
The Celestial Remnant, Ch05: Silver

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Marethyu, Beans, Mike God of Lore, Priapus, Old man of the mountain, Malcolm Tent

The Celestial Remnant 

Chapter 05: Silver

Akari —

100cp Granted, [Portalist] Unlocked, 0cp remaining

[Portalist] - 400cp

Vilete once knew the secret for making portals that were capable of spanning interplanetary distances, and now, you know that secret as well. You have the knowledge and skill to be able to craft portals between different locations in space. Something within the range of a city can be done 'freestyle', using only your own Aura, though you may need to charge up energy beforehand. Longer-range portals would need anchors and magical focuses, but you know how to craft such very easily. Through practice and study, the range of your personal portals and permanent portals can both expand, with personal portals eventually reaching intercontinental distances, while your permanent portals could eventually reach between stars.

Grumbling as I sit up, I look around my new room. Nora's snoring tells me she's still asleep, and Weiss also seems to be slumbering.

An announcement last night told us that classes were being delayed a little due to unforeseen circumstances that definitely weren't my fault, so they can both lie in.

Portals, huh? That gives me an idea.

— Weiss Schnee — 

Waking up to the smell of coffee, she blinked the sleep out of her eyes and sat up, seeing Akari sitting on his bed.

"Morning, Weiss," Akari greeted, waving lazily as he sipped from a to-go cup.

Nora made some strange, eldritch noises, altering them to the fact that she was waking up, grumbling and groaning into her pillow.

"Good morning, Akari. I didn't know Beacon had a proper cafe," Weiss replied, watching him blink before he looked down at his cup. "Does the cafeteria serve hot drinks?"

"It doesn't, I think? I went home to get this," Akari explained, making her blink.

"Home? I thought you were from Menagerie," Weiss asked, getting a nod from Akari.

"Yup. There's a good cafe near my apartment, so I went back to grab some," Akari agreed, gesturing to the table with seven more cups. "Help yourself, didn't know what you liked, so I grabbed a random selection."

"Mrgrph," Nora mumbled before sitting up and sniffing the air. "Coffee?"

"Coffee," Akari agreed, getting her to perk up before she paused.

"I'm not supposed to have coffee… Ren said I have too much energy already," Nora mumbled, pushing the quilt off her as Weiss glared slightly.

Nora's idea of appropriate sleepwear consisted of an oversized shirt and panties, the shirt reaching her upper thighs. 

Akari looked over at their inappropriate teammate, his eyes lingering on her admittedly very thick thighs for a moment.

"Ren isn't here, and you're a big girl." Akari shrugged, making her hesitate before she grabbed one of the cups and downed the hot coffee in one go.

Weiss moved herself, looking at the cups with a confused expression.

"I'm sorry, but can you return to the part about you going home to the Menagerie for some coffee?" Weiss asked. 

"I can make portals now, so I went home. Not sure what you're not understanding," Akari replied, tilting his head.

"…how?" Weiss asked, getting a shrug. "I thought your Semblance was farsight, and now you have ice powers and portals?"

"I just can. My power just does that sometimes. Ozpin knows, it's fine," Akari waved her off as she grabbed what seemed to be a caramel latte (before Nora could, as the demon downed her second cup).

Taking a sip, she had to admit it was rather nice, even if it wasn't up to her usual standard. 

Akari's powers didn't make sense. People didn't just develop new Semblances, and that was clearly why Ozpin had arranged for Winter to come and protect him. She was missing some of the pieces to this puzzle.

"Professor Ozpin knows you can make portals?" Weiss asked, watching Nora down her third cup.

"Portals?" Nora asked, finally awake.

"Oh right," Akari said, finishing his drink and pulling out his scroll, making a call. "Morning."

Weiss and Nora watched, her mind still trying to work out what Akari was.

"I can make portals now," Akari explained. "I told you, it just does that sometimes."

He went quiet as she tried to listen to the person on the other end.

"Went to Menagerie," Akari explained. "No, just coffee. Yeah, my favourite place was still open. Okay. Goodbye."

Ending the call, he turned back to her with a nod.

"He knows now. It's fine," Akari explained, giving her a thumbs up. She just sighed.

"Sorry, I think I missed something. You made a portal all the way to Menagerie?" Nora asked, four of the cups now empty; she was almost vibrating.

"For coffee," Akari agreed, making Nora go silent for a moment.

"Could you make a portal to Atlas?" Nora asked, making Weiss blink. Nora was not from Atlas, so why would she want that?

"Mhm," Akari agreed. "Menagerie is further. Just need to use Farsight to see where I'm making the portal, nice and easy."

Wait, he could use his farsight all the way to Menagerie?! 

"You're scary powerful, foxy," Nora finally said, making Akari shrug.

"I just wanted good coffee," Akari explained. "And the cafeteria is a long walk from the dorms."

"Why didn't you just portal to the cafeteria?" Weiss asked, watching him go to respond before he went quiet. 


Nora's giggling made her sigh, seeing the realisation on Akari's face. She was truly grateful for Akari having saved her life, but it was becoming clear that he had his flaws.

It was also clear that he was obscenely powerful on a scale she could hardly comprehend. Well, she had always been told that a Schnee deserved the best, and nobody could disagree that she had the best partner.

"Hmph, next time, wake me up. I'll show you the best place to get coffee in Atlas," Weiss offered, making him nod


— Sienna Khan —

"And nobody thought to stop him?" Sienna asked, looking at the fools she had working for her.

Akari had appeared out of a portal, right in the middle of a crowd, wandered into his favourite cafe, waited for twelve drinks to be made, and then portaled away.

And not one of her men had thought, 'Hey, maybe we should ask him to stick around for a few minutes and talk to the boss after we just had a large meeting about how important Akari is to our people.'


— Akari —

"Whatcha doing?" Nora asks, leaning over my shoulder as I try to work. Maybe letting the already hyper girl have so much coffee was shortsighted, but whatever.

I'm not her babysitter; if she wants coffee, I'm not gonna tell her no.

"Improving my uniform," I reply, frowning. [Artifice] is undeniably powerful, but at the moment, I'm somewhat limited in what I can do with it

Simply put, I lack the materials to make truly powerful artefacts. Even the best materials I have for my clothing would only be able to handle some moderate enchantments.

Beacon's uniform can handle some simple ones; anything more, and they'd be destroyed by the magic. Yes, I already disintegrated one of my blazers. 

I want to find some good materials before I make a replacement for the kimono I tore up to bind Weiss' wounds. 

"Are you allowed to alter your uniform?" Weiss asks, making me shrug.

"Told Ozpin I destroyed my blazer and he sent me more, so I guess so? I'm just enchanting them; need the practice anyway," I explain, seeing the confusion on her face. "I can give items powers."

"Let me guess, your power just developed that particular skill?" Weiss asks with a rueful smile as I nod. It's good that someone gets it.

"Yup," I reply. "Can't make any really good stuff yet. Need better materials, but I can make some nice stuff. Need to remake my kimono anyway."

"Hm, I may be able to help with that. Is my dress made of better materials?" Weiss asks, pulling out the white dress she was wearing for the initiation. It's damaged, torn by the sneaky bastard Grimm. 

Taking it, I examine it carefully before nodding.

"Not good enough for the best enchantments, but better than our uniforms. Good silk," I agree.

"The finest in Atlas," Weiss corrects. "You'll not find better. Give me some time; I should be able to get you some to work with."

"Hm, thanks," I say, seeing her preen happily.

If this is the best in Atlas, I'm not gonna find better on Remnant. Not naturally, anyway; I might have to find a way to make my own materials for the very best gear. 

"Want me to fix this?" I ask, making her blink.

"You can do that?" Weiss asks, getting a lazy nod.

"Easily. Won't even need any materials for that," I say, switching to the dress with an easy grin. 

