Princess." and with that he started walking away.

And that was probably what spurred me into action. It hurt to hear him say that. It hurt that he thought I was giving up. It hurt to see his back as he walked away from me.

I don't know why but I suddenly felt a swell of emotion so fierce as it burned inside me. I was angry. So angry that my tears turned from pain to anger.

"So that's it?" I cried, louder then I'd meant to as I stood up from the bench. "You just walk away?!"

He turned around to me in shock. "What do you mean that's it? You know my secret. I'm not just going to expect you to just accept it."

I strode up to him and poked him in the torso.

"You don't get to decide that," I said to him fiercely, "you don't get to just decide if I should or shouldn't carry this weight."

"But Shizuka...."

"Quiet! I'm talking now." I interrupted as I looked at him fiercely in the eyes. "Ever since I'd met you, you have made my world a better place; there's more colours in my world and music all around me. I wake up in the morning and go to bed with a smile. My missions are more bearable these days because I have something to come home to. And that's you. And you're a fool if you think I'm just going to let you walk away over this tiny thing."

"it's not a tiny thing."

"Mid flow here," I said in mock irritation, my anger having ebbed away. I take his hands into mine as I continue. "We're a team you and I. And like a team we have to make decisions. Together. And I refuse to just let you decide that I can't handle this."

"It could get dangerous. People will hunt me down like they did my parents."

"What do you think I do on my missions? Sit on a beach and sun bathe?"

"Well, I did wonder...."

I gently punch him in the stomach and he pretended it hurt. Afterwards, he pulled me into his arms and rested his cheek on my head.

"Are you sure?" he whispered quietly to me.

"Definitely." I replied as I squeezed my arms that were wrapped around him.

"I guess it would be a shame to lose my favourite headrest," he said as he rested his chin on my head. "You're such a perfect height."

Laughing, we mock fight and he picked me up as he ran to the fountains in the ground where the other kids were playing. Shrieking, I tickle him in his ticklish spots and he trips and takes a tumble. But he made sure I didn't get hurt in the fall.

"Together," I whisper to him.


We decided to head on back to his and he helped me cook the dinner I had been in the middle of making for him. Though we had talked it out and I had promised not to say anything about his gift, I felt that he was trying to reassure himself that I was still with him. Everytime he passed by me in the kitchen, he would always touch me or kiss the top of my head.

As I left the food to simmer, I took Hiro by the hand and pulled him to me.

"Zero, I promised I wouldn't say anything to anyone about this," I tried to look him in the eye but he was so tall. I directed him to a chair and pushed him into sitting into it. "And I'm still here. I will admit at first, I was shocked and didn't know what to believe. But I have come to the conclusion that I may not understand all that you told me about your gift and the reasons why, but I trust you, so I will believe in you"

He pulled me close to him with his hands on my waist and rested his head on my stomach.

"How did I get so lucky?" he mumbled against me, "What did I do to deserve you?"

"Gee thanks! You make me sound like a parasite."

"You know that's not what I meant," he said.

I don't know if it was just me, but his voice sounded strange. I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head up to see his eyes shimmering with tears. I sucked in a shocked breath, never before having seen him like this.

"I would say we're both in the same boat. I never thought that I would ever be lucky enough to find someone like you. I never thought I deserved it after the things I have done in my life, the things that I have experienced....like you. I too was alone and hurt. I was lost and scared. Slush is the only true friend who has stood by me throughout all of this. I thought I was lucky enough then and would have never thought that I would be lucky a second time and find myself with a man who treats me like his most precious treasure."

"Heh," he chuckled as he kissed the tip of my nose. "I guess that makes the two of us. What a pair."

Our lips met with a mix of our salty tears. Together we found each other and together we will make it.

Then my stomach chose that perfect moment to growl loudly. I could feel Hiro shaking with laughter as he tried to hold it in. I pull back from the kiss as Hiro doubled over with laughter. I mock punch him in the shoulder but was also laughing myself. It felt good to laugh again and helped melt the tension in the room.

"I think someone could do with some feeding," Said Zero as he rose from the chair. He went over to the food that was cooking and checked it. "It seems ready. Can you set the table?"

The table was soon set and we were soon enjoying our meal together. The rest of the evening went by peacefully, our bond different by made stronger after today.

A few days later I went to see Zero again and he was acting like he always does before I have to go on my mission. Unlike the last mission where I was gone for only a week, we had been told that we would possibly be gone for nearly a month even though it was only a B-ranked. He knows that I sometimes don't come back for weeks at a time so he gets worried that I might get injured and not come back to him.

"When you come back, I have an important question to ask you," he said as he held me before I left. "So come back to me." He pulled me in for a passionate kiss before letting me go.

"Always," I reply, giving him one last squeeze, "I'll always come back to you."

I said goodbye to Hiro but he insisted that he sees me to the gate. We arrived within sight of the Eastern gate where Kaiya, Kuze, Hayato, Ukyo and Subaru were waiting for me. They waved when they saw me and I in turn blew one last kiss to Zero as I went to join them.


It turned out that the mission was to take just over a month to complete. During that time I'd been feeling ill and having mood swings. It was only when Kaiya pointed out what the symptoms could mean that I realised it was a dream come true. I was so excited and couldn't wait to tell Zero. I dumped my stuff off at mine without unpacking and went to his place to see him and tell him the good news. I knocked on the door and waited impatiently for an answer but nobody came. So using the hidden key, I let myself in.

And stopped short of the entryway. The walls were empty of his pictures, there was no furniture or any piece of Zero here.

"Zero?" I called out, thinking that maybe he was having a makeover of his place. But the sound of my voice echoed strangely in the empty apartment. Trying not to panic, I rushed through the apartment, heading first to the bathroom then the bedroom. Empty. Everywhere was empty of him. He'd gone. I suddenly felt so weak that I crumpled and sat myself on the ground before I fell. Tears were falling down my face in a hot river as I tried to think of what could have happened.

I arrived back at mine in a daze, confused as to what was happening. I felt it best for me to make myself something before i became too weak from hunger too. It was as I was cooking my instant ramen noodles that I saw the vase with a beautiful blooming flower on the table.

I made my way over to the table and to the flower. A rose. A deep almost black, red rose. It sparkled a ruby colour in the clear vase. Looking closer, I noticed that the vase was sitting on top of a folded piece of paper.

Forgive me, Shizuka. I had to leave the village as it was no longer safe for me.

I wish we could have had a lifetime together, but it seems fate has other things in mind.

Please don't try to find me. It's too dangerous.

I love you. You're my everything.

Forever yours
