
The Blessed, Ch02: It Gets Worse

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent and Mike, God of Lore 

The Guild of Gamers: The Blessed

Chapter 02: It Gets Worse

In the end, I decided not to teleport away.

It's risky, given that it's still my worst day and I doubtless have more trouble headed my way, but I'm in trouble no matter what.

If I flee, then I'd just have Magneto and his Brotherhood after me as well as this 'Shield' and I still have my ultimate curse lurking in the wings.

I don't know who my ultimate enemy is, but I'd rather not encounter them during my worst day, so using Magneto as a mutant shield is my best option at the moment.

Once we're far away enough from our pursuers and into the clouds for cover, Magneto simply presses something and in a flash of light we're teleported away.

"Now, I do believe we should speak but I'll let you get cleaned up first, you've had a rough day," Magneto says, his harsh voice gaining a hint of softness as someone approaches us.

She definitely stands out for multiple reasons, not least of which is the fact that she's almost entirely blue except her red hair.

She looks like a supermodel, a very curvy body covered in a white dress with a skull themed belt, completely yellow eyes staring at me.

You know, the skull belt doesn't make me feel like these guys are just misunderstood.

"This is him?" she asks, not exactly sounding impressed as she stares me down. I don't know what she was expecting but I'm apparently not it.

"It is. Arthur, meet Mystique, my right hand," Magneto says, his tone warning as he gives her a look. "Mystique, our guest has had a rough day. Escort him to the guest room," Magento orders.


"Very well," Mystique says, turning to me. "Come on."

Turning and walking away before I can respond, Magneto gives me a nod.

"Take your time, you are safe here. No-one but my loyal followers are here and they know not to harm you," Magneto says, the imperious tone he used with the agents and the other mutants fading to an almost grandfatherly tone.

After that, he leaves himself heading deeper into the base as I run to catch up with Mystique. 

As she leads me through the base, I take the moment of safety to think about my life.

It's been sheer chaos or paranoia since I arrived here, so I want to take the moment to think about what I want out of this second lease on life.

Also to watch Mystique's ass as it sways with every step, her dress being cut on either side to leave her legs on display. She definitely catches me staring, but doesn't say anything one way or another as we arrive at a surprisingly nice bedroom.

"The bathroom is through there, I will get you something to change into instead of… those while you clean up," Mystique says, giving my outfit a judgemental stare.

"Thank you," I say, making the shapeshifter scoff slightly as she turns and leaves.

Heading into the bathroom, I can't deny I enjoy the chance to take a shower, still thinking.

I want… everything I've missed. My former disability might be gone, but the years wasted haven't magically returned.

I've never played a sport, couldn't do 90% of the hobbies or activities I wanted to try, had a non-existent social life, never dated, I've missed so much.

And now I have a chance to fix that, even if it could be hard due to my current wanted status.

I also need to fix my financial situation, because I enjoyed being rich, and poverty has already outstayed its welcome.

Showering, I scrub myself clean, wincing at the bruise on my chest, making a note to get back at Spiderman later for that one.

Sure, he's the 'hero' and I was running away from a murder scene but did he have to kick me so hard? I'm surprised he didn't break a rib.

Maybe he expected me to be stronger but I'm no Brute, just in good shape.

Leaving the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist as I dry my hair with another, I freeze seeing Mystique sitting on the bed, her eyebrow raising as she briefly gives my body a glance, her eyes lingering on my bruise for a moment.

"I've brought you a change of clothes," she says simply, unbothered by my uncomfortableness, making no move to leave as she gestures to the side. 

"Ah, thank you," I say, waiting for her to either get up or speak again, she does neither.

— Raven Darkholme (Mystique) —

This was the omega level mutant Irene had predicted?

She couldn't deny she was both disappointed and irritated.

Irene had betrayed the Brotherhood, and more importantly her, her lover had simply vanished, but not before making sure everyone would know that an Omega level mutant was about to appear in New York, right down to the day.

Irene often did things that didn't make any sense to other people, acting on information only she had, but this was more than that.

Magneto wanted her dead or captured, because Irene made sure that Shield would know where to find Arthur.

The only group she hadn't told of Arthur was the Brotherhood, their spy in Xavier's school had been the one to inform them. 

Magneto did not take betrayal well, and neither did Raven. Irene gave her no warning, not even a hint that she was about to vanish, before she just vanished, and of course Magneto had suspected that she had played a part in Irene's escape.

Arthur stood before her awkwardly, in nothing but a small towel, and she would admit she enjoyed how uncomfortable he was after the mess she blamed on his appearance.

Suddenly he had a problem with someone being ogled, after staring at her ass the entire time he was following her.

"Get changed, we don't have all day," Mystique finally ordered, making him flinch before he glared at her, developing a spine.

"Are you going to leave?" Arthur asked, some heat in his voice.

"No," Mystique said with a bored tone, not taking her eyes off him.

He growled softly, dropping his towel as he grabbed the clothes next to her, both uncomfortable and agitated as he dressed.

He had a nice cock for his age, good size and girth. She'd seen bigger, but he wasn't fully grown yet.

"What's your problem?" Arthur asked, making her smirk slightly. He had a temper, and he was brave enough to direct it at her, a supervillain.

He pulled on the boxers and jeans, either not noticing that they were an almost perfect fit, or not mentioning it.

"I just expected more, Omega-level mutant isn't a term that gets thrown around lightly after all," Raven admitted, making him blink.

"I don't even know what that means," Arthur muttered as he pulled on a t-shirt.

"It's the highest classification of mutant, do you think just anybody gets a response like that? Omega level mutants have no foreseeable limits, the absolute strongest. That's what everyone thinks you are. Meanwhile you got beaten up by a teenage boy running around dressed like a spider," Mystique explained scaldingly.

She was taking out her anger at Irene on this brat, but she wasn't a good enough person to care.

"If I'm supposed to be so powerful, maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch about it," Arthur bit back, making her laugh.

He had a spine, at least. She didn't disapprove.

"Perhaps, or maybe I think they're mistaken, that you're far less special than people think," Mystique countered, seeing his expression shift slightly, anger and frustration readable.

Ah, he had an ego as well.

"You're talking a lot of shit for someone who can only shapeshift, your boss just handed a bunch of agents their asses on a platter before tossing another mutant away like a rag doll, meanwhile you're just a shapeshifter," Arthur countered, making her eyebrow raise.

He already knew her power? Interesting, and informative. Teenagers were so predictable.

"True, I couldn't beat Magneto, very few can. I could certainly beat you though," Mystique continued, prodding his injured pride, hoping to get him to challenge her.

She wanted to know what made him so special that Irene would abandon her to start this chaotic rush for Arthur.

"Considering I gained my powers about six hours ago, that's not the flex you seem to think it is," Arthur said, reining in his pride as he spoke to her in a disdainful tone. "Congratulations, you, an experienced supervillain, could probably beat up a teenager who just gained his powers. Do you want a medal?"

Him calming down was the last thing she wanted.

"If I'm an experienced supervillain, should you be so snarky with me? I might take offence," Mystique said coldly, a small smirk on her lips until he laughed.

"And upset your boss? You said it yourself, people think I'm special, it's why your boss showed up himself to get me, I'm guessing he sent you or someone else at first and you fucked it up?" Arthur asked, hitting uncomfortably close to home. "Your boss wants me here, presumably to try and get me to join his Brotherhood, and I think the leash is tight enough around your neck that it doesn't matter if you get offended," Arthur said challengingly as she rose to her feet, her pride now the injured one.

Staring each other down, glaring daggers at one another, she scoffed and broke first. He wasn't wrong, infuriatingly.

— Arthur King —

Should I be antagonising a dangerous villain? No, especially not while my own position isn't exactly secure.

But I'm in a bad mood, and she's being a bitch over things that are outside of my control. 

I don't know what I did to piss her off, but I'm not going to sit here and take it just because she's upset I'm not some fucking god from day one.

My powers are random, so I can't change that. 

"Besides, if I'm an 'Omega Mutant with no limit', you'll be beneath me soon enough," I say, making her eyes snap back to me.

She doesn't have an iris, just solid yellow eyes, making her stare a bit unnerving.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Me beneath you?" Mystique finally says, her tone going from angry to sultry. 

I didn't actually mean it as an innuendo, but I can't deny my eyes briefly flicker to her body as she speaks, which makes her lips grow into a smirk.

"Perhaps if you're half as powerful as people think you are, I wouldn't even mind it myself," Mystique says, sitting back down as she crosses her legs, her dress shifting enough to give a brief show that she doesn't wear anything under it. "But again, I don't think you are. Care to prove me wrong?"

This is bait, obviously.

"How?" I ask, making her smirk grow.

"A fight, obviously. I want to see what you can do. If you win, I'll let you fuck me. If I win, nothing happens, beyond me having proof that you're not worth all this trouble," Mystique offers, making me pause. 

She wants to know what I can do, either she genuinely doesn't care about the risk of her losing and potentially getting fucked or, more likely, she thinks she's going to kick my ass easily.

Should I rise to her bait? Revealing my current skills could actually help me because they either won't know that my powers grow on the whims of the Gacha, or they'll realise I can grow but they won't know whatever skills I gain.

A single good roll could invalidate all their information on me.

Quest Added

[Mystique's Challenge]

Objective: Accept Mystique's Challenge

Optional Objective: Beat Mystique

Optional Objective: Crush Mystique without taking any damage

Rewards: One Pull per objective completed, ??? for completing all objectives. 

Note: Quests are created based upon your own desires and goals. They are entirely optional.

Hm, a reward just for fighting her?