The tears are large, with several gashes on one side having shredded through the dress easily. 

Let's see, what can I do with the finest Atlesian silk?

The others watch as the dress starts to glow, giving off a soft blue light. [Widow's Guidance] gave me plenty of magic to work with since it made me equal to that Katarin chick, so I have options.

Self-fixing and cleaning, obviously, plus some temperature control for comfort, but with material this good I can make some fun stuff.

They're quiet, letting me work even as Nora vibrates in place, but they don't have to wait long. I hear Weiss gasp as she watches her dress seemingly stitch itself back together, not even a mark left when it's finished.

"There," I say, offering it back. "I gave it the standard enchantments. Self-cleaning, self-repairing, it'll go warm when you want it to, cold when you prefer it that way, grants you flight, restores your aura faster, and it's highly resistant to damage," I explain.

"…what was that fifth one again?" Weiss asks, blinking.

"Flight," I repeat. "I wanted to make it better, but the materials weren't good enough to hold anything else," I shrug.

"…it lets whoever wears it fly?" Weiss repeats. Huh, I thought she was smart, but she seems to be struggling with this.

"Yup, neat, right?" I ask. "So if we get another stupid bird hiding in the sky, you can just fly up and stab it."

"Super neat," Nora agrees.

"Excuse me a moment," Weiss requests, heading into the bathroom as I shrug.

"Okay," I reply, going back to my own uniform. The lesser quality materials mean I can't do too much with it.

Once I've put on the self-cleaning, repairing, comfort and resistance ones, I can probably squeeze a single extra lesser enchantment on. 

A loud bump makes me blink, looking at the door to the bathroom. She just flew into the ceiling, didn't she?

Nora peeks into the bathroom, giggling to herself as I ignore the noise and focus on making my uniform more convenient.

Beacon's uniform is made of good quality materials, but just 'good' isn't good enough in this case.

Weiss returns, a bashful look on her face as she hovers a couple of feet in the air.

"My apologies, Akari. In truth, I didn't believe your claims. Thank you for this very generous gift," Weiss admits, looking a little ashamed. "I can't even imagine the price your enchantments would merit. How long do they last?"

"Mhm, we're partners, so it's fine. And I think forever? Or at least, so long that we won't be around to see them wear off," I reply casually.

My best guess is it will be somewhere between a few thousand years and forever. [Artifice] is no joke.

"Of course, they last forever; why wouldn't they?" Weiss asks, making me shrug.

"When I've got some better materials, I'll make you something as well Nora, might as well," I add, making her nod with a grin. "So, have they said when classes are starting yet?"

"No, I think Professor Ozpin is waiting for this 'Penny' to arrive, and the teachers are still investigating the forest," Weiss explains. See, this is why she's the leader; she pays attention to things. 

"So, we've got time to kill? Nice," I reply, stretching with a yawn. "Guess I have time to enchant my weapon as well."

I already know what enchantment I want to put on my shield, getting to work with a small smile.

Why block what I can reflect?

"Lemme know if you guys want your weapons enchanted; dunno what you'd prefer and don't wanna fuck with your stuff without your input," I add, humming to myself as I work on my weapon.

"I will, thank you, Akari. I may have to think about how being able to fly will change my fighting style before I decide what enchantments I want for my weapon," Weiss agrees, a smile on her face.

I'm glad she's happy. I probably should have asked before I went a little overboard with her dress, but I was just pleased to have some good materials to work with.

If she can get me some good material to work with, I'll make her whatever she wants. I'm not above abusing her rich girl connections. 

— James Ironwood —

"You know, there's a word for what you're suggesting. I believe they call it 'eugenics' and it's generally frowned upon when applied to children," Ozpin pointed out, sipping his drink.

"You know I have a point, Ozpin. Even ignoring the other weirdness, Akari is the only silver-eyed warrior we know. Maria is missing, presumed dead, and we don't know if Ruby actually inherited her mother's powers," James countered, not refuting Ozpin's point. "Summer only had a single child before she vanished, and as a man, Akari won't be taken out of action due to a pregnancy."

"Didn't you suggest that Summer take part in something similar? How did that go again?" Ozpin asked, making James snort.

"She stabbed me, but that's not the point," James said, waving his hand. "If Akari's unique powers can pass down to his children, can we really afford to wait? Salem already knows about him; we've seen her agents moving towards Vale; they're coming for him."

"I'm not entirely sure that Akari is a him yet, given the similarities between his ice and the maiden powers. I'm still trying to work out how to politely ask what is in his pants," Ozpin pointed out, making James sigh. "We have no reason to believe Akari's powers would pass down; Maiden powers don't, after all."

"The maidens are a special case, and we have no reason to believe that they wouldn't. Even if all that gets passed down is his Silver Eyes, that's still an opportunity for us. Salem has culled their numbers very efficiently. Akari is a chance to increase them once again," James retorted. "We need to face facts, Oz. We're losing. Salem takes more ground every year, making stronger and more varied Grimm. Not a month ago, she demonstrated that she had worked out how to steal Maiden powers. Amber's return will help, but we need to start preparing for Salem to grow even more dangerous."

Winter remained silent by her general's side, looking awfully calm for a girl who had volunteered her womb for the very project James was trying to push. 

"This plan of yours would take over a decade to bear fruit," Ozpin pointed out.

"All the more reason to start as soon as possible," James replied, cutting himself off as someone knocked on the door.

Calling for them to enter, Akari walked in with his hands in his pockets, looking around with curiosity.

"Weiss is right; you do look strict," he said, looking at Winter, who simply raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Hello, Akari. Thank you for coming," Ozpin greeted, making Akari nod easily. "As you have guessed, this is Winter Schnee, your new bodyguard. And this is James Ironwood, General of the Atlesian military and headmaster of Atlas Academy."


Akari, in his usual laidback manner, just waved at the very powerful general. James didn't mind, giving the younger boy a nod.

"Did you manage whatever you were doing that caused your blazer to… I believe 'turn to ash' was how you described it?" Ozpin asked, making Akari nod again.

"Yup. Enchanted my uniform and tried to put too much into it; the material wasn't good enough. Weiss' dress is better; she can fly now," Akari explained.

"I'm sorry, Weiss can do what?" Winter asked, making him turn back to her.

"Fly. She didn't believe me either, and then she flew into the bathroom ceiling," Akari smiled slightly. "Amber can't make magic clothes?" 

"No, she cannot," Ozpin agreed.

"Hm, weird," Akari said, shrugging. "Enchanted my weapon as well; it deflects projectiles now."

"Ah, very useful," Ozpin agreed, as James and Winter just stared at the wonder child in confusion. 

He didn't bother asking how Akari had gotten this skill, as he already knew the answer. 'It just did that.'

"I'm sorry, you imbued your clothes and weapon with magic? Lasting magic?" James asked, and Akari blinked as if he'd forgotten that James was even there.


"Mhm," Akari agreed. "My uniform will outlast us all. It'll clean and repair itself for the next few thousand years. Couldn't do much more; the material isn't good enough to withstand the magic."

He made a note to have a word with his supplier because he spent a lot of money making sure that Beacon's uniform was of the highest quality. 

Somehow, he wasn't surprised that a Schnee's dress was better, though; maybe Akari just had extremely high standards for what could handle his power.

"And you were able to grant someone flight by enchanting their clothes?" James asked, getting another nod.

"Yup. Weiss was going to test it when you messaged me; she's probably flying around the school now," Akari explained, making Ozpin pause and move to his window.

Oh, so she was.

Watching the white-haired girl zoom around the skies above the school, he scratched his chin. That did look quite fun.

"I don't suppose you're willing to take commissions for my Specialists?" James asked, making Akari shrug. 

"Sure, pay me in rare materials," Akari agreed easily, making James blink at how easygoing Akari was. "It only takes me a minute or so to enchant something if I already know what I want to enchant it with. Just gotta have good base materials. Weiss' dress is made of some fancy Atlesian silk, and it could hold more because of it."

"I should hope so; I bought her that dress. Best quality silk in the world," Winter chuckled, watching her sister in slight amusement. "Cost me more than I care to think about. I'm a Schnee and even I winced at the price tag."

As they spoke, Akari had wandered over to Winter and placed a hand on her shoulder making her blink, watching him curiously.

"Hm, just a bit better than the school uniform. Good for a couple of enchantments, not good enough for anything better," Akari confirmed.

Well, at least it wasn't just his expensive uniforms that weren't good enough. From the look on James' face, he suspected whoever made Weiss' dress was going to see an unexpected commission soon.

"I'm gonna try and make some magical materials that can hold the really good enchantments, but that's a work in progress. As in, I've kinda thought about it but haven't started it at all," Akari explained. "Weiss said she'd get me some of the silk her dress was made of, and I'm good at making clothes."

"We can discuss that later, Akari," Ozpin said, waving him off. "Still, I would like to ask you about the trip you took back home this morning."

"Mhm, woke up with the power to make portals. Went home to get some coffee, don't worry, I remembered to close the portals, and no one came through," Akari explained.

'Remembered to close', suggesting they wouldn't close by themselves.

"And it was no real trouble to make a portal to the other side of the world?" James asked.

"No," Akari agreed. "Was pretty easy. Just used farsight to get the location right, then dropped the portal."

Ah, a wise use of his original power. Of course, that meant he could see Menagerie with his far-seeing. There were other Semblances that could do something similar to Akari, but never to that distance. 

To demonstrate, Akari waved his hand and a portal formed in front of him. On the other side, Ozpin could see the bedroom that Akari's team was sharing. Then he clicked his fingers and closed it again.

"Easy," Akari added. "Just takes longer to make it when I wanna go further."

"I see. While I won't tell you not to travel, I'd rather you keep someone with you. As I mentioned, you are a target," Ozpin explained, getting another easy nod from Akari.


Akari was very easygoing, accepting anything that happened with the same blank expression. 

"Akari, pardon me for asking this, but I am hoping you can clear something up," James started, getting Akari's attention. "You are a man, correct? Biologically?"

Akari blinked, looking genuinely shocked for the first time. 

"...yes?" Akari asked, his voice holding a hint of emotion for once. "I do have a penis; I'm quite proud of it."

Well, that cleared that up, at least.

"My apologies, I just needed to confirm that," James said, giving Ozpin an annoyed look. "Are you aware of the significance of your silver eyes?"

"Something, something, God of Light. Something, something, Grimm die," Akari eloquently explained, getting a snort and a nod from James.

"More or less, yes. Once upon a time, there were many Silver-Eyed Warriors, but their numbers have been culled over the years. There were dozens, at least; now there are two, and frankly, we don't know if Miss Rose inherited her mother's powers," James said, going for openness with Akari, who listened calmly. "Not everyone with the power awakens it, though they are all targets, as even if Miss Rose doesn't awaken her own Silver Eyes, her children will still have that potential."

"Ruby's mom was a Silver-Eyed Warrior?" Akari asked, tilting his head curiously.

"She was, one of the last of her kind. She disappeared when Ruby was still young, much like Maria Calavera, the only other Silver-Eyed Warrior of the last generation. Both are presumed dead, though we found no bodies," Ozpin explained, wanting it to be clear how dangerous things would be for him.

"Oh. That sucks."

Akari went quiet, still expressionless.

"Indeed, both were very talented Huntresses. However, Summer only had one child, and Maria never had children herself," James continued, making Ozpin sigh. He wasn't going to let this go, was he? "You and Ruby are the last. If our enemies manage to kill you, the ancient lineage will end with you."

"So you want me to have kids?" Akari asked, making James stop. "Why else would you ask what was in my pants? If I were a girl and ended up pregnant, I wouldn't be able to continue training to be a Huntress in the later stages. As a guy, that's not really a problem."

James paused for a moment, impressed as he nodded. Akari might not speak often, but he was clearly an intelligent young man.

"Exactly. The Silver-Eyed Warrior gene is too important in the war against the darkness for us to risk losing it, and while it goes without saying that keeping you and Miss Rose safe is a priority, we can't guarantee anything," James agreed. "In your case, it's possible that your magic could also pass down to any children. This is a rare opportunity for us."

"So, have babies?" Akari said, and it was hard to tell what he was feeling as he stared at them.

"While I can't deny James has a point, I would like to assure you that I have no plans to rush you into anything," Ozpin reassured Akari, giving James an annoyed look. "I understand that the concept must be rather intimidating for a young man."


Once more, it was borderline impossible to tell what Akari was actually thinking. 

"I have to disagree on not rushing. Our enemies aren't going to wait, but I also don't plan to force anything, Akari. Winter has volunteered to bear your child should you be willing," James explained, making Akari turn to Winter, who simply straightened up. There had to be something in the water in Atlas Academy to explain how so many of its graduates took pride in sacrificing themselves for the good of Atlas. 


Akari did enjoy his one word responses, didn't he?

"When?" Akari asked after a moment of pause.

"What do you mean?" Ozpin asked.

"When should I try and impregnate Winter?" Akari asked, blinking. "I said okay."

"Wait, just like that?" Winter asked, raising an eyebrow. "You aren't intimidated by becoming a father?

"I figured I'd get some help with the whole thing since any kids I do have would be a target as well," Akari reasoned, making James smile. 

"Of course, both nannies to help raise them and bodyguards to keep them safe," James agreed. "I'll leave the specifics up to you two, Winter will be staying with you from now on anyway as part of her new duties in protecting you."


Akari went quiet again, his face still blank despite the subject matter.

"Oh, the fairies said you need to go back to the fountain," Akari added, making him pause as Akari turned to him. "Your magic is too weak for a single dip to fix it."

"Excuse me?" Ozpin asked, blinking.

"The fairies. They said your magic is sickly, something about your spirit, and you need to bathe in the fountain waters more to fix it," Akari explained. It was a sign of how his life was going at the moment that 'the fairies said this' was a genuine explanation.

"My magic has withered, true, but I am not sure that it can be so easily fixed," Ozpin said gently. Countless reincarnations and the creation of the maidens had made his magic a husk of what it once was.

A small pink ball of light floated out of Akari's pocket, whizzing around Akari's head as it pulsed with light.

"Hm. She says you are old and stupid and that she knows better," Akari helpfully translated. He carefully ignored the sound of James snorting in amusement. "So you need to take nightly baths in the fountain."

Ozpin went quiet, stroking his chin. Could it fix his own withering magic? In truth, he had no idea, but the fairy certainly seemed to think so and really, what did he have to lose?

"I see. I'll have to try that then," Ozpin agreed. The fairy fountain had felt very nice, but he hadn't considered that it might be able to help him. Regaining the magical strength he once had would be a good edge against Salem who expected him to still be weak.

"I'll make a permanent portal somewhere; just lemme know where you want it," Akari explained. "I don't wanna have to open it for you every night."

"Entirely fair," Ozpin agreed. "Thank you, Akari."


"Now, Miss Polendina was delayed slightly for a last-minute check-up, but she will be arriving soon, and with her, I'm sending Atlas' best to ensure that those who attacked Amber are hunted down and cannot target you. The Atlesian Ace Ops will be stationed in Beacon until we have neutralised the attackers who tried to steal Amber's magic," James explained, bringing Akari further into their inner circle. It was unusually trusting of James, but Ozpin agreed that it was better than trying to keep Akari in the dark. "We'll be moving your team to a larger room to accommodate Winter joining you, and the Ace Ops will be staying close by. Both you and Winter will have an emergency signal in the case of an attack, allowing you to call them to your position to help deal with any attackers.


He had no doubts that the female members of the Ace Ops likely had extra orders regarding Akari; James' desire to acquire his own Silver-Eyed magic users was clear to see. Akari seemed utterly indifferent to the entire thing, staring blankly at them.

– Akari –

Kids? Eh.

Winter is admittedly very attractive, like an older, more professional Weiss, so the act itself isn't going to be very difficult for me. I can't say I'm looking forward to being a teenage dad, but ah, well. 

Feats Achieved: Impress James Ironwood (100cp), Impress Winter Schnee (100cp). 200cp gained, 200cp total.

General Ironwood seems like a useful person to have on your side.

[Dragon Talisman] - 200cp, 0cp remaining

Allows the wielder to unleash powerful blasts of fiery combustive energy from the talisman. It also grants some pyrokinesis and heat resistance.


Looking at my hand, I blink at the sight of the small silver talisman with a red dragon carved into it.

"Ah, allow me to guess. Your power 'just did that' again?" Ozpin asks, making me nod lazily.

"Magic talisman that gives the holder fire powers, kinda cool, but my ice is stronger. Maybe I'll just find someone else to give it to," I say, shrugging as I hold out my hand and form a fireball.

It's neat, but Widow's Guidance is quite a lot stronger. Ice suits me better, anyway.

"You can do that?" James asks, and I just blink.

Walking over to him, I take his hand and place the talisman into it.

"Tadah!" I say, my tone entirely flat. "I can summon it back whenever I want, but it's a physical thing, so why wouldn't I be able to pass it around?"

I see him focus for a moment, the stone glowing as fire surrounds him, leaving him unharmed by the flames he's summoned.

"See?" I say, summoning it back into my hand, the flames dying out. "Easy."

The pair share a look, making me scratch my chin. I don't know why they seem so confused; was I not clear enough? 

"Is that everything?" I ask, making them pause before Ozpin smiles softly.

"For now, Akari, for now," he agrees. 

"Okay. Nice meeting you," I say, remembering my manners as I fall through a portal that forms beneath me. 

— Bonus Scene — Winter Schnee (Later)

"Winter!" Weiss said excitedly as she entered the room, making her smile softly at her sister.

"Hello, Weiss. I realise this is far sooner than we thought we'd be seeing each other again," Winter said. "Your partner has caused quite the stir, hasn't he?"

"Akari is something special; that much is certain," Weiss agreed, making Winter raise an eyebrow at her sister's tone and the look on her face.

"Weiss, do you have a crush on Akari?" Winter asked, making Weiss turn rapidly red. "Ah."

This could get awkward, couldn't it?

"Weiss, I believe we need to have a… talk about Akari and just how special he really is," Winter said, gesturing for her sister to take a seat on the bed. Weiss blinked, but Akari was too open for them to keep things secret from his team, so it was better to bring Weiss up to speed quickly. 

Now, how to gently explain to your little sister that you will be having regular sex with her crush? 

Author’s Note: I wrote this chapter in Disneyland, turns out I’m addicted to writing. Who knew? Not I.

I will never miss a chance to throw my MCs into a breeding program. You can’t have an ancient super lineage and not pump babies out. Summer failed the world by only having one kid.

Beans’ Note: Drink every time one of the MCs gets told to sleep with as many people as possible. Yknow, for the good of society.

Written: 17/06/2024

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

Diamond: The Celestial Professor Ch01 (snippet), New Game Plus Ch08, The Occult Ch08, Guide to Necromancy Ch09

Plat: The Nightmare Ch12.5, The Celestial Remnant Ch07, The Celestial Remnant Ch06

Gold: The Gambler Ch13, The Cursed Ch04

Basic: The High Roller Ch06

Quest: The Celestial Roulette Ch12-16


Patreo n. com (slash) TheDarkWolfShiro 

Subscribe star. com (slash) the-dark-wolf-shiro

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn. 

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/DarkWolfShiro

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (DarkWolfShiro), and I’ll invite you myself.

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts