
Shinsengumi Scenarios

An alternate male Okita, one that had been cast away after history deviated. "Eh!? So that's how you do it!" Due to learning another technique deviating history. Okita has been cast off as a counter guardian.

jewby_jube · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

It has been some time since I arrived in this strange world. With creatures as dark as the night sky. And a shattered moon. I stared as the boy in front of me continued to strike with his blade. A few tilts and a slight dislodgment cause him to tumble onto his back.

"I still can't manage a single hit can I Okita-san?"

I stared at him "I'll be surprised if anyone here can even manage to challenge me. I'm only here for a quick mission and then I'll leave."

"Jaune, I'll be leaving on business, so good luck in using what I taught you to enter this Beacon place."

Jaune opened his mouth a bit before I vanished. A trace of the beast had appeared. "Nothing, where is it hiding? What beast is it?"

I sighed as the traces lead to nowhere. I guess it was time to turn to info brokers.


Interlude: Junior

That boy, no, man with the face of a cute handsome boy, walked in without a single care in the world. His very presence was otherworldly, his presence dictated respect. He was weaponless, yet he could cut if he so wished. Senses sharpened from dealings with customers gave you that intuition.

That dull look in his eyes disappeared as the killing machine disappeared "Hello! Okita-san here!" He was cheerful, beyond cheerful, nothing like the look that belonged to someone who had slaughtered many people. "I hear that you're one of the best info-brokers in the whole of vale and you know everything!"

I smiled, someone finally recognised his greatness. "You see I need your cooperation regarding my main purpose. And If you help me, I'll help you! Fair trade no?!"

I froze, no this was someone who came here to demand something with the whim of helping him while they were at it. "What do you want and what can you do?"

He smiled "Yatta! Thank you! I need you to inform me if any presence enters vale, it's something you would recognise immediately. It would be great if you could throw in a bowl of noodles or a part time job."

He held out a small bottle of mist. The room seized up. This was no ordinary mist, it made the grimm look like small infants. This belongs to someone, a danger that I'm hunting. "All I need you to do is to inform me if anything even remotely resembles this enters vale."

I nodded but didn't take it "So what can you offer me?" I asked. I did not know what this individual was capable of. "Hmm, I could work for you part time, and so long as it doesn't violate my moral code I'll help you hmm?"

"So what do you do?" I asked.

"Combat related aspects, I have no qualm with killing those who deserve it."

The two twins smirked before lunging at the guest. It took less than a split second. Invisible to the naked eye. It was not human. Their aura had been bypassed as they fell down like lifeless puppets. There it was, a blade so beautiful like a white flower bathed in blood. In that small instant, the blade had been drawn and their tendons had been cut.

The twins twitched as they stared at the man who had spared them.

"I hope this is some proof? Although I was surprised my luck finally got me somewhere."

He hummed as I took the bottle. He smiled as flowers seemed to bloom "Okita Souji, Captain of the Shinsengumi at your service."

I smiled, this was going to be a good partnership. I turned back "You still want that bowl of noodles?"

His smile brightened "I'll throw in a few sweets as well."

I stared at the two twins who were slowly healing from their aura. Only a single thought popped up in my mind.

"Get good."


I had discovered that mana existed in this world as well, and something called a knowledge relic or something like that existed. Although the place where it was kept seemed to be keyed in on a specific signature.

Raven Branwen was the first I noticed and the first to have the same mana signature as the one near the place where so called relic was kept. Supposedly it was all knowing, something that could help in locating the beast if not finding it instantly. Other information sources had confirmed that Raven was a bandit, someone whose life would not be missed if said person was accidentally hit by a stray blade...

Yep, although I'd have to see how much of a threat these maidens posed. Supposedly maidens and the old wizard are the only ones with mana. How did I obtain this information? Spirit form is a really huge advantage in sneaking stuff.


Raven had moved within my range of presence detection. It seems like it's time to question our mystery magus or maiden.


It seems they had started the raid. I'm sure they won't be sad if a few of their numbers went missing. The fire crackled as people screamed. Three of the bandits had spotted me and my blade as they charged at me. Although people wouldn't really classify them. Irritant space occupying garbage. Trash to be thrown out.

Their heads dropped before they could register their own deaths. There was nothing exciting about this, nor was it sad. It was mundane, a mundane task of cleaning the trash.


Interlude: Raven

The raid was going so well, that was until a few of the bandits returned looking like they had been scared shitless. "Raven, there's a huntsman here I think, he's eliminating all us one by one like crazy. You can't even get within ten meters until your head gets lopped right off!"

I stilled and thought. "What does he look lik-" I need not finish the sentence as the man and the tribe members near him all fell down as their heads rolled. From the flickering flames a figure walked through, each step the flames died down as the smoke cleared.

Pale wheat hair, dull gold eyes and a blue haori with white mountain peaks. "Raven Branwen, I'll require your presence in retrieving something called the Relic of Knowledge." Some more tribe members rushed from behind. They died all the same, yet his eyes never betrayed a hint of any emotion. I wasn't the best person and the most morally right person but even I felt something.

No he did not see them as human, and the only reason I was alive was because he saw me as something he needed. "I need your mana signature to retrieve something that I require for my goal." I stared "Do you at least know where it is?" He nodded "I know exactly where it is, so all you need to do is to accompany me. After all the mana signature seems to be keyed to you."

He spoke in terms foreign to me, however I could understand that he was someone new to the war between Ozpin and Salem.

"You help me, and I'll help you."

I bit my lip, but if there was one thing I needed, protection.

"Protection, for ma bond with me and If I need help you'll come."

He nodded "Very well." He gave a hand however from the corner of my eye I saw Vernal aiming an anti-huntsmen rifle with rounds meant to penetrate aura.

She fired. A loud resounding bang rang along the empty cackling flames. The man's head jolted down. He was not dead. He rubbed the back of his head as a child had thrown a baseball ball at his head.

"Stop Vernal, he's a business partner."


I stood in front of a school where the presence of the other mana signature that seemed to key into her mana was. She stared at me "This is Haven Academy..." I nodded "Didn't know that but now I know."

She hissed "This is Haven Academy where they train future huntsmen and huntresses." I nodded again "Thanks for the history lesson but I have no idea why you're telling me this." She groaned "We're going through a backdoor right?"

I kept walking towards the gate

"We're going through the backdoor right?" Her voice cried with desperation.


I looked back "I'm going through the entrance like everyone else does."