I doubt I'll be able to crush her, she's an experienced supervillain and my only fights so far were against a dumb criminal, who I did beat, and also against Spiderman who kicked my ass and sent me running.

Still, is a pull worth getting my ass kicked and embarrassing myself?

Who the fuck am I kidding.

"Fine, what are the rules?" I ask, making her smirk grow. She thinks it's her body that's lured me in, but even the greatest blue booty couldn't lure me in like a pull.

"We fight until one of us surrenders or can't fight anymore. It's non-lethal, don't worry, I won't kill you. Feel free to try and kill me, better men than you have tried and failed," Mystique says cockily, rising to her feet. "Beyond that, anything goes. Follow me."

Crush Mystique, huh?

Wait, crush?


— Raven Darkholme (Mystique) — 

Standing in one of the training arenas, she gave Arthur a cocky smile as she stood opposite him.

Arrogance would annoy him, sting that pride of his, and make him sloppy in his urge to prove himself.

She wasn't a fool, she knew he could be far more dangerous than she expected, but she was confident that she'd survive, especially given their unseen audience.

Magneto wanted to see what Arthur could do, to give them an idea of how quickly he'd grow. Irene said he would start out relatively weak but grow rapidly until he was the strongest mutant in existence, so they wanted to see how strong he was now to get an idea of just how rapidly he'd grow.

Arthur didn't rise to the bait, keeping a handle on his emotions, despite her lacklustre stance, not taking her seriously.

"I'll let you throw the first punch, we'll start when you're ready," Mystique said dismissively, making it clear she didn't see him as a threat.

"How gracious of you," Arthur said, creating a sword made out of a purple translucent light in his hand.

Her shapeshifting was strong enough to help her heal wounds, even regrow limbs given enough time, but she didn't plan to let the longsword in his hand hit her, which shouldn't be hard given the clearly-inexperienced way he handled it.

He looked like he was trying to copy something he'd seen in a movie, never having held a sword in his life. The ability to make weapons didn't give him the knowledge of how to use them.

Teleportation, creating weapons, somehow being able to sense mutant powers (a very useful tool in the right hands), and this was him at his weakest?

Predictably, he immediately vanished as she rolled her eyes, rolling forwards to dodge the sloppy swing from behind, spinning as she did to sweep out his legs.

Inexperienced as he was, he fell flat on his backside as she rose, but before she could take advantage of his vulnerable state, a noise behind her made her dodge to the side, a thrown axe flying past her, another Arthur's hand outstretched.

Amusingly, she realised it would have hit her with the handle, not the blade. 

She didn't have time to be more than mildly amused as the downed Arthur swung his blade at her legs, easily dodging and bringing her foot down on his head, watching as he burst into a cloud of white ash, clouding her vision briefly.

Her senses were very good, and he was noisy as she moved out of the smoke and towards the Arthur charging her, (with a warhammer of all things) swinging it wildly at her.

Dodging under the wild swing, she kneed him in the stomach, but as she did, realised she'd underestimated just how irritating he could be, as a dart struck her in the shoulder, the small blade digging into her flesh.

She couldn't even finish off the Warhammer-wielding Arthur as two more rushed her, making her growl as she dodged their sloppy attacks.

What an annoying trick, if he actually knew how to fight, he'd be deadly like this, but for now he was just pissing her off, swarming her with self-destructing clones, though she realised he couldn't see through the ash either.

It seemed he could share his senses with his clones, and they just started dogpiling her, replacing quality with sheer quantity, because if even one was touching her, they all knew where she was.

His coordination with himself was impressive, not once did she notice him getting in his own way, and she'd tried to turn into him to distract or confuse him but to no avail.

That said, she did at least work out the trick to his cloning.

It wasn't just cloning, he teleported away and left a clone behind, she'd noticed they always appeared far away from her, because the real Arthur was keeping his distance.

She was a very good fighter though,if he was trying to beat her down with numbers, it wouldn't work.

Because she'd noticed something else as well, everytime a new Arthur appeared, the last one to appear was looking towards it.

He needed to see where he was teleporting, which meant she could predict where he would appear by paying attention to where the most recent one was looking.

It wasn't easy, since most of her attention was taken up fighting off several clones in a cloud of ash which was making it hard to breathe, but she wouldn't get taken down by some fresh-faced brat.

She was getting injured, as even she couldn't dodge this many weapons, but she could close her minor wounds easily enough.

The clones self-destructed even if she didn't attack them, and with that in mind she just focused on keeping them at bay, paying attention to both the oldest and the newest, kicking away the oldest clone just before it disintegrated, giving her some of her vision back as she made her move.

Using one of the clones attempting to attack as a springboard, she leapt into the air towards where the most recent Arthur was looking, smirking as the real Arthur appeared before her.

But as she leapt towards him, she realised that he was smirking too.

In the air, mid-kick, she was exposed and had little way to escape as a purple field appeared around her, the hand of the most recent clone outstretched as gravity struck her like a brick.

She'd predicted where he'd appear almost perfectly, her jump kick calculated to hit him in the chest, right on that nasty bruise, but she didn't include the suddenly increased gravity in her equation as she came down hard, several shimmering fields layering on top of each other as Arthur revealed his ace, gravity manipulation.

A single Arthur could make it hard to jump, but ten of him? She was pulled to the ground hard, slamming down with a pained grunt as all of them held out their hands, Arthur continuing to clone himself, looking visibly tired as he did so.

The concrete floor of the arena cracked beneath her weight, the pressure forcing her flat against the ground as she struggled to rise.

She just needed to hold out, Arthur was uninjured, but obviously exhausted as he created a new weapon.

Her eyes widened seeing a translucent crossbow aimed at her immobile body, Arthur firing the bolt without pity as it ignored the massively increased gravity and stuck her directly in her leg, making her scream in pain.

"That is enough, Arthur wins," Magneto called out, making her eyes widen in fury even as the gravity immediately dropped.

Arthur's clones disappeared one after one as Arthur himself breathed heavily, clearly exhausted but uninjured.

She could have had him, he couldn't have kept that up, but then she paused.

He had aimed for her lower body.

He could have shot her in the head, she'd told him to try and kill her.

She gulped, both as her bones creaked painfully, unhappy about the pressure he'd put them through and as the realisation that he could have killed her struck deeper than the bolt that had already faded, leaving a nasty hole in her leg, which closed slowly.

She also noticed that her dress was untouched, even when he'd cut the flesh beneath it, his blade passed through material without harming it… Magento couldn't have saved her if Arthur had gone for a killing blow.

Magneto himself stood over to the side, and she couldn't tell if he approved or not.


"Well done, Arthur, you have quite the collection of powers, inexperienced as you may be," Magneto said calmly, making Arthur smile a little. "Not many can take down Mystique, despite her powers not being fully suited for outright combat."

"Honestly it was close, my gravity power is far more tiring to use than I expected," Arthur admitted.

"You are young, and still learning to control your powers. Such drawbacks are expected at this stage," Magento said, giving Arthur a pat on the shoulder. "I wished to speak with you tonight, but something has come up that requires my attention. Eat, rest up. We will speak in the morning," Magneto said, making her pause.

Something had come up to pull his attention away from his new pet project? She could only guess at what, but it wasn't a long list.

Arthur wasn't the only potentially extremely powerful mutant in this base, and as Magento left she briefly worried that Wanda was having another… episode.

"So, how did it feel to lose to an inexperienced teenager?" Arthur asked once they were alone, making her roll her eyes as she straightened her dress.

"You realise that in a real fight, I'd have killed you?" Mystique retorted, his eyebrow raising. "I normally have weapons of my own, and you heavily telegraph where you're going to teleport to. I'd just have shot you in the head the second you did your little cloning trick."

"Perhaps, but this was just a friendly spar, one that I won," Arthur said, his eyes roaming her body. "So, do I get my prize?"

She was tempted to tell him to fuck off, and if they weren't trying to recruit him she would, but at the end of the day she wasn't so prudish.

It wasn't like she hadn't slept with targets before, sex was just a tool when it was with anyone but Irene, and if Irene didn't want her to get fucked perhaps she shouldn't have run away without saying anything.

He was a teenage boy anyway, probably a virgin, he'd last about a minute with a real woman, especially one with skills like hers.

"You'll get your prize, don't worry. I'll show you where the cafeteria is, you can have dessert afterwards," Mystique promised with a sultry tone, changing her strategy despite her injured pride.

He'd beaten her, and was probably feeling pretty proud of himself, so he'd be more vulnerable to flattery, stroking his ego and libido equally.

"I admit, I underestimated you. Perhaps you are worth all that trouble, time will tell." Mystique said, turning and walking away, a pronounced sway to her hips.

He might regret winning, regular girls wouldn't live up to his memories of his night with her.

— Arthur King —

My gravity power isn't that impressive, but all my clones get my powers. A dozen me's all using the same power makes even a weak power dangerous.

Crush Mystique indeed, and without a single blow to my real body.

Oni Lee you crazy beautiful bastard, now I understand why you and Lung alone managed to hold off the Empire and Protectorate for so long, despite being hilariously outnumbered.

Unlike Blink, Seeing Double doesn't feel nearly as tiring to use, what a cheat ability. Though I do think if I practise I can definitely lower the stamina cost of my powers.

Quest Complete

All Objectives Completed

Rewards: Three Pulls. One Advantage Token.

Advantage Tokens allow you to roll twice when you pull, taking the better rarity item.

Feat Achieved 

[Defeat Mystique]

One Pull Granted.

Four rolls, with one having better odds for, a spar?

…it's still my worst day, so I'm extremely suspicious of how well things seem to be going.

Mystique leads me to a rather large cafeteria, which is odd, because I haven't seen anyone else on this base yet but I know the Brotherhood is fairly large, from what I've heard about them.

I wonder where everyone else is?

"I need to speak to Magneto, I take it you can find your own way back to your room?" Mystique asks, making me nod as I start making myself something to eat, not realising how hungry I was.

I'm pretty good at directions and Noctis Cape means I can remember the exact path we took.

"I'll be fine, thank you," I reply, taking a seat.

"Then eat up, you'll need the energy for your dessert," Mystique says with a sultry tone, moving behind me and pressing her body against mine, placing a kiss on my neck.

I can feel her hardened nipples pressing into my back, but she's a shapeshifter, faking arousal would be the easiest thing imaginable.

I'm pretty sure she's faking her sudden personality shift, trying to flatter my ego. Probably to try and make me want to stick around with the Brotherhood.

I watch her walk away, hiding my suspicion as I admire her swaying ass, making her give me a sultry smile as she looks back at me before she goes out of sight.

I don't trust her, but damn is she hot. 

What she doesn't realise is that she's an afterthought in my prize, the cherry on top of the cake I won.

She's enticing, but I need power, and that takes priority over pussy. 


Result: Rare Perk, Common Knowledge, Common Perk, Common Power

[To the Victor…]

Might makes right, the strong get what they want. If you defeat a man in combat, their love interest will find you more attractive and lose some of their interest in their lover. If you defeat a woman, they will find you more attractive regardless of their preferences, and people won't find it odd if you claim them as the spoils of war.

[Painting Mastery: Apprentice]

You are a talented painter, with the equivalent knowledge of having practised for a few years.

[Charming Smile]

You have a really nice smile, the kind that puts people at ease and makes the girls blush a little.

[Target Acquisition] 

Anyone within a radius around you will glow any colour you want. They can even be seen through walls or if they're invisible. All parts of this power are toggleable, and you can lower your range however you want. You can decide if others can see the glow, or if you only want specific people to see it.

Okay, I kinda wanted a superpower but I guess the Gacha thinks pussy is more important than power.

Well, at least my newest power should help me against invisible ambushers, which I'm just assuming this world has. Mystique herself gains a faint purple glow which only I can see, watching her through the wall until she disappears, having left my relatively short range. 

Again, training will make it better.

I'm guessing my new perk isn't retroactive, so it shouldn't affect Mystique, but hey at least getting laid won't be hard when I get stronger.

It's kinda rapey, I suppose it's technically a master power, but I can think of some uses for it when it comes to female threats, and it does seem to be toggleable.

Reaching my room, I'm not particularly surprised to find her in my bed, waiting for me as she gives me a sultry look.

The dress she was wearing is gone, draped over a chair across the room leaving her in nothing but her birthday suit as she stretches out.

Her nipples are a darker shade of blue, and her breasts seem a cup size or two larger than they were earlier, and her slit is topped by a small strip of red hair, already wet as she beckons my forwards with a crooked finger.

"You want your prize, and I want this too. So let's not waste any time," Mystique says with a hungry look in her eyes as I approach, admittedly somewhat nervous.

I am a virgin after all.

As I get closer, she grips my top and pulls me onto the bed, divesting me of my top in short order.

"Don't look so nervous, where is your earlier bravado?" Mystique asks, pushing me onto my back as she undoes my belt, pulling my jeans and boxers down.

"Probably the same place as your earlier bitchiness," I retort, making her chuckle as she mounts me, gripping my admittedly rock-hard cock and lining herself up, hovering just an inch above it.

"This is your first time, isn't it?" Mystique asks, already knowing the answer as she lowers herself enough for the tip of my cock to touch her slit, rubbing herself against it briefly. "Don't worry, I'll make it a memorable one." 

With that, she slams her hips down and takes my entire length into her with one single movement, my hands automatically moving to her hips as she moans quietly, snatching away my virginity.

I'm still worried about my worst day curse, waiting for the other shoe to drop, because things are going too well.

Smirking down at me, she starts to bounce on my cock, making all kinds of lewd, sexual sounds which she's almost definitely faking.

I can't say I care, the feeling of her pussy clenching down on my cock entirely too distracting, she's unbelievably tight and hot.

"You know, after losing your virginity to a shapeshifter, I might just spoil you for other girls. A normal pussy can't compare to mine," Mystique whispers, bracing herself with one hand on my chest as one of my hands makes its way to her firm backside. "And normal girls can't do this."


With that, she shifts as her skin turns from blue to a chocolate brown, her short red hair growing long and white.

I recognise the woman as the one who arrived with the metal man who got tossed into the ether, though I don't know her name as Mystique moans lewdly.

"Storm used to call herself a Goddess, but as arrogant as she was, you can't deny her pussy is divine," Mystique moans, moving one of my hands to 'Storm's' large dark breast, before she shifts again.

She shrinks this time, becoming even tighter as she turns white, her hair becoming brown with a streak of white.

"Rogue is a rebellious little girl, running away from me to join Xavier's little band of do-gooders, but that's a teenage daughter for you, Sugah," Mystique says, her accent gaining a southern twang as my eyes widen.

She's impersonating her (extremely hot) daughter in bed? This woman has issues.

But before I can think about that, she switches again, her hair turning red as a familiar face stares down at me.

Rolling us over so I'm on top, she hooks one leg around my waist as 'Miss Romanov' stares up at me.

"The Black Widow always did have a high opinion of herself, I bet she's seething that you got away," Mystique giggles, her accent becoming somewhat Russian. 

I speed up, no longer passive as I start to thrust into the bitch who shot me in the back, making Mystique laugh.

"Ooh, we've found a favourite, go ahead Arthur, fuck this slutty spy into the bed, don't hold back, I can take it," Mystqiue whispers, her arms wrapping around me and pulling me close enough for her to capture my lips in a rough kiss.

She tastes good, surprisingly sweet for such a salty bitch. She can try to hide it but she was pissed I won our little game.

I can feel her nails digging into my back, but a little pain isn't enough to deter me, adding to the pleasure as the bed shakes from the intensity of my thrusts.

I wish I could say that I can last hours, but given that it's my first time it's no real surprise when I feel my first climax approaching after what seems like ten minutes or so, Mystique's leg tightening around my waist to prevent me from pulling out as she gives me a smirk.

"That's it, don't hold back," Mystique says encouragingly, her own moans picking up, whether she's faking them or not. "You don't have to pull out, pump your load right inside me."

It doesn't take too much more for me to be pushed over the edge, her pussy tightening down on my cock as I groan, thrusting forwards and doing exactly that, blowing my load inside her waiting cunt.

Thrusting a few more times, each thrust causing another spurt, I sigh, unsurprised when she immediately pushes me off her, shifting back to her normal form as she gets out of the bed, uncaring of the cum that's already leaking down her leg.

"I hope you aren't expecting a round two, I said you could fuck me if you won, now you have. I hope you enjoy the memories because you are never getting this again," Mystique says, her sultry tone dropping immediately as she pulls her dress back on. 

"Nah, thanks for the fuck but I'll be fine. Power attracts, so I doubt getting laid will be hard for me," I say dismissively, making her very briefly pause.

I can be a dick as well, two can play at this game.

She scoffs, leaving the room as I lay back and laugh.

I'm definitely going to find a way to fuck her again, just to prove to her that I can. It's a pride thing now.

Besides, she unknowingly gave me a gift better than sex.

Feats Achieved

[Lose your Virginity] [Fuck Mystique]

Two Pulls Granted

I got one for beating her, and one for fucking her. Does that mean my best way to get pulls would be to either fight or fuck villainesses and heroines? To fight heroes and villains?

Because if so then my course is set, I need to get into as many fights with 'important' characters as possible, using [To The Victor] to get the female ones into my bed.

Mystique won't give me a second pull for another round, so she's not a priority. 

Plus I think it will genuinely drive her mad if I don't seem interested in a repeat.

…now where did she say her rebellious teenage daughter was again? And where is that Spiderman? 

Yes, I'm that petty.


Result: Rare Magic Tome, Minor Curse (5 Pity Points Added)

[Tome of Scrying (Astral School)]

Source: Age of Wonders 4

[Minor Curse of Gluttony] 

You have a hunger that cannot be satiated, growing stronger if you are not eating almost constantly, until it is overpowering, making you willing to devour anything in your path.


A magic tome I can't use without hurting myself, and a curse that's already making my stomach start to growl, demanding feeding?

How nice.

[Feed your Gluttony]

Objectives: Feast until your hunger is satisfied (0/100), eat meals made by a master chef (0/10), eat rare types of food (0/10)

Reward: Minor Curse of Gluttony transforms into a perk 

Fuck, I'm hungry.

…now where was that cafeteria?

— Next Day — 

If Magneto is put off by my eating as he speaks, he doesn't show it, as he continues explaining his goals.

"Humanity will never share their home with another race, they can barely stand themselves, let alone a race of genetically superior beings such as us," Magneto says condescendingly, his hatred of humanity clear to see. "They kill each other over race, religion, imaginary borders, and they fear us. They see our powers and envy us, knowing they are inferior, fearing and hating mutants for it."

"But you don't want to wipe them all out?" I ask, making him laugh.

"I would not mourn humanity's passing, but no. My goal is as it has always been, to create a place for our people to thrive, away from humanity," Magneto says, amused. "I'm sure the human media have told you that I plan to genocide their entire race, they are mistaken or outright lying."

"And this Xavier disagrees with you?" 

"Indeed. Charles is an optimist, he believes that peaceful coexistence between our two kinds is possible, that distancing ourselves from the humans will only add to the fear of our kind," Magneto explains, shaking his head. "He means well, but his plans are misguided. His 'X-men' were made to show humanity that mutant powers could be used for good, but even if they gain the approval of humanity, it will only be while they are useful. Why should we have to vie for humanity's approval? We owe humanity nothing, I will not have our kind reduced to begging for their acceptance."

I can't deny he's got a point.

"And yet, you have committed acts of terrorism, unfair media coverage aside," I point out, making him nod.

"It is better to be feared than loved. I've destroyed facilities where they were experimenting on our kind, or where they were making weapons to exterminate us. I've had senators pushing for us to be collared and numbered killed, to make it clear we will not submit to their demands," Magneto says unapologetically. "And my Brotherhood has many members who hold grudges. Those who had their own families or communities turn on them simply because they were born with an X-gene, sometimes they lash out and their actions are seen as my orders. It is inevitable. My Brotherhood was made to take in such cases, those unwelcome in humanity's world, that don't buy into Charles' dream."

He doesn't sound overly fussed about his people 'lashing out'.

"And you want me to join you in trying to make this nation for mutants," I say, making him nod easily.

"I do. Humanity will not accept mutants finding a place for our own, they will see us as a threat and try to crush our home before we can even begin," Magneto declares, clear passion in his tone. "I will need strong allies and followers to hope to be able to drive them off, to show them that we will not be so easily subjugated. You defeated Mystique, an old and experienced mutant, on your first day of having your powers, and you will only grow stronger. The human government will not permit someone who can grow indefinitely to exist freely, already they try to collar you on trumped up charges. If you were a regular human and killed that petty thug with a gun, you'd have been seen as a hero, but because you are a mutant they sent one of the worlds best assassins after you, along with dozens of agents."

"I'm not making any decisions immediately. Joining you would basically kill any chance I have of not being wanted," I admit, making him nod.

"Of course, such decisions should not be made lightly, and you are still young. I would suggest at least speaking to Charles. He has the connections to help you clear your current legal troubles. I do not want you to immediately and publicly declare yourself a member of the Brotherhood, only to consider what I have said and help me make a true place for our people, to use your growing powers to protect our kind," Magneto explains as I pause.

He thinks I should talk to his 'opponent'? Undoubtedly listening to this Xavier's sales pitch? 

That's not very… villainous of him. I do notice that Mystique, who has been lingering around like a bad spell, snaps her head to him when he says that, surprise clear.

"I'll do that, as regardless of anything else it'd be nice to be able to go outside without getting openly hunted down," I admit, making him nod approvingly at my unspoken words.

If they really want me, they won't let legality stop them. I'll still be hunted, but now that I know that fighting gives pulls, that doesn't seem so bad.

Charles Xavier, the optimist. Magneto, the extremist. Two sides I can't fully agree with.

I like the idea of Xavier's dream, but in reality? Humanity isn't accepting, not of themselves and certainly not of another race.

But while the idea of a mutant-only nation is also appealing, Magneto isn't saying everything, I'm not naive enough to think his goals are truly as benevolent as he makes them sound.

War would be inevitable, and he'd probably declare himself the ruler of mutant-kind.

"I will-" Magneto starts before the base shakes, his eyes narrowing before they widen, a hint of fear within them.

Before I can ask what's going on, one of the walls bursts apart, strange red energy hovering in the air as a figure stands on the other side, radiating power as my eyes widen.

I'm sorry, did my power just say this chick is a stupidly powerful reality warper and chaos mage? 

The girl looks about my age, long brown hair glowing as she sparks with that red energy, Magneto standing.

"Wanda, you shouldn't be-" Magneto starts, cautiously, cutting off as the red energy pulses.

"Shouldn't be what, father, out of my cell?" Wanda asks, her voice reverberating, sounding like several women talking at once.

He goes to speak, before the entire room shudders and shakes, her eyes, glowing with red light, locking onto me.

"What's this? My replacement? Your new weapon?" Wanda asks, Magento frowning at his daughter. "Is that why you locked me away, threw away the key? Because you didn't need me anymore?"

"He is neither, you were locked up because you can't control your powers, because you lost control and hurt those around you too many times, Pietro barely survived your last outbreak," Magneto says, caution in his tone.

His words, reasonable sounding to me, don't calm Wanda, the energy pulsing again.

I knew things were going too well, as her eyes don't leave me, drilling holes into my skull as she tilts her head slightly.

"Liar," Wanda says simply, lifting a hand towards me.

Several things happen at once, Mystique having snuck behind Wanda jabs her with a needle, the energy blasting the shapeshifter back as several of the tables and benches warped to bind Wanda, but not before that same energy rushed towards me.

I try to teleport away, blinking to the other side of the room as the energy rapidly changes directions, hunting me down and growing faster.

My reaction times fail me, and as the bolt strikes me, the world goes topsy-turvy, everything spinning as my stomach protests.

Landing flat on my face, I give out a laugh as I realise it didn't kill me, looking up before I pause.

Looking around my surroundings, I scratch my chin idly as I ask myself a simple question.

Where the fuck am I?

Feats Achieved

[Gain a Rival (Scarlet Witch)] [Infiltrated a HYDRA Base without being seen]

…what's a Hydra? Let's hope it's not the mythical creature. Or maybe I should be hoping that it is, because this looks like a secret base.


Result: Common Astral Plane, Legendary Power

[Terrain: Ocean] 


You can choose anyone you can see (even through pictures or recordings) and become them, gaining their looks, accent and skills (including powers, however powers are scaled down to Epic rank if they are above it). You do not gain their memories, and making physical contact with the person you are impersonating will break your masquerade.

Wanda, I could kiss you, you probably insane lunatic with entirely too much power. If I don't die because you punted me to some different secret base, I just might.

Or I'll try to beat you for rolls, we'll see.

The ability to become anyone, when the entire world seems to know my face? To copy powers?

Oh, I also gained a massive ocean in an astral plane, but that's kinda useless because I'd just drown if I tried to go there because there's nothing but water.

But that's not important, now… where am I?

Quest Added

[Escape the HYDRA base]

Objective: Escape the base without being captured

Optional Objectives: ???, ???, ???

Rewards: ???

Well, time to get to work.

— Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) —

Sitting in her room in the Shield base, she tapped her finger against the desk.

She had failed. She was supposed to bring in the new Omega Level Mutant before either Xavier or Magneto could grab them, not even mentioning the several other groups who sniffed around for him.

He'd been right there in front of her, and she'd failed.

She'd messed up by trying to stun him, but they knew he could teleport (seemingly within his line of sight) and she was very good at reading people.

Arthur was completely on edge, if she'd so much as called out to him he'd have jumped, and it was irritating to try and pin down a teleporter.

No, the failure hadn't been her attempt to stun him, it was in alerting him in the first place. 

She didn't know how, but he'd immediately noticed that she wasn't what she seemed, she'd seen it out of the corner of her eye.

He took one look at her when she got closer and immediately got spooked, and she could tell it was her that alerted him not Clint. 

His eyes locked onto her, and while that wasn't unusual when it came to teenage boys, it wasn't lust that had him staring at her but paranoia.

In a single glance, she'd been made as a threat. That had never happened, not with other agents, with supervillains, with terrorist organisations she almost never got made until she was ready, and yet…

She, a graduate of the Red Room, the Black Widow with hundreds of successful operations under her belt, got made by a teenage boy who'd had his powers for hours.

She didn't like failing, but she understood it was inevitable sometimes. Even the best couldn't control everything, especially when powers were involved, but this failure struck deep at her pride.

Fury was less than thrilled that Arthur had escaped, especially since some political pressure from above was apparently being directed to get them to back off, though whether it was Xavier or Hellfire trying to push them out, she didn't know.

Which meant she had a very limited amount of time to find and bring him in, while the director was still fighting against the pressure from their shadowy council bosses. 

She failed once, but the Black Widow wouldn't fail again.

Author’s Note: Sorry Mystique, but while Arthur’s luck isn’t Sett level, Oni Lee is bullshit.

You’re just lucky Arthur didn’t have any grenades, because with Oni Lee, suicide (bombing) is the answer.



79, 5 (Rare Perk)

[To the Victor…]

Might makes right, the strong get what they want. If you defeat a man in combat, their love interest will find you more attractive and be more open to being claimed as the spoils of battle, losing their interest in their lover. If you defeat a woman, nobody will find it too unusual or wrong for you to take them as the spoils of war and they will find you more attractive regardless of their preferences.


28, 3 (Common Knowledge)

[Painting Mastery: Apprentice]

You are a talented painter, with the equivalent knowledge of having practised for a few years.


48, 5 (Common Perk)

[Charming Smile]

You have a really nice smile, the mind that puts people at ease and makes the girls blush a little.

Floof, Marbled Menace

73, 4 (Rare Magic)

[Tome of Scrying (Astral School)]

Source: Age of Wonders 4


10 (Minor Curse)

[Minor Curse of Gluttony] 

You have a hunger that cannot be satiated, growing stronger if you see not eating almost constantly until it is overpowering, making you willing to devour anything in your path.


45, 1 (Common Astral)

[Terrain: Ocean] 


96, Legendary Power (rolled without being asked, accepted anyway but bumped down a rank because Arthur needs the help)


You can choose anyone you can see (even through pictures or recordings) and become them, gaining their looks, accent and skills (including powers, however powers are scaled down to Epic rank if they are above it). You do not gain their memories and making physical contact with the person you are impersonating will break your masquerade.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, add my (The Pumpkin King#1234) and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally started to use my pat reon for something, mostly I’ve just added some discord integration so that my pat reons can read early previews of chapters. This won’t affect regular posting, but if you wanna read my works a day or two early then consider checking it out

Link: Pat reon. com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts