
The Celestial Professor, Ch04: Beauxbatons

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Priapus, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore

The Celestial Professor

Chapter 04: Beauxbatons

– Robin Scamander –

Arriving at Beauxbatons, I have to admit that the French school is very elegantly designed compared to Hogwarts. I still prefer the castle, but the French have style.

There are a lot of Aurors around, which, given the few details I've been told so far, makes sense. Six students, all between their first and third year, are missing. Dumbledore approaches Madam Maxime, getting the large woman's attention.

I have to admit, I'm confused as to why she called for me. We've met before, on rare occasions and usually at events being held by the French Ministry. That said, I would hesitate to call us more than distant acquaintances.

"Professors, thank you for coming-" Olympe starts in French before catching herself. "Ah, would you prefer English?"

She directs this question towards me, knowing that Dumbledore is fluent in French.

"French is fine," I reply in the same language, making her brighten up slightly. "I have to admit, I'm not sure why you called for me. What do we know so far?"

"Far too little," Olympe admits. "You have assisted our Ministry with cases involving magical creatures before, and our Care of Magical Teachers professor cannot identify the creature that took our students. We have some vague descriptions from other students, but the attack happened late, and there was a thick, unnatural fog at the time."

My mind rushes over every creature I can think of that can create a fog, even as she gives me the eyewitness accounts. There are several that are capable of creating fog to cover their tracks, but as I examine the tracks and go over the eyewitness testimonies, I pause.

I recognise the tracks, but that just leaves me with more questions than answers. If it is what I think it is, then something is rotten here. It can't make fog, it shouldn't have been able to get through the wards, and it would not have left survivors.

Beaxbaton's wards are not as impressive as Hogwarts, but they are still good enough to ward off magical creatures. The creature allegedly rushed into the grounds, grabbing students by their robes and fleeing with them, but leaving them unharmed. It did this several times before the professors and Aurors had gathered to drive it off and it hasn't returned since. I am almost certain it was being either guided or controlled because things just don't make sense otherwise.

Getting an idea, I focus as I use my newest ability, [Gods' Eyes]. Moving to where one of the students was grabbed, I watch the world shift as I peer back into the past, the strain making me wince. 

In truth, I genuinely hoped I was wrong about my theory, but fate has other plans for me as I watch the large, feline creature dash forward and grab a small blonde girl by the hem of her robe, dashing into the woods with her. The fog was truly thick, but for just a moment, I get a clear glimpse of the creature and the metal collar wrapped around its neck. The metal is a strange black, and my eyes pick up an alien magic emanating from it.

I have dealt with some deadly creatures over the years, but there's one particular species I've gone out of my way to avoid, and for good reason.

"Mr Scamander?" a soft voice asks, making me shake my head as I stop peering into the recent past. "Are you okay?"

She's speaking in English, though she has a fairly thick accent as she looks me over with almost-angry eyes.

"Hm, oh, I'm fine," I say in French, waving her off as I give her a look. She's not an Auror or Professor, too young, but she's not wearing the Beauxbatons uniform either. She's undeniably beautiful, with pale skin and platinum blond hair tied back in a hasty ponytail. Even her clothes seem rushed, a simple robe thrown over what appear to be pastel blue pyjamas.

It doesn't detract from her looks, and it takes me a moment to compose myself as I identify her for what she is. A Veela, and one in a state of agitation, given how her aura is flaring up. [God's Eyes] allows me to see the aura around her, but I don't need it to recognise what she is.

"You were staring off into space," the girl points out, almost accusingly, causing me to smile softly.

"Not quite, but I imagine that's what it looked like from the outside," I admit, making her blink. 

– Fleur Delacour –

Giving the older man a suspicious look, she tapped her foot impatiently. She knew he was some foreign expert, but he was just staring off into space blankly when Gabby was missing.

"Oh?" Fleur asked challengingly, not quite believing him even as Madam Maxime gave her a scolding look. "Have you worked out what caused this, then?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I really wanted to be wrong, but I've confirmed it," Robin said, running his hand through his hair with a tired sigh as he turned to Madam Maxime and Professor Dumbledore. "It was a Nundu, of all creatures. I was sure that I was wrong about the tracks; if a Nundu got into the wards, we'd have fewer missing students and far more corpses, after all, but I've confirmed it."

"A Nundu?!" Olypme gasped, and she could see the concern and curiosity on Dumbledore's face. Fleur listened to him with growing dread. She'd only ever heard of Nundus, but even she feared the infamous creatures.

"If you don't mind, Robin, how did you confirm your suspicion? Not to insult your expertise, but Nundus aren't known for kidnapping, as you said. Very few people see a Nundu and live to speak of it," Dumbledore said gently, making Robin hesitate.

"I have a technique that allows me to peer into the recent past. It's why I came to the spot where one of the students was taken from. I watched the attack to confirm my suspicions," Robin admitted, making Dumbledore's eyebrow rise.

"You seem to have many techniques," Dumbledore replied, his tone not quite accusatory.

"The benefits of having travelled the world, I suppose," Robin replied. "The Nundu had a collar; I'm not surprised none of the students saw it. It's thin, black and seems to be enchanted with some magic I do not recognise. Someone was controlling the creature." 

"Controlling a Nundu? Is such a thing even possible?" Olympe asked, making Robin chuckle darkly.

"If you asked me an hour ago, I'd have said no. I'd have also been wrong, evidently," Robin sighed. "They are XXXXX-class creatures, literally designated as 'impossible to train or domesticate'. Whoever is doing this is playing with fire. If whatever they are using to control it fails for even a moment, the Nundu will likely kill them and the students."

"Didn't your father once have a Nundu?" Dumbledore asked, making Robin sigh tiredly.

"Yes, a very young one that he saved from poachers and kept in that bloody suitcase of his for far too long. It's a minor miracle that it didn't kill him, and he had to release it once it started to get older and developed its toxic breath. Even my father admits that trying to keep it as long as he did was a monumentally stupid decision," Robin explained, looking towards the direction where the tracks ended. "Nundu cannot teleport or summon fog, nor do they take their prey alive or come back for seconds. If I had to guess, I'd say the Nundu was portkeyed away once it escaped the boundaries of the wards. I'd also have to guess that the controller was likely nearby, possibly taking the captured children and sending them away while sending the Nundu back in to get more. Why they did this, or how they got through the wards at all, is beyond me at the moment."

She wanted to say that Robin was wrong, that it was something else. Whatever 'technique' he had used had to be wrong because the alternative had her little sister in the hands of some mad wizard who was trying to control a living, breathing catastrophe.

No Nundu had ever been taken down by less than one hundred wizards. Between the professors, Aurors and the foreigners, they had less than fifty. 

"Hm, I could not pick up any trace of a portkey from the spot where they vanished, but there are ways to mask such things," Dumbledore said, with far too much calm.

"Alternatively, they could've apparated, but if that's the case, it would have to be a short-range one. Apparating themselves, their hostages, and a Nundu who are resistant to magic would take a lot of skill and power; they couldn't have gone far," Robin said, rubbing his chin. 

As she looked at the older man, she saw the way his golden eyes seemed to shine as he looked at something only he could see. His gaze stared off into the distance with a look of focus and then determination.

– Robin Scamander –

The guidance of grace wants me to head north, a trail of golden light leading me into the distance. Conveniently, there's a series of hills just north of Beauxbaton, plenty of places to hide.

Revealing my divination abilities in front of Dumbledore isn't the best, but I won't hold my secrets so close to my chest when it could lead to the deaths of several children.

100cp granted.

"Robin?" Albus says, looking in the direction I'm facing. There's a look in his eyes I don't think I like, treating me like some great puzzle that he's just found another piece of. "Another technique of yours?"

"In a way. It's a form of divination and hardly reliable," I admit, looking away from the guidance. "What is in those hills, Madam Maxime?"

"Some caves are nestled within the hills, but there is little else. You think the kidnapper took them into the hills?" Olypme asks, making me nod slightly.

"As I said, it's not reliable, but something is that way," I say, frustration tinging my tone. The Aurors aren't going to leave the school to search the hills, not when I don't have a single piece of evidence to back my claims up. 

I wouldn't believe me.

"Then perhaps we should go and check," Albus says, making me nod. "At the very least, we can confirm or deny your theory."

"I know you're strong, but two of us against a Nundu?" I ask, making him smile softly.

"At the risk of sounding arrogant, I think I count as more than one wizard, as do you," Albus agrees, almost cheerfully.

"I am coming as well," the girl cuts in, her wand already in her hand. The refusal is already on my tongue but Dumbledore speaks first.

"I understand your concerns, Miss Delacour, but I cannot advise that one so young comes along with us, even a Triwizard competitor," Albus replies softly. Triwizard? Ah, that would make the girl Fleur. I did some research on the Triwizard Tournament after Rose mentioned it to me.

"That thing has taken my Gabby; I am not leaving this in anyone else's hands," Fleur retorts. "If Professor Scamander is right, then you'll need all the help you can get, and if he is wrong, then we need to clear that up as soon as possible."

Albus pauses, stroking his beard for a moment. It doesn't reassure her, Fleur looking increasingly agitated by the long pause.

"I will come as well. I will not stand around while my students are missing," Olypme says, and I can easily accept that. I've never seen her fight, but I've heard she's a devastating duelist. "How does this divination work? What are you seeing that we aren't?"

"I can see something I call the Guidance, which looks like a trail of light that leads me to things it believes are important. It's trying to lead me into the hills, but I can't say what it is trying to lead me to," I admit.

"But it makes sense. If they were apparating, they could not have gone far with such a beast. The hills have many places to hide, and it would take days to search them normally," Olympe points out. Apparation leaves less evidence behind than portkeys, but it would take someone of considerable strength to apparate a fucking Nundu.

But it is doable. I've apparated Theseus before, and like Nundus, Graphorns are resistant to most magic. Speaking of which.

Reaching into my robe, I summon the statuette form of Theseus and bring it out, placing it down and transforming Theseus to his full size. 

"Theseus can help us if we're actually going to try and do this with three people," I say, making Albus nod but before he can speak, Fleur is in my face.

"Four," Fleur growls, her wand sparking as she glares up at me. "You said it yourself. You do not have enough people for this. I will not stay behind and sit on my hands while my little sister is missing. I am an adult; I can make my own decisions."

"If you come with us, you need to listen to us without argument. I understand that you are powerful, but your inexperience could make you a liability," I finally say, making her glare lessen up as she nods sharply. "Four people and a Graphorn against a Nundu and whoever is controlling it. And I thought being a professor would be less dangerous than wandering the wilds of Africa."

Feat Achieved: Impress Madam Maxime and Fleur Delacour (100cp), 200cp total.

[Cloaking Sphere] - 200cp

A small ball with two distinct halves. When the halves are twisted away from each other, the sphere projects a bubble of invisibility, concealing people or objects from the view of those outside the bubble's radius. The size of the bubble can be modified to match the user's needs. People and objects that enter the sphere's radius after it has already been activated will remain visible from the outside and cannot see those who are concealed by it.

Well, given the situation…

Purchasing it, I reach into my robes and summon it, once again getting a strange look from Albus as I pull out the ball.

"This functions similarly to an invisibility cloak, and it can affect a large enough area to hide us all and Theseus if we ride him," I explain, seeing that same look in Albus' eyes. 

"Can he carry us all? I am… big-boned after all," Olympe says, my lips briefly twitching. Olympe is very clearly a half-giant, but I suspect she has her reasons not to want to admit it out loud.

"Theseus can carry us all, plus all the rescued students and the captured mastermind, on our way back. Four people are nothing to him, big-boned or not," I say, stroking Theseus' hide as he rumbles happily, lowering himself down so I can climb onto his back.

Offering my hand to Fleur, she looks at Theseus for a moment before she takes it and climbs up to sit behind me. Albus is just picked up by Olympe, who places him on Theseus' back like a child before easily mounting the Graphorn herself.

With us all settled, Theseus rises to his full height and looks back towards me for direction as I grasp one of his horns with one hand. With the other, I twist the sphere in my grasp and watch the cloaking field extend around us.

"That way, Theseus, and fast," I say, getting a rumbling sound in response as Theseus shoots forward, picking up speed. Fleur almost falls in surprise but grasps me to steady herself, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hear Albus chuckle, seemingly enjoying this entire mess far too much as we ride off toward the hills.

The guidance of grace thinks something is out here, and I intend to find out what. Despite my misgivings about Albus, I can't deny that I'm glad to have him with us for this if we are truly going to try and find a Nundu and whichever mad bastard is controlling it.

– Fleur Delacour –

She truly did not know what to think about Professor Scamander and his strange magic, but he was clearly taking them somewhere as he easily navigated the hills. He never stopped to look around or had to ask for directions, easily directing the Graphorn they were riding.

Despite her words, she felt her heart pounding at the idea of fighting a Nundu and whoever had used it to steal away Gabrielle. She'd come last in the Triwizard Tournament; embarrassed herself and her school even if people were too kind to say it. 

She should have left this to the professionals, but she couldn't. If she stayed behind like a good little girl, and anything happened to Gabby, she'd blame herself for the rest of her life.

Robin stopped Theseus, dismounting as he looked at a cliff face with a frown.

"What is it?" Fleur asked, hopping off the Graphorn herself, briefly patting its side.

"The guidance wants me to go through the cliff face," Robin admitted, making her scowl. Had they come all this way on the hunch of a madman who didn't actually know anything?

"Ah, I believe I can help there," Professor Dumbledore said cheerfully, waving his wand as the cliff face faded away to reveal a cave opening. "It was a rather complex illusion; I'm not surprised you couldn't tell. It is good to know you don't have a technique for everything."

"Does anyone?" Robin asked simply, looking toward the cave entrance. "Do you think whoever put that up knows you dispelled their illusion?"

As he spoke, he turned his Graphorn back into a statuette with a word of thanks since the entrance itself was far too small.

"I suspect not. I didn't dispel it; I just altered it slightly," Professor Dumbledore explained. Just what was with these foreign professors? She felt downright incompetent, but then again, Madam Maxime looked like she was feeling the same. 

Still, this had to be the place. Robin's power knew something that the rest of them didn't; she couldn't pretend it was mistaken anymore.

"Ah, impressive. Then we should still have the element of surprise," Robin agreed with his wand in his hand. "Miss Delacour, stay behind us."

His tone was firm but not harsh, and she could only nod in agreement, drawing her wand as she watched Madam Maxime and Professor Dumbledore move forward. For all her pride, she knew she was the weak link here.

As they followed Robin deeper into the cave, she could hear words in the distance. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but she could have sworn that they were speaking English.

Robin moved cautiously but with determination as he picked up his pace, heading towards the sound of the voices. Reaching an opening, he slowed down and gestured for them to do the same. They were invisible, but they weren't silent, and Robin slowly moved forward before he gestured for them to join him.

Sneaking forward, her heart jumped into her throat at the sight in front of them. In a large cavern, several men stood in black robes and bone-white masks. She saw Robin share a look with Professor Dumbledore at the sight of them, but her eyes were focused elsewhere.

Six rectangular, almost bed-like slabs of rock had been clearly transfigured in a circular pattern in the centre of the room, and atop them lay six girls. Each one had been stripped down to their underwear and chained to the rocky slab, her eyes widening as she spotted Gabrielle struggling against the chains, cursing her captors in rapid French. She lurched forward, but Robin stopped her with an outstretched arm and shook his head.

He nodded toward one corner, where a large cage was tucked away. She had missed it, being focused on her sister, but her blood ran cold as she saw the sight of the massive beast lying inside it.

The cheetah-like beast was bigger than Theseus, with a spiky black throat that seemed to inflate with every breath. She knew that the spiky throat was inflated with deadly toxins that could wipe out an entire village if it breathed them out.

Most of the men were on the other side of the cavern, clearly not wanting to be too close to the beast, but one of them was examining the students, using his wand to draw something on their bodies. Runes of some kind, but she never took Ancient Runes, and they made no sense to her. Her hand gripped her wand tightly as the bastard moved over to Gabrielle, pushing his wand into her stomach as Gabby let out a pained gasp. As he dragged the tip of his wand along Gabby's skin, it left ugly black marks in a deliberate pattern, her sister biting down a scream of pain as she was branded.

It was only then that she noticed similar runes decorating the cavern floor, carved into it in a runic circle that encompassed all of the slabs.

She was going to kill that bastard. Looking to the Professors, she saw them sharing a look before Robin spoke, almost silently. As close as they were huddled, she still had to strain her ears to hear him.

"Madam Maxime, focus on the men over there. Take them down, and hard. I can trap the Nundu for a short time while Professor Dumbledore takes down the one closest to the students. Fleur, destroy the chains and get the students out of here. I won't be able to hold the Nundu forever, and we can't have any of them here when it gets loose," Robin commanded, making her nod. She could see the cold fury in Madam Maxime's eyes and the calm determination on Dumbledore's face. "Take the Cloaking Sphere; just twist the halves away from each other to activate it."

Her pride took offence at her being sent away from the fight, but she quashed it immediately. She didn't want her sister anywhere near that monster. She was the weakest of the group, and really… she'd been given the most important task. She wanted to hurt those who had harmed her Gabby, but getting the students to safety was the priority.

Robin held up his hand; his fingers extended before he slowly retracted them one by one, counting down. The moment he retracted his last finger, they burst into action.

The group of five men standing over to one side seemed to be laughing about something, standing very close to each other. This was a mistake, as Madam Maxime launched a powerful exploding hex at the ground in between them. 

She knew Madam Maxime was powerful, but seeing the five men go flying, one of them being hit by three more spells before he even landed, reminded her of just why she was the Headmistress.

Dumbledore unleashed a volley of spells at the man who was closest to Gabrielle, but unlike his allies, he was not caught entirely off-guard and dodged aside, deflecting one of the spells back at Dumbledore.

And yet, the constant volley of spells was forcing the man to back up, desperately trying to defend himself against the onslaught, which meant he was moving further away from the captives.

Robin himself acted fast as the Nundu rose in response to the chaos, extending his hand as a wall of beautiful blue crystals formed in front of the opening to the beast's cage. The man who Dumbledore was assaulting extended his own hand, and through the translucent crystals, they all saw the collar glow with a menacing light.

The Nundu went berserk as Fleur rushed forward and slashed her wand, trying to break the chains. Her spell failed, and she realised that the chains were made from some bizarre black metal she could not recognise. She was not going to fail her part, trying several increasingly powerful spells in an attempt to damage the stubborn metal.

"It's going to be okay, Gabby," Fleur whispered, her sister's eyes widening as Fleur realised that she was still invisible.

Robin shouted her name, tossing something her way as she reached out and grabbed the tiny key. She was glad she used to play Seeker as her reflexes kicked in. She didn't know what it was, but she didn't hesitate as she followed Robin's shouted instructions and pressed the key to the chains, willing them to unlock. The key glowed slightly, and the chains fell loose and slipped away from her sister, which allowed Gabby to get off the slab in time for the leader of these bastards to shout something she didn't recognise.

The runic circle started to glow, and the chains did the same as the remaining students began to scream, their runes glowing with a purple light. Gabby was fine; as she moved outside the runic circle, her runes stopped glowing, and that encouraged Fleur to act faster.

The man tried to stop her, but as his spell flew her way, a crystalline wall formed to block it, followed by a burst of crystal shards firing towards him. It wasn't pretty, the man screaming as the razor-sharp crystals sliced into him, shredding his robes and shattering his mask.

She didn't recognise the gaunt-looking man, but Dumbledore and Robin seemed to, although Robin was still trying to form more and more crystal walls to keep the Nundu trapped.

– Albus Dumbledore –

"Hello, Augustus," Albus said calmly, his shock and confusion hidden away as he smiled. Augustus Rookwood glared back, madness in his eyes. Augustus had always been one of the better duellists in Tom's forces, but his skills had seemingly skyrocketed, which was rather odd. "I wasn't aware you'd been released from Azkaban."

"There's a lot you aren't aware of, Dumbledore," Augustus spat, the years in Azkaban clear on his face. His former good looks had wasted away, and the man physically winced at the mention of his prison.

As far as Dumbledore knew, Augustus was still rotting away in Azkaban prison. He had heard nothing of any escapes, and yet here Rookwood was.

Olypme was demolishing Rookwood's allies, and Robin had the Nundu trapped in its cage, but Rookwood didn't seem worried, even with blood pouring down his face from a nasty gash. One of the shards had embedded itself into Rookwood's skull, and yet the man barely seemed fazed, a mad grin on his face.

"Care to educate me, then? I have to admit; these runes are unknown to me," Albus said, his tone conversational and relaxed despite the situation, blocking several increasingly dark spells that were sent his way.

Each one had power behind it, power that should have been outside of Rookwood's capabilities. 

"You first, how did you find us? It was perfect, I left no traces, it was perfect, perfect!" Rookwood growled. He had once been an eloquent and charming man; it was how he had managed to fool the Unspeakables. Now, he seemed to be clinging to his sanity with a thread. "No, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Too late, Dumbledore, far too late."

Rookwood's ramblings coincided with the increased glow from the runes, though Fleur had managed to move five of the students away from the slabs. Rookwood turned to the circle, freezing. It was only now that he noticed that most of his captives were missing, a scream of rage and frustration leaving the man as he looked around rapidly.

The final student went to rise, Fleur having disconnected the chains, and Rookwood screeched in fury, mumbling something to himself before he launched a curse in the student's direction. Albus went to shield it, but it was unnecessary as a crystal pillar formed and blocked it. Robin truly was a fascinating man. Albus could hear Rookwood rambling about having to start again, but after a moment he stopped, giggling to himself as he spun around.

Aiming his wand at the trapped Nundu, Rookwood glowed with a power he hadn't seen in a long time. His mind went back to an older student back when he had been as young as the captives, who was said to have saved Hogwarts from the rogue goblin, Ranrok.

The crystal wall exploded, though Robin was unharmed by the shards, thanks to his quick reactions, encasing himself in a different blue crystal for just a moment as the shards flew towards him.

The Nundu burst free, glowing with the same strange magic that was coming from the chains, but Albus could not focus on the creature as Rookwood went on the attack with far more power than he had any right to possess.

Perhaps he was out of shape, having grown rusty in a decade of peace, but he truly felt like he was fighting Voldemort himself. Olypme joined the fray, the pair of them tossing countless spells at Rookwood, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the Nundu lunge for Robin.

Again, he had a spell ready to assist, but it was unnecessary as Robin tossed the statuette of Theseus at the Nundu, the Graphorn appearing in its full majesty and meeting the Nundu's pounce with a charge of its own.

Once more, his attention was forced towards Rookwood as the man retaliated with a flurry of spells and Dumbledore had to give him his full attention.

– Robin Scamander –

Theseus's charge sends the Nundu back, but not for long as I act quickly. The biggest threat here is the beast's toxic breath. In this enclosed space, we'll all be dead in seconds if it unleashed it, and I don't think Rookwood is sane enough to prevent it.

[Crystalline] is incredibly useful, allowing me to conjure these crystals in whatever shape I desire, and as Theseus briefly pins the Nundu down, I act. Creating a crystal muzzle around its mouth, I make sure to clamp its mouth closed and make it as skintight as possible, given the situation. It doesn't take away from the danger, Theseus letting out a pained cry as the claws slice into his hide, forcing him off the insane Nundu. 

 It lunges for me again, but [Nayru's Love] protects me as I encase myself in the divine crystal. It does mean I get a front-row seat of the creature trying to rip into my crystal, and I send a brief prayer of thanks to Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom, as I watch the claws fail to find purchase in the smooth crystal.

Theseus charges again, his horns crashing into the Nundu as he knocks it away from me despite his wounds. I'll have to do something extra nice for him after this, assuming I survive. Releasing [Nayru's Love], I take advantage of the momentary distraction to unleash a string of spells towards the Nundu. 

My [Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring] and [Cantrip Master] make me devastating with simple spells, but this is still a Nundu, and my spells splash against its hide with little effect beyond pissing it off. 

Getting an idea, I cast several stunning and disarming spells at the Nundu, grinning slightly as they suddenly swerve, changing direction mid-flight as they move erratically. Rookwood lets out a shout of surprise, even as I once again lock myself in [Nayru's Love] to avoid a mauling.

Rookwood reacted fast, but not fast enough. With Olympe and Albus both attacking him and the surprise attack, the madman finally goes down as my erratic, stunning spell strikes him. It alone isn't enough, but the momentary lapse in his bafflingly good defence is ruthlessly exploited by Olympe and Albus. I think he was unconscious by the seventh spell, but that doesn't stop them from hitting him a dozen more times, Albus transfiguring the cavern floor to entrap him.

They don't hesitate to switch targets as the Nundu tries to slash into my crystal, allowing me to get out and back away from the large, angry cat from the bowels of hell. [Nayru's Love] is somewhat tiring to sustain, and I can't just stay in it forever.

Nundu are animals, and a regular one would have fled by now. The main reason they have to be taken down normally is because they are walking catastrophes and need to be relocated to the nature preserves where they won't wipe out an entire muggle village because they got too close and breathed a little too hard. This one has no interest in fleeing, even as the three of us strike it again and again.

The collar still glows with that strange light, pushing the beast to insanity.

I grow weary as our spells splash against the beast again and again with minimal effect, and Olympe gets slashed by its fierce claws, her half-giant heritage the only thing stopping her from being disembowelled entirely.

A shimmer in the air makes me pause, seeing something with [God's Eyes] that makes me almost facepalm. Of course she didn't listen.

Fleur, in an act of both incredible bravery and true insanity, rushes forward under the effect of the [Cloaking Sphere], the [Skeleton Key] extended as she pushes it against the collar of the Nundu.

The collar falls apart, dropping to the floor as the Nundu freezes, momentarily stunned and befuddled as the magic stops muddling its mind. Fleur doesn't stop there, unleashing her aura as she whispers something.

My mind goes back to what I read about the Triwizard Tournament, how Fleur charmed the dragon in the first task, putting it to sleep. She truly is an impressive young woman, and in its muddled state of mind, injured from the onslaught of spells from the three of us and the goring from Theseus' horns, we watch as the Nundu collapses to the ground.

It would not have worked had the beast not been so confused and injured, but I can't help but be impressed as I look over her. Well played, Miss Delacour.

As I go to speak, my senses scream at me, and I spin around, my wand ready as I hear the two words no wizard wants to ever hear.

'Avada Kedavra'.

The flash of green causes us all to jump, ready to try and defend ourselves, but it isn't meant for us. Before any of us can do anything, the spell strikes true, hitting Rookwood's limp form as the caster cackles, the sound all too familiar.

Before I can even get halfway through a spell, the caster is gone in a flash of light, leaving us in confusion.

"Albus, I could have sworn Bellatrix was locked away in Azkaban, with Rookwood no less," I point out, staring at the spot where the madwoman was standing. 


"Indeed," Albus agrees, sharing a look with me as he checks out the downed Death Eaters, unmasking them. I don't recognise any of the others, but I didn't know all of them. Still, none of the rest have that signature… Azkaban look. The gaunt face and tortured eyes that come from years in that hell. "Well, that is something to worry about later. For now, let's focus on the good side. We survived, as did the students. Excellently done, Miss Delacour."

Fleur smiles, but she looks as tired as I feel. She approaches me, handing over the sphere and key which I pocket with a grateful smile. I'm going to pretend that I didn't see Dumbledore's look.

"Indeed, very well done. I'm going to contact one of my friends from the Kenyan Reserve; he can come and take the Nundu to safety," I say, making Olympe nod gratefully. Most schools don't have a plan for what to do with a sleeping Nundu, after all.

I need to get Theseus looked at, anyway. His wounds look bad, but Graphorns are very resilient, and he doesn't seem too bothered as I examine him before turning him back into a statuette.

Feats Achieved: Defeat the Nundu (200cp), Stop Rookwood's Scheme (100cp), Become Fleur Delacour's Crush (100cp). 400cp granted.

Glancing at Fleur, I give her a small smile, which she returns. 

[Safe & Sound] - 200cp

If you were to compare magic to any natural element, it would perhaps be most similar to fire. Like fire, magic has changed people's lives, and like fire, magic can run rampant and take away life as easily as it saves it. After all, there are no shortage of witches and wizards who have met their ends in magical experiments. Fortunately for you, you are far from the foolish sort.

You now have considerable experience when it comes to all manners of research and

experimentation, which means that you know the processes involved in such things and you know what safety measures are needed to ensure that everyone will come out of it unharmed, mostly.

Not that you'll need that last one when you consider that, unless acted upon by an outside influence, your experiments will never have any risk of catastrophic failure. It doesn't even need to be your experiment. So long as you're somewhat involved in the process, you don't have to worry too much about catastrophes and disasters.

Taken without any hesitation. More than worth it.

[Gram] - 200cp

​Gram is an ancient straight sword, first wielded by the first hero of Asgard, Sigurd (the Ever Glorious), to slay his brother, who had become the dragon, Fafnir. These events were unknowingly orchestrated by Loki to lead to the creation of a magical sword with certain abilities. The magic in this sword allows it to cut through nearly anything, but it is curiously incapable of harming living flesh, instead simply harmlessly passing through it. However, any being stabbed with this blade will find themselves unable to lie while it remains within them, and furthermore, the sword will cut any mental bindings or magical compulsions from the target's mind, freeing them from outside influences.

Sometimes, I think my power thinks it is funny. That would have been very useful… about five minutes ago. That said, truth serum in sword form is never a bad thing to have. Besides, I don't think this was the end of that strange magic.

– Later –

Theseus is fine, fortunately. His wounds will need some tending, but it's nothing I can't handle back at Hogwarts. I think he's smug about having 'defeated' the Nundu. The Nundu itself is on its way to the reserve, a massive piece of uninhabited land where it can live its life without ever seeing a human being. That's best for everyone involved, to be honest.

There are several others of its kind in the same reserve; maybe it'll even find a mate. The one my father used to have should still be living in that same reserve as well, now that I think about it.

The students are doing okay, though they are understandably shaken by the experience. The branded runes have been healed with no issues; whatever Rookwood was trying to do failed. All's well that ends well, I suppose.

"Professor," Fleur says, making me turn to her. "I- thank you. If not for you, those bastards would have accomplished whatever foul thing they had planned for Gabby."

"Don't downplay your part in this, Fleur. We were wrong to try to leave you behind. This would not have gone nearly as smoothly had you not insisted on coming along," I admit, causing her to beam at the admittance. 

"Perhaps, but it was you who found them," Fleur points out, making me nod. "You are going back to England soon, yes?"

"That's the plan. Adventure aside, I have lessons tomorrow morning," I joke. "Professor Dumbledore is just talking with Madam Maxime before we set off back for Hogwarts."

"Then I don't have much time," Fleur says and before I can question her, she moves forward and pushes me against the wall, her lips capturing mine in a heated kiss as she clutches my robes.

Ah, right. Veela aren't known for being shy, are they?

Breaking the kiss, she gives me a hooded look that tells me exactly what she wants, leaving me to consider my options.

"I'm flattered, Miss Delacour, but I am over twice your age," I point out gently, but she just laughs at that.

"As I said before, I am an adult who can make her own decisions. I know what I want, and I can be very stubborn, Professor," Fleur purrs. "Don't you know Veela are related to birds of prey? And we never let our prey escape."

I go to respond, but she places one last quick kiss on my lips before she turns and impishly walks away, hips swaying as she does. I can't deny that I have to struggle to keep my gaze away from her ass.

Well, I'm about to be in a different country so I doubt I'll have to worry about being chased by a girl who is barely an adult for a while.

"What are you looking at?" I ask, making Theseus snort and look away.

– Next Morning –

"Good morning, Professor Scamander," Fleur says, making me stare at her in confusion as she stands at my front door. 

"Miss Delacour, what brings you-" I start, cut off as she pushes her way into my house.

"Oh, call me Fleur. We are co-workers now, after all," Fleur says, a smug smile on her face and a hungry look in her eyes. 

…I did see her talking to Albus last night, but what the hell has the old man done?

Fleur's smile grows wider, and I have little warning before I am pounced on. I don't think [Nayru's Love] can protect me from this.

— Bonus Scene — Nymphadora Tonks

Arriving at Robin's home, she went to knock on the door before she paused at the sounds coming from within. It was slightly ajar, making her curiosity rise as she peeked through the gap, her eyes widening at the sight.

Immediately, she burst into the room, catching the occupants by surprise as an unknown girl turned to her, one elegant eyebrow raised as she paused her attempts to tear Robin's robes off.

"Ah, good morning, Nym," Robin said, lipstick stains on his face and his clothes dishevelled. 

"Who the hell are you?" Nym asked, giving the newcomer a glare.

"Fleur Delacour, the new teaching assistant at Hogwarts. Now, if you don't mind, you're interrupting a private moment; go away," Fleur growled, one hand grabbing Robin's ass and making him jump, the French accent telling Nym that Robin had somehow picked up a stray from his visit to Beauxbatons. 

Oh, fuck no. She wasn't letting some French tart steal Robin away. It was on.

Author’s Note: Newt having a Nundu in his suitcase is baffling when you look at literally everything else the lore says about Nundus. If that thing had gotten out into New York, the movie would have been extremely different. I’m explaining it by saying that it was basically a cub because otherwise, the scene with Jacob in Newt’s suitcase should have been him dying from its toxic breath and then being eaten by a giant hell-cheetah.

To make things fair, I gave Voldemort and his followers the ancient magic from Hogwarts Legacy (kinda).

Written: 15/09/2024

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

Diamond: The Supervillain Ch30, Guide to Freedom Ch14, The Operative Ch07, The Warlock Ch07

Plat: The Craftsman Ch05, The Necromancer Ch07, The Celestial Remnant Ch10

Gold: The Supervillain Ch29, The High Roller Ch07

Basic: The Celestial Remnant Ch09

Quest: The Celestial Inquisitor Ch01-05


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